Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 32

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ch arg 14VI, V42 LIC -resu1LVe 1.poweraa uavauty t . ..vu.- W. W. Kester, member of the bisi- corne the present situation."; ness research staff of tie LaSalle The speaker stated frankly that lie Extension university. Monday at the believed business as a whoie in 1933 regular monthiy lncîo othe XVil- Wouid be less than' in 1932. Ile pre- mette Chamber of Cotiiiierce. dicted,- however, a. slow but sure re- Mr.Keser ati îî atemp tocovery. Iii the last six inùiit!s, lie conmnc bs adince tîad Up~-said, a business stability was. reaehed convnce hi auienei adeup n -that had not been achievec[ previous- tirelyof. business mn iand woînen a iiitetreyasimdaevpe Wilmet thee r 'Herity 5out110 ceding. Based on data compiled by arond he ornr. c hld ut 10ecoflomists and statisticians. Mr. suc boes 1-istal~ îo~evr, a~Kester stated that business is noW on o sncreopinis.forty 'percent below normal and tiat. Reeovery on Way tlhe average increase. toward. normnal The evenits of the pastweekiii the after, a depression is tWo percent a. financial and business fiields Wére: înonth. referred to by Mr. Kester as thie be- Mr." Kester 'closed hus taik witlx a ginnking of. recover%. 'lThe. depression. plea to support, the new adinistra- period the country lias b1een exper- tion. "What's ahead;in business 1d(e- iencing since 1929*lias been sîgmhf- pends on, you and, 1," he, said. ','We' catît in the nation's history. lie saiti. nust suppo rt the new adinistrationl. but the present mnoney panic, is rel-,\\Te cani't throw 'al our troubles on îtively insignificant. "'*\\e have hail the g overninent. Souind ititignlienlt chaos." said NIr. Kester. -Thiis (the miust be emnployed ini the coidn"t of mortator¶iti ndi its -attern4ing eir- ht4vne,ýsaffairs:" C. of C. A ccepts New Memberships Severai applications for new , and additional iîinbersiplS in the \Vil- mette Chamuber of Commerce ý%ere accepted by that organization at its regular nmonthiy luncheon Monidav at Weeks' dining roo. Neiyw memberslinc have beeti taken Wilnette Chess Club Draws With Icelandies Thue Icelandic Chess club of Clhi- cago managed to draw tbe Wilnetteý club in a match last Thursday at the Sheridan cafe in Xilmnette. The re- suilt of' heie match was iti doubt until ýe gaine nh1iè was an 1u .18 f,, at . onie for children whiclî wîm; m>e îue'u Tuesday afternoon. April Il. ini the IHoward school librarv. another f,,br individual conttestants and another for partners, both of wich 'ýare to lie jheld the. eveîing of the saine daS, ut the sainle place., (2hildren will be-given . 100-piece. putzzles:,to solve, individuai 'coni-' testants. a 200- piece, anld,"partniers a. .300- Piece Puzzle. -. IR1gistration niay be. made at the Recreat'li office. 91.4 Central avenue. ýRo'uer Skating Meet Schedu led Here on Marich 25, Trhe seventh annual roller skatiiî1gs uîeet conclucteil by the Piaygrouiti and Recreation board bias been :0n- j it.444ed. by recreation af~*f, 4îîembefs. for Saturday miorning. March 25, Ou1 lîour and place to be aîinounced. later. The annual roller skating mneet ha> an anunal entrv list ôf 150 or miore roller skaters who conipete for hion- ors in three class divisions, A. B.. anid1 C. The A class includes ail chiidren i under ten years of age. the Bcis those under twelve years of age. aiîd the C class under fourteen vears oi age; Separate races are held f-ar No entry fee is required and al boys and girls ini the thiird, thrlougli the eighth grade are eligibie to crn- pete. Separate tourjnaments' wiil be lield for boys and girls and ýeach tour- niment will have a- junior .and senior division,- the junior division being confined: to boys and gils ini the third, fourth., and fifth grades . andl the sènior division t.o boys and girls ini the sixth, seventh,: and eighith grades. Registration nîay, bcnmade., witiî Mr. Glen W., Gathercoal, recreatioçii assistant in charge of the boys tour- îiament, or Miss joe Skidnmore, rec- reation asýsistant fini charge of tl'e girls tournamient, or bv' telepboniiug Minmette 468, the recreation oàffice. Basket Shooting Tourne y Pfantied A basket sbooting tournaîient for mien. to. be heid March 20, 21, ani 23 at the Stolp schooi gyinniasiwusii announced by the Playground and Recreation board for its newest acti- vity. Tbe touirnaînent -is an individuiai coiîtest and plans are being made to acconiîodate a hundred or more con testants whoQ wiil compete ac- minbersof the Chanîber, have takenl out additional mieniberships : \Nil- mette Coal and Material v'ard, 1301 Lake avenue; Kutteni Brothers, coal, 711 Maini street: Edinger and Sons. buildingnateriai, \Vest 1,ake ve anîd the Skokie Vailev tracks, andi Martin jacobson. pîuber, 1103 Ceni- tral avenue. chess. championi western chânîpio The resits %vil are as follows : .N 1. .Najor . . E.R. stone .1. SHodiaeîe C'. H. Matyer .. (;. Rten1hard .. S. V. Alohris ... and the former iuid- 011. ith the Icelaîîdic club FILANIUC .0 A. Anderson . .. . 1 .0 K'. VigfUsson . . . . 1 ) Anderson .. ..0 .1 S.Arnason ... AI A.1' înnbogasonn. . 1 T. S<hack .... .0 .0 l" Anderson . . . 1 I P. l"unarson . ...< S. ' situru . . ... able f0 off er prôofof oage ut çale( upon to do so, -Dudley C. Stone, ruc- reation assistant, in. charge of tlw meet announces. There is no untr-v fee or charge of any kind îviei The Porters Capture. Cage League Hon.ors 'I'hie Porters, girls' basketbaii tcami, ",on the championship) of the \'Il- ,mette Plavgrounui andl Recreatioý' charge. of the -tournament ainniunicc that a certain number of points wvil be awarded for each basket siiot, the number of. points. to vary according.1ý to the difficulty of tbe angle and di1- tance awaN, the contestant sto*n,)l when the shot ivas nmade. Thle con- testanit uaking the highest ntnnIIberý of points wîill win the first prize whichi will be a silver loving cup ani gold baîls wiil be awarded to in- -om and son, roreçj o.f ortn. Mrs. thirci, tourth, andi co-bostess. public schooi. fifth gradesofth0 light heavyweigt teatii won to 17 score.

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