Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 36

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Deadinefor nsetion - Iaseiiedadvetisrnens wll forC Deadlne fo Insetions ed'7 advto.eent9wP.!)L for- WILmET.TE LIFE or..ail three papers; Wednesday é: P. M. o WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 P., M. for . GLENCON E iWS. Telephiones: ýWllaette 4300. Wlnnetka 2000, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 6887. S 1.05? AND FOUND WILL PARTY WHIO TOOKC BROWN Suede Bag by mistakte fromn Wlnnetka Woman's Club Tues&, Feb. 28, please returh keys'and ring. Valued keep- sake. 723,Foxdiaie Ave., Wlnnetka.. LOST-S MALE FOX TERRIER; black a.nd white; answers to "Nlppy." Tan harness.- If found please eall Kenilworth 6191. Rewa.rd. 3LT44-ltp LOST-FEB. 27, PO)RTABLE TYPE-, writer ln case on -Sheridan Rd. -in, Kenilworth. Ph. Kenilworth 4742. 3LTN44î-ltp a ACCOUNTINQ Acjcoýuting &»pokIieopIng . Service, Income Tax & Ftnancial Statemnerts Fuil or part time. Exper. Reasona hie. 1163 Greenbay Rd., GIen.coe.. Ph. 883. 6Lr44ltp te muBINEES manVICE MAI<E zies ai edo WILL' MAKE ýAN EARLCY, SPRING dress. Remodeling, repalring, and a]- terations.' CLAIRE MODISTE, Win- netka 147.. l.122LTN42-4tp EFvergre.ens,. .Reasonable Junipers, Spruce, Colorado. Blue Spruce, Mugio Pine, Firs, PyramitalisArbor Vitae, Pines, etc. 1231 Tower R.oad Hubbard Woods Wlnnetka 1334 27L44-1 tn GENERAL LANDSCAPE AND GARLDEN WOUK Coktract, or. b y hour. Best rete. Reason- able price. WIImeétte 1691. 27LTN44-ltp HOME MAOE F000 PRODLICTS SUNSHINE CAKE FOR THE 3CHILDREN eýse cakes contain no leaverils frshorange ............. pple.......... ............. and Silver cake, large ....... I food, large size...... 1...... i 522 center St.'Wlnnetka 2té62 LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confldentlal. srvice, legs! rates. MOTOR LOAN CO.:> State Bank Bldg., 4vanston Ore..3200 65LTN36mtfc et SITUAIOoN WANTrgD>-FEMALC WOULD, LIKE _TO.PLACE 9ýMy -FA- tIher's nurse, who »ha. had hospital trainIng. Wl!! act as motherls helper with child'ren. God ref. Phone Win- netka 2523,. 6OL44-ltp EXPERIENCED NO>RWEGIAN GIRL wishes position as cook or general housework' Excellent ref. Phone Win.: netka .2477. L4-t EXPERIENCED COOK OR GENERLAL work by,> week or dey.! North shore referencesfurnlshed. Wlnnetka 505-J. EXPAI'I. SWJ1WISH1WOMAN WISHIES, general houqework o~r cooking. North shorê e re.*; Phone Wnaetka 38, as for Lydia. 68L44-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITTE WOMAN wantsgeneral housework, full or part timne. Phone Wlnnetka 3218. 68L44-Itp) GENERAL HOUS1EWORK. A-1 MAID and good cook. Ph. Kenilworth 2894. 68L44-ltp EXPERIENCED WOMAN W ANT S laundry or cieaning by the day. References. Cali Wilnette 4288 after 6:?,0. 68LTN44-ltp) COMPETENT H19LP YOUNG MAN-25 by old established nes. Shouid ha college eduication perlence. . Wlnné Giencoe. resident outllne of experiel 40, wimette, Ili. PART TIME *.GA. chang for deta Light, gas and objections 10 famn TO 30--WITH CAR, ,d firn, to learn busi- ave.at least 2 years iand somne sales ex- étka, 'Kenilworth, or, ce, preferred.:.Write ence. Write A-70. Box ie garage> hnte., àat furnfished. No Ph. Glencoe. 547.. 73 HELP WTD.-mmLiE ANO FEMALg 7 T 10 OT for experlenced domnestic couples. PAULINE'S: 2Center S;t. Winn. 2662-3017, 77 FOR SALE-Autos $100 'CRE IT ON 1933 CHE-VROLET, any model. Wl!! sacrifice for $45 caih. Winnetka 885.,7L4-t CARS WASHED $1, Wire wheeis extra 25e Except on Fords and Chevroletq Complete Repair Service FOR ALL CARS AT REDUCED PRICES WVERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 165 81LTN43-4tp Ileasonable eE Rats, 1 P, J.. UBDELH( Paint, Paper1 rAT- SANITAS -AND CA 1or Reàs. Rrn. papei i-tfc r.walpbaper clE ýjd;,enamnee., S ,£ýk COMPETENT, RELIAB3I4 woman wants work by hour. References. Ph. Wl' A-NY KIND 0F WORK B-y or week. Eïxperienceed. S Englewood 2412, apt. No.1 GENERAL WORIC, COLOI nights. Fond of children. North Shore refs. Ph. D nnetka 66.* .82L44-ltlp M[ FOR RENT TO LADY KM- yed. Reasonable. Meais if desired. other roomers. Near transp. Ph. mnette 2419. 82LTN44-ltp NISHED l-) SINGLE RM., PRIVATE ily, reasonable. Ph. Winn. 1686. 921.44-1 .ý L) L, 1 IN i2 --) 1. : Wlnnetka 2662-3017 70LTN44-1,tci. 522 Center "o. lV l-m .44-ltC 1 ai - Lp 1

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