Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 35

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at the bottom~ of the inscrutable sea, the last frQntier! That reads like a dream. It was just that to J. E. Wil- liainson, some twexnty ycars ago wlîile a cartoonist on the -Virginian Pilot," of Norfolk, Va. But lie. turned thie,(lrcami ihtô, reality h,1y thé use of a metallic tube, invented, 1)y his f ather, which: makes a veritable 1hole ini the-sea.". Mr. ilinsn utilized .the sea studio iii the making 9,.' hlf a. dozen drarnas of, the ocean's floor, the latest and greatcst being '"With WVillianison Beneath the Sea , showing at the 'Peatro del L.ago u Thursday, Friday ânid Saturday, March .9, 10 and 11.> Froin'the watcry deptlis.of the glas studio, one can watch divers l)attle. those monsters,, the shark, and the iopus and see men exploring sunken ships forburied trasr . An artistic color seqtlence. reveals the beauty of Weust India'n fish-, coral and the fan- tastic featherv flora undersea. This picture is reçommne4 as informative and scientific. Fredric March Staris Fredric Marcli, young star who re- cently %%on the inost distinguished hionor the motion picture industry cari hestow, the award of the- Arademy-oi Motion Picture Arts~ and Sciences for the bcst performance of thé year, co- stars with Claudette Colbert, dark- eVcd, Frcnch-borni screeni beauty, in 'J'onight Is Ours,",screeni adaptation of a play by Noci Coward, whicli pligru ut the poor reterce fii a prison. football game. Besides bis job., sky- scraper-Wilndow-washitig, ,dynamn>ite- sorting and deep-sea-diving are as safe as canary-training or interior decorat- ing. That's why ini "Hold 'Em Jail," the comedy, coming to Conmunity- House this Fridajy and Satu rday,, there wvil1be elevenireferées inst ead of one oliciat- ing at the ".big game" for the '>n. tentiary Con fereiice Championship"-be- tween Bidemoire and LyniWood, prisons., SAs faâst as- one ref ere is put on the spot bY theélhappy -golucky .boys .in, denitm, another takes bis place. In the vanguard. of this laugli riot of t hings as, they could not possibi', be. in a prison, are Bert Wheeler and, Robert1 Woolsey,. Edna May Olive.r,- Rosco Ates, Warren Hymer, Paul Hurst and E.dgar Kennedy. Norman Taurog directed. Friday and Saturday will also, bring a Clark and McCullough laugh riot, "The Millionaire Cat." On Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21 and 22, Comm-unity flouse will ,pre- sent "The Animal Kingdom," starring Leslie Hloward, Anti Harding and Myrna Loy. tile blonde scr tutity to disp' n actress more oi ,y not only lier ai But Cromîwell,> with the excessive imiagifnation of the 'irrepressible.,artist, apparcntly forgot just whom hé 'vas directing 1 Ile said. briskly. to 011ç old ex-cou1- vict: "Now. lien they go to pût the shackle on your leg, you hold your leg firsit tis way, and.then that way. Séec! Thle old ek-convict looked at hini and remarke d'dryly; As ain Actor, Preston Poster Is.Good. iD. It isý getting so that Preston Foster cati't get the aromna of disitîfectants, chloroformn and miedicines out of his No sooner had lie finislied tinkering with test tubes and chiemicals as. a younig doctor in the nmystery melo-. drain, "Doctor X," than the Fiîrst Na- t-ional studio decided that the M. D. titie fitted him. He liow is an obste- trician in the maternity ward wilîi figures so largely iii the picture, "L.ife Begins." P. S.: Poster admits lie doesn't even- knowv how to bandage a sore fingerý Mickey Mouse-Comedy-Nows FrL., Mar. 10-11I-Ev. .only D I x un.-Tueis.. Mar. ýlfShowing romantic story; of cleveri intelligent people. It cetters around a girl of position who waives ber responsibilities and sets out to have an amusing timé ini Pari 1and a wealthy voung Parisiail wV6I-IIS-îýsts on being the source of the amusement. In giddy, ecstatic fashion, they chase about the Frenchi capital, but their moments alone are moments Of deep, flaming passion. A strange trick of the fates almost upsets their tress by financial f ailure, Miss Lomù- bard personifies the hundrcds of charmilig and intelligent girls in this country who sufer an inverse social stigma and ostracismn because "there lias been money in the family." ,> Uer flrst sincere emotion, when she falîs in love with a young, alert and handsome lawvyer, playcd by Lyle TaI- ýs for the Skeets Ge Col role of "No More Orcflids, a, modern drarna of a modern girl. "No More Orchids" offers, this .vola- ýr Com.dy- -News «Orphau 668liver,

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