Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 38

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Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. 17,71 Sherman Ave. . Uni. 2600 99LTrN44-ltc WANT1ED. TO REN'r 6 OR 7 ROOMI H1OUSE, $60 TO $70. Evanstonor north, responlsible,faily of 3. Write A-74j, Box 40, Wilmnette, SMALL HOUSE, 6 RMS., OR,6 RMS. and .slpg. Porch, bath and garage. Preferably east side Wilmette. Quiet neighborhood.. $60, WiImette 1465.- q9LTN44-ltp, WANTED «t- SMALL 4O 5 ROOM bungalowý on west aide of Wllmette. $30, good- references Cali Briargate 2957. L-ltp il1 FOR SALZ-HOUSES IN INDIAN'HIIL OVERLOOKING ESTATE PRtOPERTY,, we are offering a brick Coloniîal on 100-foot wooded lot. Four cross- ventllated famiiy bedrooms, 2 baths, car garage. Truc Colonial charm ln this ideal setting for~ only $25,000. Quinlani & Tyson, Inc. 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2600 l11LTN44-Itc A HOME AT TODAY'S PRICE 15 A fine inveýstment. We recomniend aniong others the foliowing: î')rmi. brick., fruit trees- $C.000 7 rni. stucco, 2 baths *1 $8.501 6 ri. brick., tile bath, 2-car 9. )000 New 7 rm. brick, 2 bath.s, oil ht. $12000J Mathew Francia Photo' vhcn AMrs.. John Prehn, 225 Catalpa Place demontratedlier girlhiood pastime toi/wth pupils of fioutard school lait week, she met uwth mnuch enthui- .isWsm, Gros ped aroutnd the spiinning tuheel from lef t ta righit are Patsy. Flynnw aiiin, 1Eiabeth Loierg4sn, Mrs. Prehti, JMaurisse May, -and Chtaries Beringýer, Airs, Prehn's grandson. Health Center NewsJ The niew adi examini ly need patien People1 te Health center has a i the way of a doctor's n, which has been great- the priv.acv of both loctors. We invite the nette to visit this rooni Asséclate Alumùnae Will Eleet Oficers The annual meeting and election of. officers of the Associate alumnae of Northwestern uni'versity -will take place Friday afternoon, March 17, in~ Harris hall at 3 o'clock. This ivill bc followed by a mnu§ical program and tea at which the past presidents of the association will be hostesses. Menibers of the Associate alumnae j As secretary of Park iodge,. No. 843, A. F and A. M., and past highi *priest of Park chapter, No. 213, K., A. M.,. Mr. Craig hiad been active in.i Masonîc circles.- He %vas a ninember. *of the First Congregational chur-ch of Witmétte.. Surviving him gre lus widow, MNrs. Florence Easter Craig, also a pioneer resident, of the north side, one daugh - ter, Virginia, one. son, Raymond E. Craig .of Wilmette, and a,,sister,,Mrs: John D..Cleveland of Rogers Park., Masonîic funeral rites %vere con- ducted for 'Mr. Craig W %,edneàday. afternoon- at the Rogers, Park Ma- sonic temple,. 1716 Lunt avenue, Chii- cago., JMallinck rodt Newsl (Published for the 'Malliiickrodt Catholic Hligiz School foi- Girls in WInette) The aninual retreat for the >tuflents of 'lhle Mallinckrodit Nvas conduicted last week, February 28, March i 1and 2, under the direction of Rvrn Jolini F: Walshi, S. J., of Loyola uni- ver.sitv. Eaçh day's program was ini- troduiced with Hloly Mlass, during which the inaiority of the retreatanits bathq. on second floor; library, large ruinu. Will trade fordeibl smaller hoine on liasis of accessed valuation. No cash needed. 'Frances T.1 \\Tjîscott .02 Spruce s't. Winnetka .12267, WHIT1-1E COLONIAL4 ,.alucieu iilaaa itfl.flt, *vÂU, ii Cu, froi to 3 o'clock. Dr. GeorgeWag- nèr~vil e ii hare darng r.Ju1u~ Jean Kuhi, 030 Maple aveniue, will novak' aben che. rn D. ultsbe the guest o ltCrowc, Jr., 0oi Novaks absnce.Kenilivorth at the inid-wiinter . festi- The date of the next Infant Welfare dv. a Lk octaacwSt clinic will be WVednesday atron 0 March 22, fromi 2:30 to 4 :30. ____ Mr. and Mrs. Jolin C. Carter, 33(1 i'heextHeath entr dnta cînicSterling road, Kenlilworth. left ltues- The1 bexo t eay momeniîr denflrom 9day' for a threc .weeks' vacation at i, eo usaymrigfon9Sarasotfa. Fia. BUYS ALL, clothing aý furs, Cal es; aise ire. Pho itil perso)nality and his extraordisnary power of ca-rring over hiis ideas. to hits listeners. The great entliisiasni thiat wvas o'î by all at the close of the retreat gave evidence that the in- spiring conferences and instructionis niade a dlep> impiression. Thiese tliree days Nvi1 liniger long in the memories of the students. Mir. andi Mrs. Charles T. Chandler of Treprt.TIl.. fornîj'rlv of TC.nil. - -O- - -Miss Florence Butz, 802 Winnetka, entertained her bridge bridge club tomorrow, club. Tuesday at luncheon. There wilIl be two tables. ?Lake ave- riday night, March 10.

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