.need, Anyone who so desires rnay rnake use. of this funeral bhome. It was created for. the use. of- those we ser-ve. Our Mortuàry is Eqàuipped, wth a Pipe Organ "The House of Personcil Service" 1118 GREIENLEAF AVE~. WIL MEMTE654 554 CENTER ST. WINNETKA 404l The, Ol.dest. Established Undertakers -on:fte immediate iVorth Shore Supcrior Amnbulancée Seivice. Liceftsed :Lady Assistan t FtttrePredents Need t. Be Kept Warni Join the hundreds of Wilmiette niothers who arc safe-guar-ding(. the health of their children by keeping their homes warn and comfortable. Fuel purchased from us iS cleaii, convenient and econ0rnieal, and maintains that uniform temiperature Iua*iai on COA L HEA T7'GOS FS LESS! Wilmgliette Coal é Materlial Yard., 1301 LAKE AVENUE PHONE WILMETTE 4200 6 1740 Tw.Iftb Street Phono Wimette 691-696>, 'I