Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 29

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YMNiss Mary Florence Koenig. to takc charge of thèse nominations. After, th.e, business session., Miss Mary, Alice Shaughnessy, art chair- niani.ý introducd the Rev. Msgr. E. J. \ÎcGuîie-ss, vice-presîdent - 'L secretary, of' tIhé Catholic Extension Society of* the 'United States. Mon- seigneur MNc'Guinniess, iin his clear, di- rect style. told the dramaàtic storv 01 leprosy. dwelling pimtarilv, on thie doomed people.,"' he said. **are isu- lated, from al. hurnanity. as'u dleanl'! It is .surprising, however t(, hear of their ulndaunted courage to go On living.-Nô one is boni - vith tep- rosy,- and. whéther it is a gerni or a111 inifectioni. no one, knows,-The Unit-(l States governiment supplies thecir everY need. When ana a foi- nuirses to cane for thesc 'livng dead' wvas made rccentlv, none couild, be se- curcd for ariy anio*unit of mionev. but iihlen the Sisters ivere asked for tlheir hielp. over 380 offered theinselves for- the fiftecni poqitions tieededl." Mronseignecur McGuiinnCssý ap;ueal %vas from Sisten Marv Catherine, a Sister of Chiaritv of "i. Vincent dle Patul, who plead,, "If vnu liave t\\,) coats, seli ýone o)f thiese and Ilti,' whlite h':vacinths for' the len)ers." n -to. ey are not1f&-, After the prograin. refres-lîmnem.I t * wer served froni a table beautiftillv * arranged in white apd silver. 'l'lie centerpiece of white hyvacinths w.-is singuiariy appropr «iate. Those 'vhio poured were Mrs. Frank Thale. a past president of the tuother club, and Miss ' Rose Obermeier, interior decorator. for the next meeting oftht-e Alphia o Beta Alumnae chapter of Sigma Alpha TJ Iota sorority Monday afterno 'on,1 March C 13. The locale is the homeè of Mrs. B James Fellows, 1149 Maple avenue, fr Evastn~the hour is,2 O'clock. te iow.iVV A85 ine auAiJiiay mriACIIIU il At join either the group piaying bridge or those w~ho will sewv for the Bal)ics; Friendly s'ociety of \V'ilmette.. The business meeting wlI begin prompt- 13, at 7 :30 and w~ill not be prccedcd by the regglar dlinnier. A large at- tendance 'is -.expected . ini as mutchi as other iimpiortant itemns of business wilI bc discussed.. Missio narySociety to Hlear Mis. ,Mcirc Fowler Mr.J. 'Marc Fwlr the natio.nal chairnian of 'Indian welfare for the Federation of \oe' Clubs, will bc the -guest speaker at tlhe meetinig of tîhe \\Voiani's Home Mis sionarv s0- cietv of the First Methodist chlurch on ýThutrsdaY, Marchi'16. at. 2 O'clock. Her subject Nvill deal %vith the vork whicli lher deprtint liaý-,be-ia comlplishing during recmnt yea-rs. A\S she is anixiouis to hiave ant cx- hiibition of lnit ai tclics to supple- niienit the talk, Nîrs. B3. C. Davidsoii. wicm is li clîar-c of thîe ;rograin. re- quests that ait v menîbers of ther clitnru-l w~1io îxîa Vhave appropriate- article> \\ 111 gel iit tolm-h w ith lier l)efore ilir. ahoývc date. Discuss GalswortlI;q read ".oy al]tic s. and i Nirs 'Iohiï Pearson g-tea vcr\v hne logra~h -v. A 111mnher t-of ncnl>iicrs.repo(rtel i1on îlay tue' had rea(t and slpirîtced dis- cwssion a, te tîtir pur-pose and Style follow~ed he lore thîe set*v"itng (if re - freshnents . tcemiiated lthme ncetîng. On Club P Gordon \T;*1 fmer Patt' o-f Mrs. -esman and is-a SIS- 'acken. IrkRidge School., The- idea is toi give them -something lit the niature-of a reat. -This. school 'is a Tenth District project, .and ail the clubs in this dis- trict havre. been asked to piarticipate. A -board meeting was held on Tues- day, February 28, at the ho.nie of' Mrs. iJ.,D..Kinilear.. The two new members v'oted into the club at, that time arc MNrs.. W. W.. Holmes. 1054 .Cberokee road. and 1Mrs. Frank H. Crawford. 20.34 Thorivwood avenue. We Bu WeBell ýEVA;TON, WILMETTE WtNNEPTXA GLENCONB TAX WARRANTS Eayart, Vau Camp & Poil, IDI. STOCKS AND BON»S 39 S. La Salle St. Andover 0484 CHICAGO Made in our DRESSMAKING STUDIO M odels. -xperîly designed or INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION W. aiso offer a Deisigniog. Cutting and Filling Service with the. guid- ance, of a competent designer and copiest witk years of experience. Gladys Phone 1401 Grotac Ann- Geuder, Wilmetie*12091 ry Avenue, WiI1motte,ý R'educed rates for Corne RENCL1 LICK SPRINGS HOTEL C0. French Lick, Indiana "Hilorne of PIuio W.f.r" Y. D. TAGGART, Prosident. H. Jl FAWCMT, Manager

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