wa.s neld. Seven public and parocb- al scbools of Chicago and Cook countv sent tbree representatives' .ecdi to the contceSt. St. josep.h Scbool ivas-weIl represent.ed by .tbree girls, Clarel Fiegeii, Catherine Nani- zig and Aurelia Sesterbenn.- The con- test lastedifor au bour and f orty-five minutes, T'he "bec", was' on the radio for fifteeu minutes aiid'then after the contestants went off the air, the spell-, ing was conitinued iii the studio. For forty-live müinutes, eight boys and girls spelled without'an error. First of ýthese to misspell' was Mildred Yates on the word, ,"isosceles." Aurelia Sesterbennu looked at -"by- potenuse' from a.,neW, angle. "Proto- plasm" tripped Catherine Nanzig. Af- ter ber. Oliver Atcand and Bill Ken- nedy misspelled "murde adbec, reer" act beeçVr Clare Fiegen, St. josephi schooi, WVilmette. our. representative, and Annette Green, St. Joseph scbool at 38th place, %vere ail tired ont wben they were declarcd winners:' Dor- othy Krieger, the ruiinér p. went down on the word. "bhicctups."t Coipgratulations. (lare! --Hope Miller, St. Joseph- sclio~l Here Are Snme ~Pointj., Jetter you' can raise your score b y -doing the following: dancing the tap dance %ve are learning-five points; chinning yourself-five points; bas- ketbali free throw-five points for eacb one; cach article oný posture- five points. Be sure, Stolp girls, to work your hardest and give our scbool thbe bonor of havîng the bigb- est number of letter winners. - Kay Wenter, Stolp. FB %'% oriu ln iwo 1-ours.: It was very initeresting. Ie makeda yerpnîgrima.eothe o Hle sboed were 3 pl inagthe peo- sacried temple and tbe way tbey pray is to buy. a prayer oen paper for five or ten cents and, then nmake it ý into a '*spitball." Then thcey throw it 'at the Buddba and if it sticks, their prayer will be answered; if.not,' tbey nîust buy another auldkeep repeating trîls process u tntil, they are success- f UI. 1 got M r.. Holies' autograpb and what he wrote was, "Te Travel is to pos sess the Xorld.." I hope to at- tend: another one of ýthese lectures soon .--I-ouise M eyer, 'Howard 7B. Fred Bird Shows Films Ptupifis fin ~te 'sentth grades at Stolp school recently saw a movingq picture on coal. The film was brougbt by Fred Bird of 2A. He operated the projector and explained varions 'parts of the film. The picture was of solie bitu1minous ground nles. MIen dug into the grounid Nwith a steain shovel that is the ,secotid largest in the Unitedt States,. A sinaller otie con- veyed thec rawv material i tto tratinst which carried ito hef lw l±ars' ,t. . S -Betty Clair Ellis,. Stolp 2B. FILMS FEATURE MEETING Our rooni. 2C, had its regular mýeet- ing ou1 Thursday morniiig. For t-tl Past %veeks wve have beeu discussing how we cati have a better prograni. Receutly we preseuted the first- one-- soine movi1ng pictures given by Jean Spanuth. The pictures were the iu-j M W "p t.Io5VIin avery aI anai ex- citing basketball game. 1 tilink 5B-1 bas one of the best. teamns Fvc played against. Dick- Cochran Ws the, 5B-1 capai-avery good one, too.. Pro- viding. one of the',nlost exciting mlo- ments of tbe gaine, a 5A-i boy got the bail and' went. tearing d own the floor and made a neat pas-, to anther !)(')I on bis team' and lie made a shot for the -basket. tIOoked as. if the bal would go in, but it just happenled to fait out, of the hoop. if the bal]l lad goneini,.SA,-i would haive tied.-Billy Dodds, Howard SB. FebruarY 20, thbe lightweights trucdthe. Grant school of wForest Park, 23 to 15. Well-thought-out plays by our instructor, -Ur. Davis, produced this score. AI! we had toý do was to follow bis instructions. Phil Rogers ac-ted as eeptaîn. Thus far we have played a fairly good game,. cording to Mr. Davis. AIl tbree teanis have been outfitted Nwitb ncw nuifornis supplied by Mr. anidMrs. J. V. Srnitb and the P. T. A.Siw lSorf, Stoîp Tuesday; Fehriiary 28. die tliree Forest Park teains camne to \Vilmettc to play. Thc pemees played first. The score of their gaineW «a. 17 to7ii The new girls' basketball league re- cently played two practice games, one with St. joseph school and one Nvith Malîinckrodt. Howard defeated St. joseph's, 16 to 2, and Mallinckrodt, 10 to 0. We play Stolp, New Trier, and Mallinckrodt next. Mouday was the first' of the real ganies.-Bessie Bouehikas, Howard 8A. l'lTie Wilmnettë Peewees have had a î)retty successful season so far, bav- ing won four and lost threc gaines. Our first tussie was wîth '.Des Plaines, uwhich .vas>thle only gamne we won against thcm. The score wvas 10 to 7. The second ganif w 'e wec defeated 'by the sanie teant to the tune of 7 to 4. Stili suffëritig,-froi' the sting of that loss. wc trouneed Field school-from Forest Park by a score of 20 to 5. Our spirits were bigh as w strtc aginst Des Plaines for- the third tinic., It ivasa 'close gamne but, wve ere beaten, 9 to 8. For our' next gamne we travýeled to. Des Plaines and- were trimmed again. 'this tiîne 8 to3. On February 23. we traveled toi Field schoo!lu Forest Park. That was the .flrst .timne our te ani, really "clicked." Huckand Soute *were the individual stars. XVe -icked themi go~od and proper " The final score was 22 to 2. Then ou February 28. we played Grant school f roin Forest Park and sent then home smatig ,witlî a 17 to 7 defeat. - Bob) Christie. Hloward 8C. Drills Cause Students to Have Nimble Wits In aritlîanetiç class Nvc take drills. Each drill has tiffeteen roblems of ail time.. Il we chleck tlimou tiue we get a red mark, bt.t if we check theni late we get a blue mark.: and if w e dIo not' check tbem at al we gýt .a zero. Mrs. Jones -auuounced ou Wednesday that she was checking drills that afternoon -after school, - we ai.] got dowitî to %%ork.-Dorýtliy Burgess, Howard,, 8C. Won Lost Peewees ........4 3 Lightweights ......5 1 Heavyweights . ........ 6 2 -Bob Cochran-, Howard 7A i -n were flot tor them.- nich, Central 6th grade. Dfln'