Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 20

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1 Their Season at Oak Park;1 Many a boy and girl, long silice graduated from1 New Trieri, recalîs with pleasure the profita ble days spent on the anniual,,vacation trip to WVash- ington, D. C.,There are, also, bundreds, of 'former New Trierý students wbo, regret,, now that. it is too. late, that the>iever went upon one of1 these trips.. Tu% which oi these classes will you belon'gP Sp ring vacation willsoon be at hand. and those fÔrtunate New Trierite 1s who: .are taking the tiiip th is year are count- ing the days witb growing impatience.- There is still a chance for any studeltt interested to take the.Wasbington trip, but anyonie wisbing to doso mustsee P. D.Frishbie as',soon, as possible, i*M rdrthat the niecessary reservations may be made. Picture a group of New Trier, stu- dents, fr'ee from all the necessary wor- ries of education for a while, rolling along over state after state in their own private train. Picture' these saxne studentsdrinking in the glorious sigh. of. the nation's capitol. Picture them, if youcan endure any more, enjoying every strange and iîteresting aspect of the trip with the utrnost pleasure, and, last but flot Ieast by any means, pic- tire fhem sitartinR in tri wnrk ron a Arno w~as a miember ot the Ulass Iof '31. He is survived by two sis- ter% tw 11 are Çew Trier students. Mothers and. Sons Now A wait Pan quet Onie of the ýbiggest évents of. the scbool year will take place. Thursdav,. March 16, in the New Trier messlhail. ,Tîe. occasion' is the Mother and Son banquet Whicli the 'Iri-Ship 'clubi sponsoring thîs year. Because of the mallv requests -which bave heen received I1w the club ever silice bis apparance ',at the ,banquet three, years agi), Jess l>ughli, noted humuîrist, %will again liend bis mirer strairied presencee to the at«air. 'l'lie banquet itseli tvill l)e prepared by the Nae Tre.t f çooks wlîOse meals, haelwng helped to bring parents, as %vell as students, back time and again. Tickets are nuow On sale at Cie schu<ul, and evervone who ejosg(>od foud. and good fun 1,, urged tu attend. l11 the event that any hel ,<, h ot able to brîng bis niotlier t(> the banquet, there are mnatv attractive wornen teachers ait New Trier who msilynighli e cu- ticed into guiig. Reniemher. the <tt h. March , ),and the î'ccasioîî I. the M~othcr andl Son banquet, witlît-,- New Trier'S' frosh-soph cager% glorî - ously ended, their season lastý Friday nighit at Oak Park by defea.ting, the Villagers by a one-pin margin, 20- 19. It was a ýslow forging ahead of. the Gray and Green team in the- last. quarter to a tie, most of the scorîng being credited, to Mutler, the high- point man of the game witb a* total, of 10 for the entire, gaine. This last- quarer rllyculminatedin:thefin'al 45 sconds witha pivot shot by Dos- ta!, whicb Won for New Trier after eOak Parkî had broken the tie with a, .free throw wbicb ýseemed to sew up tthe g.ame for'New Trier's opponents. Coach Ream may well be proud of this season's teamn whicbi won seven garnes out of teti and should be as- sured th-at next year's squad wilI be as goo witb such men as DostaI. Snyvder, Kinner, Wilson, Campbell, S%%irles and others. Those on the outgoing sophoniore teani wbo should make lightweighit or heavyweigbit next year include among others, Captai n Green, Laing, Mutiler, Demp- sey, Adanms, Mee, Fitzgerald. Ross and Muhîilike. Linenp: Newv Trier (20>) .Oak Paîrk (19) B F 1' B FI p .'t :1 1 s f: 1 3 for New Trier's 1933 Echoes Staff The 1933 Echoes' staff,, posted. at scbool last-week, is as follows: E'fItor-in-chief---Victor Han son and Emnma Bickham. Business manager-Dwigbt :Green. Album-Janet McNulty, ,editor, Sam- ucl Rockwell, assistant, Hermona Clark, Edward. Johnson, Margaret Loomis, Bill Miller, Frances Milîs, Bill Moffatt, Dick Oliver and Betty Shel- don. A.ctivrities-Alison Burge, edit or, Rog-- er Ba rrett, Eleanor Chichester, James Donovan, Virginia, Dress.e!, Marie Friedlander, Catherine, Hepburn, Ton! Hildebrandt and Selimn Tideman. Publicizo Atbletic Heroe, B3oys' Atbletics-Laurence Buckmas- ter, editor, Bob Hicks, editor, Trom Altison, John i3alleniger, Lester flrat-' ton, Mot ley Bryant, Charles Knapp, Charles Leonard, Rex Martin and Ed- ward Solomon. Ci rculation -Allen Rossnîan, man- ager, Jane Petrie, assistant, Don An- drews, Hunt Badger, Dora Crawford, Bob Greenhalgb, Carol Linn, Venita Mange!, Frances McNulty, Willard Reich, Betty Solomon and Mary \%aid- ner. 3 1 No stiudent can afford to miss an opportunity to see the outstanding city ini the United States in cotnpany witb bis best friends. Few, if any, bigh scbools offer such a chance for enjoy- ment and education. We students are ail bard working people every minute of tbe sçbool day (local papers please copy), and this is our chance to get thtneedd esL~t f ran the ltird o'rinà Well, girls, at last the repo(rter lias! SilipSO)n,g O Stevensg O obtained permission to tell you sonie- I MeGurn,c' O tbing about that program on \Wcdnesý- tle, O day, April 5, over in the girls' gymI.6 4 It's to be a dance programi given by 6Si tbe dancing and clogging classes un- der the direction of Miss Annaniav SEASON'S SUMMARIES Smitb. After the prograni there wiill 'lie complete summanies' for be social dancing for* everybody. IMiss entire season foltov: Peggy Hubsch will -play f or the danc- .Miller w'.. high-nn)int mn o ~f the' 12 -theý V~%i r To Direct Group Photos Group Pictures - Bill Heyn, editor, Frank, Eager, assistant, Helen Cleni- ents, Rosemary Day, Paul Dempsey, Jane Henderson, Walter McGuire., Bill Nordburg, Nancy Fisher and Helen Shepard. Literary - Ed Frazer, editor, Janet, Chatteri, Judith Cunningham, Bruce Ellison, Bob Fletcher, Jane Fitzgerald. Judlith Fox, Eugene Harper. William vised that they Wii Abeir pictures then., De able to turn in Pli'ans for navîng an the active members ib beld IProv1mo 2 6 .250 buildm Evanlston m7 15 h are ned in. Sam Rockwell is the president of the oni of club and jean Haskins is the head of cussed. the still-picture division.î 'un Sna1wm<y and rlarry Wlenberg.ý Plans are wellj under way for prirt- ing a grand bwok it is announced,.

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