Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 30

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AUTOBIOGRAPHY Benjamin Constant's famous inovel- ette.Adolph. supposed to bé a veiled autobiography of the period of',lus stermy love: affair- with Madame die Stael. bas pist heen. printeri in a translation.. hv- W.Lalor Barrett <1ial Press). .......... Ge t Your Stitlonery Books Here for lits. ÂntLony French IM4IRRILL'S Leture Coure 17e carry ali the titi,, on. ir li(s, boi for sale and rest 1724 Omim*Nm VNWUE Orria1¶torn oeBl 'ie nauttior was oi>uu jui Fd 11,ai Jreland diuring .the~ last quarter o the ineteenth, centurv. anid to thi dav lie retains tliat, qualiiiin uor and narrative ability whicth is sào co mmon- lv found on the>Er.craid Isle,, Before lie lbad conipieted bis bIoyhood, how- ever. he'left bis.honie .10 answer tlhe cal. of the sica anid, h)v Itle time he ývas twe ty-five, fhad hecomne master oi the ,sail. NMr. *Masonblas, been shipwrccked and hlas rounded the Horn elev'en tîntes. l>t. il! spîte. of bis loe for the, sea. lie lias been lured fronm it more than once -ft go, pros- pecting for gold. It is. witli bisftrs( adveùtures in tis latter field tliat "Cornàe Easy Go Eas" i cncene. Thle book is writ- tell, lu the hi ustv and lnaffected inan- lier cltaracters.tic of a "iiîalî s iai," .and: il w111l probal>ly find more favor Nvith the stronger sex than ivitb the lad ies. :l'lit cne is laiid. prxiepal in thc bilîs of Nevada during the first decade of this century, and the story. ends in Sani Francisco on the tuletuorable sevelntecntb of Ai>ril, 1906. Dpring tbe interinm. MNr. Mason ex- pcrietice(l ncarlv al]Il e thrilling ad- ventures that one imagines %voutir be current .wilce a gold strikec is in ibrogress. Somie of pvon arc irn'i )Y aïant cd %vith the atlî<ir'> îrcvious publica- lioois. 'He has heei writing' for the. Forgotteni Mari.' By the very vivrn- ness of bis rnany promises he bias wped out another species, 'The For- getting Mân.' 44The B. E. F.. helpéd bo edccl NMir, Rooseveit,". continuesM. Waters. "Pressure wvas brought lu bear 10 have the B. E. F., while in Vashing- bon. declare oenvfor bteI)envi- crats.: It bold tîhe mien t10 re.niii non-partisani. >Yet bad MrHToovcr tiotchosen to lise force b drive out the BR E. F. froint Wasliillgtoi. t .1e veteran vote in1 a score oi states mnigbt have gone 10 lmi and erased the narrow 1m iargin that wvoin these, states fer the'Dexuocrats. lu te con- gressional elections, 42.6 percent of the men lu -the House anil 48.6 per- cent 'of the ienl iii the, Suiate h voted against bbc Bùntîs bill wiere d(. e- ieated. "Yet JI]XQPe," (4eclares.\Ir. \Vatürs, tha ere will neyer agaitu be anl- oIther Bonus Marcb. 1 am iimost strenuously àarinst- it. i broke tup lie B. E. È. last yearbccatise 1. fcaredj thiat it woiild hecoine a 'rackIct.* "Al veteraris' orgailizal ions are 'I - abhle to beconic rackèets. 'l'lic Ainier- (Cjfl Legion.ti, ,tlcgc,, Mr. \Watcrs. "tb- nlav is bhe fillest c\aîic.' Comimander XV aters bas ý .tict "."]ole Storv (If fitche deof bue lnus Arnin» andi lias. adrled .docu- I<oir is of prime initerest4 Its ac- coult of a young couple %vho ivent West as -"Houies-teaders". of the hardsbips and privations theýy en- dured, neye losing faitlî in the proi-. ise of ftîliiîct t:inhrrett'ii those ere;at prairies. is, both a challenge, and a prop. Not onfly in the >Story itself but also in the way it is writtelî thiere is, a decp., quiet streengthi, ail uplifting conifidenice, a. fiIeý apportion- îugý of values. Anîd the chiallcnge lice, in-the fact tlîat it wvas people* such as these two Who made the încanoiýry of the early da%-s of tbis 'CotiltrN stnch a. glorionusone.' Caroline' and Charles. laoîl under t wenty, set ont for'tite proîilscd landi in the Dakotas equippe<I wvith a fàuîiiy Bible, a ioltuieof Tcnnyson'.S poeis, t %vo lnkt.t\wO wilir- goose-feaîIxer plos.a coigpt pajl and sk1dUet. ar'd. a wgQ» apld teanu, When thev echdthe grat of landi wbich N'vas to he theirs after tie v liari worked it for -fivc vears. th,v'-. coinsilercd thcmnsclve, .Nctraor- (inar-ily fortuniate liti iindiing a dug- ()lit ()i the sic of a crcek lit vhicli the.\ coutîi niakc their limite. .N ciîîîuîey plshed l sýl f îlîrotgh the > 'fîtth and liard. and the icdoor opcni c(r iot a viCw Of Illie sreat Pra.îrt-r iag-azmiies hoth al comitrv, including "Scrib ics. e iinlati WINS MERIT AWARD The cChicago fBranihAlumni a ciation of Ioxva State colle-e besi ed btche nt awvard for 1Î932 i Carnie Chaputan Catt. Mrs. Catt1 (raduated from bthe college at Ai iii 1880 andi lias beeni a national fig for inany vears. A recent pollii Inoti Co. this, Bi. IE.. rplanted tins "good carth. Tne wlneat andi "Out of the B E F. inigit Ihave 1 gcw' taîl and fuîl andl.Cliarles, realiz- grown the type otf,,eterails' orgauti- cd that itl had mnade thein ricb. bor- zation that cani andj will soute day he rowed on bis crop. to IuyI a iowiiig o)rganized.. But it rmighit bave heI)contle machine. and wovod to build the whlite .sso- a festerixîg sore inlu nicrica. 1 was frame biouse of whicb they bad been tow- afraid, and 1 decideri b. sever ail tics dreaiîing. But Naturec could bc asý pon %vith an v pernianent organization cruel as she was ki,îd and just whcn was arising frani the B. E. F. Yet 1. was the wlîeab wvas ripe for liarvestinig. mes accused of 'selling ouI.' Voday' there there camne a plaguc of gasshoppcrs gure survive a score of 'National Headi- which stripped the land of every n a quarters of the B. E. -F.,' aIl of thein gro.wing thing. Deep ini debt, Charles isi- by Barb3ara i5urnham and is Jii China. andt the fu published by Little, Brown & IWcsî Sir FredericI 1 Indian experience. hias had 1,1 & Wilsoni, ail of themn published be- r fore, and seçnt'them out :with a fore- w ord as "ThieBook of: Vagabonds.".

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