HISTORY LOOKS AHEAD * Wç are, the citizens of tomorrow! We are the bankers,* lawyers, presi- dents, aind cabiniet--members of future years. WVe arethe ones who will model the governmenit and be the law makers. We are the. ones whoý will run our, goveriiments into fame and fortune, or into oblivion. Can't we, the youth of today and the hope of tomorrow, pre- pare ourselves in soffie measure for the, experiences we are bound to nicét ? AIl the activities ot today, every ac- complishnenit is a challenge to.,youth. The stupendous World's fair is a chai- lenige to ail youth everywhere,. to, ad- yance civilization'in the next 100 years as it, hasý been advanced .in the past. Probably one of the best, things, we cati undertake to be ready to meet the crises of the future is thé study of history, for -histoe'y *s a sytemat-ic- record of past events. In order to cope with the events of the present and future we must know what preceded themn and how it was hiandled by others. History, there fore, should be of para- mount importance, te those of us who. aspire to political undertakings, even more so than to those of us whio only wlih to fulfili our duties as a good citizen.as weIl as possible. Evrvtnrlbna doÀ affects s om la Doctor: "Your cough, is better this mo.rning."., Patient: "It ought to be; l practiced it ail nigbt l1" M. P.: "Didnt you. get rny letter ? O. K.:> "Yes;, inside it said 1 vas expelled, and on the. outside it said, 'return in five*days.'" %Vould-be-crooner. "Would you cali me a tenor or a baritone ?" Audience (in unison) : "NO !" Housewife,: "I want to,. buy. lard." Grocer: "Pail ?" Housewife: 'I didn't know it in.two shades." Firs t taveler: '"Is there water in this hotel ?" Second ditto : "Yes, if you pitcher." camne tilt the1 Dentist : 'Which tooth hurts you. Moe?", Pullmnan porter: "LoWer five, suh." "Egbert, Fui. riding to hounds." "Yes, tmilord; Fnm going to the dogs myself." one new nield-house record establish- eci. Oak Park men were responsible for the .first three. Johunson ran the mile in the exceptional.time of 4:39.2, bettering the lea#ue record' by 6.2 seconds. This is the fastest timie ever made in the field house in whjch many 'charnpionship. meets such -as the C. A . A. U. relaya have been held. Thé other distance event, the 80- yard run, was the next to fail when Tipshus of Oak>Park rau the distance, in 2:03, one and one-haif seconds better than the former league record.- In the 50 yard dash Newtou of New. Trier and O'Brien'of Oak Park ran, their, trials' in the record tinie of, :0..The finals was practically a dead-heat,' but O'Brien received the decision., Newtou Sets Record Newton iu the 60 yard hurdles ~established- the iext record, -07.2 seconds. As this race was formerly only 50 yards in. Iength, this will be- corne the new league record and also the field bouse record, betteriug the time of Polleid of Senu and other well-known prep hurdlers by two-* tenths of a second. \New Trier's other firsts came in the pole vauit, shot put and the high is being dope by the leaders and some assistants chosen by the teachers., Third of Parliamentary Lectures Given Ma'Ir. 10 Do o know how many motions there are? Do you know what motions take a tiwo-thirds vote? ýNo of the sophomores lcnew what, these meant un- tii they, heard two out .Of the three lectures that Mrsl, M. H. Lieber, of Winnetka, has, given themn. Mrs. Lie- ber, "an expert -on, parliamentarylaW,ý wil 'present the Iast -of, her series of lectures at Nevw Trier, March 10. Site will explain the dîfference 'betweeu by- laws, standing laws, and a constitu- tion. Do you know the difference? INUIIN RME Last week this colunin carried some suggestions from seniors for the clas gift; here are some more. Everyone in Iast week's columu had different ideas and it looks as if the senior class wiII have a big job on its bauds when it cornes to the final decision. The question: "What gift would you suggest for the senior. class to give?" cotmtry. Logic Club One of New Groups at High Sehool Oue of the uewest clubs of New Trier Higli school is sponsored by C. 0. Waters. It is called the Logic clulb and is orgauized for boys above freslhmait vear who are interedted Ii spent an enjoyable atert Girls' Clubrooni, Thursck: when Miss Jessie Sentney tertaiuing French talk. "Lend "Wait ly witfl a, radio 1 me a quarter fi a minute and y( for a minute ?" you won't necd "Little girl,. who put ail those tattoo marks on you ? "My f ather did." "Oh, I sec; illustrated by the au- rgave an en- 1 Miss Sentney's ta She related1 hoed to hear ber urban league record ot 47 teet, 6,'4 uioneyty om the '-3class, neo e set inches. The next place was takenby aside for the purpose of having more Nordberg of New Trier,' almost a assemblies and more speakers. I full five feet behind Schuman. Bal- think that school would be more in- lensen of the Grey-Green tied with teresting if more speakers such as Bechol of Oak Park for first. iu the Mr. Beebe and Admirai Byrd could high jurnp with the bar at 5 feet, be procured. Any fund the seniors 8 7/10 juches;. can give for such a cause will surely Oak Park won the relay in the be appreciated by the other classes' fast time of 1:23. Evanston was sec- and that is what I understand to be ond and New Trier, third. The Grey- the purpose of a class gift." Proi and that tbeY>lj Shot'Put: won by Schuman (N.T.);I n 1.j order (NT.) second; Ilnng (D.) j