Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 10

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1.51gisu x' uduq- "Prelude to the Deluge" .Saint-Saens "*Meditatlon" . DuBois "Grand Us True Courage, Lord" Bach C'hoir Anthem- C'"ierce Raged t.he Temipest", Candlyn Offertory Anthei- "0 Lord Most Ho(iy" C7esa.r Fralnck Solo bY Mr. Walter Chambewrs »Igan PotI e- "Grand Chorus la D Fiat" I)u Bols The evening -service of worship, at 74:30 o'clocek, *as .very .welI 'attended lagt Suniday evenlng.. It is_ expected t hat a stili larger congregation wlII participâte ln. the 'service -this Sunday evenfing. The inister's sermon themne %vill be. "Is iChriatianlty a GamÜbie?" The service this week wili begin at 7:15 wvith an organ recital, wmlth MI-4s Maie Briel at the organ.. The miusic for- this service w-111 be au foilows: ("igan Rectal_- . 1 < "The Quiet of :the Foýrest" .Dunhiti "LIairgo" (New WorM, Symphony) ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ..D vorak The Itrot- "Grant Us True Courage, Lord! Baeh *Anthem- ."Hark, Ilark, My Soui" . Shelley Solos by Mrs. Poster E. Fike and * KMiss Florence 1"ariar Offertory solo- ~Christ Went Up iiio the His" ... .. .. .... ... . ýý 1 H ageniani Miss Florence Furrar Organ Postlude- "Pontificale Marchi" . îemmens "Real Questions for)i Today,*" ill be diseussed at each uf the ev-eting Lenten services on Sundaiy eveings at 7 :30. Sunday, March 12-"Is Christiaitity a (,amble?" Sunday, March 19--"Has Life a .Nean1ngýI,~ Suida. Mardi 26--Can We Avert I )egeneratlon ?" Sunday, April 2-'an uran Nature. i inierpriFe 7 oy ave8 sLuie aIrmaic reader, Mrs. H. 0. Roesing, March .16 '-. "Justice Olive,' Wendil Holmes"' by Sulas Bent. Revieweéd'by Mr. Luther W. Benson. Group III-"IThinking, it Through With Young People.", Leàder: lteverend Randall B. Ha.mrlck. March 9-*'Are You Keeping P*hys- 1lcafly Fit ?" March 16-"What May I1 Believe ?' Group IV- "Recent Soelial, Trends." March 9-"«Whither Bound ?" Pro- fessor Hilton IraJones. Group V-The Choir, under the direc- tion of Miss Marie Brie!. A recreatlon program Ile held lu' the. Primary Room for ornai! eilîdren. The.Second division wili i eet Priday, March 10, at the home. of Mrs. John Campbell, 815 Lake aveniue,,at 10:30i. This will take the place of the. meieting' scheduied for-March 23. First P resbyterian Weij=i4g club riMmg Tenth street at Greenieaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, mînîster Suftday wlii be Wonieti's Day at ahurch. ln comptny wlth the other ùhurches, a special effort is being made- to get ail the wnen of Wiimette to worship ln their own c'hurches on that day, What a great sight each church wiii present if the women will respond to the invitations being made to themn. This is not to excinde the inen andi b)oys, of course. They are Invited to ac-i vompany their wlves, their mothers, their sweetheaî'ts, and fil! ;the churches. 'The Sundlay. sehl.ol officers and teachers *111i lod their a nnuai mneet- kig, and election ThW'sday'- evening, March 16, at the homne of iRalph Il. Rîce, 1007 Thlrteenth street. Auxlia menîberships la, Olivet 1 nm stitute mnay be secu red during. thé rnonth of March from Mrm. W. H. Eilis, 823 Greenwood avenue.ý Entglisk Lutheran tSi'venth -Street at.Greenleaf avenue Wlilmette -A Hou.se of Worahtp". ittv. David R. Kabele, paStor SVNDAY SERVICES. Sunday echool .9:45 a. m. Morln woshp...... ......i a. m. Mrs. MaY, Belle Hageno-)w-Jacksoni (6éttct6r of MUIC)l Musie, Sanday, MIirek 12 Prelude-Song of the Basket Wea ver .~Russeli Ant ii-Urn Thy Face Froni My mans .... ... .... ... - . ... . Sullivanx Senior Choir Offertory-Lord Speak To Me.... . . .. .. ... .. . . ý ýý. 1 . Schum an' Junior Choir Postlude-Sortle-Improvisatiozn Ferr-ari Junior choir, reheai,'sal Friday after- noon at 4 o'eiock. Seni1or choir rehea,'sal Friday eveniing comm ittee, and reservations shouid b.' xnade throug'h the church office- as usuial. The next group 0of discùà-.q*ione- Wini b. On the generai therne, 1 "Faith in th, Fae fDifflcultles." . The firsit liIn t sOries Is "F'ith hIGod." The regular week-day activItI es for, boys and, girls are scheduIed am* fol- iows: Tuesday 4 p.. r.-Caip Fire,î's Girl Scouts Tuesday - 7 :30 p. m.Tr'pNt . 2 Boy Scouts Thureday--4,p, ni. jlunior choit- Vi'- hearsal Thursday-7 :30 -p. ii.7-Troop No. 1. Boky Scouts Priday - 3:15 p. m.-ýBrownies Frlda'Y-7 ý30 p. in.-Senior Camýp Fi, Girls Saturday-9 :3« a. mn.-Ceub Pack No. : The Senior choir wi Il rehearse Thurs- day evenlng at 7 :15. St. John's LiMtheran Wiloiette and Park avenues-, Wilmetio Herman W. Mt-yer, M. . pastor. 406 Prairié avenue Telephoni.131 Cýhuirch telephone 5379 SERVICES Second Sunday lit Lent 9:15 a. m.-Firest service a.nd sernion 9:30 a. ni.-Sunidaty sehîtol and BIIo,h classes il a. m.-Second service and sermon Sermon-"The Sehool of thilt- oss 16 are, The High Sehool , league wiil meet Suîîday at. 5 :30 at the church. The speaker wili be Ren Shen Yleh, a ('hînese student at the University of ('hicago, fornwerly pr'ufc'sor in the Uni- (tIsiyof Nanking. l'hie Wonan's Homte Missionary so-7 cit-ty will ineet Thursday, March 16, at 2 ('i-()c. Ms.J. Marc' Fowler, na- t11w- iederation of Wonxen's clubs, ivili Ibe the g ut'st. speaker. Mrs. E. A. Fel- You to wo rshf p with u.s. The musical number's for the worship Service are. as folîows: Prelude, "Warum?" Schumanun; Anthem, "Pre- pare Ye the Way ogf the Lor-d," Gar- rett, the Choir: soigb. "corn, ye Bless- ed," Scott, Mr. Otîs P io.stiunde, "March", <Tannhauser), Wagner. Our Suriday schooi which nieets at 9 :30 o'ciock lInVites you to join us la the study of the Bible. andi girls of iiigli school age to éno this meeting with us. ny The Woman's soiciety wiii hold ites March work meeting at the home of Mrs. 0. J. Dreibus, 32ù Thirdi street, Wllmette, Thursday afternoo,,, March 16, at 2 o'ciock. Senior Luther league meets Thursday evening, Marelh 16, at 8 o'ciock at the ehurch; 'E.very Wednesd i Serrnon-"Jlesus and the Couirtri>gbm"' ait pn. c ilihpristil St, John',, bids eveiyryoe a vcI'y.cor'- dial welcome to ail of' ijts se'vce. .- know that te Wednesday evenhîîg len- ten services ivili appeal ln particulai' to everyone because of the solinî, sub- ject,. the Passion of Jesus (Christ, theý Sa.vior. These services are alway.s ver% welI .attende&i, and you *wili btieift l>y cota kg eariy. have nao *vening service, or wlio are. ?OIlng' ....... B*-Caféteria dînner served by without a eliurch home, are cordIa1iy Senloi tdIvision on March 9, and the Invited. Postlude--"Recessio clas March 16. A service of worship, under The W oman's society wiii hoid its he Second of theý le .. . . ra -ton MçIniyrý of Wilmette wifl e the spea.- ns Are et'. Hia subject will be 'i!houghts of .Hayden. a Gardenei'." Choir i" ... lnous§eau Other programs already pianned for are a talk. bY our missionary, Mis., ýnion Evenlng; serv- Brodbeck, on the Layman's Report, afd wIr

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