Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 9

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Presîuent. A3uiiary Cil 'iI>,zeute' 1'nit 46 On 'Moniday, Maicii 13, at 8. p. in. the: regular monthly mieeinig of Wil- mnettie Unitý 46 i s to be Iýheld at the home of. Dr.- Beatrice Hawkins, 00 Seneca.road. A book review of Col. Iladle's *"SinisteÉr Sha.dow" ývàI be given by Xirs. F. J. Dowd. NÏrs., Earl àMon. 1 >5, Ninith street, i~hostess. at our- sewing meeting Iitirs(lay evening, Xiai-chi l6. rhet. unit N «as .represen.lted at Cook L Cottv council on Mai-ch 2 by' Mrs. C. B. Cochran, M i-s. V.'. w. and [)r-. B. lIawvký'Is, The past presîdents c)f Vilmnette Unit .4o have formnallv organized a pabt presidentb' parleY. Tl'le fii-st meeting %vas hield Mardi 1 at %vhichi time Mrs. F. J. 1>owd %vas clt.ctt.d chairman and secretarv-treasufrer of the. group. Following the. stiggestioniý, of the departient. this parley~ wviI endeavor'to accomxplislh the thi-et foi- Iowing purposes: first, assist and en- courage the officers of the. unit ini carrying on thieir- wvo.r and building andc cheer to our. ex-service wvornen whoj are hiospitalized. lul ordler to i-aise funds for carrying oit this work. the. past presi(Ients' pariey %vill spon- sor a card partv in the. near future. definite date and place to be ain, nounlced later. NEW PUPILS n;e lew ppils enitereil cric-st school mooantUi- brings thec total enirolimiii ing thinicers and speakers of tne de- nomination. Fle is an! intense student and . for that reason the program ahead for the Lentien period sbould attract' large conigregaýtions>. On Suniday. evening, -Mai-ch 19, bis theme will -be "Has Life a Mean.-.- ing?"; March .26, the question will be, "Can XMTe Avert Degeneration?"; April 2, he will discuss "Cant Human, Nature .Be Cbanged?"9; April 9, he will answer thequestion,"Is Religion a Necesgity?", April 16, Easter Sun- day, the _question wîll be '"Where Are.. the Dead?" The chorus cho ir of the 'churchi wiil ýpresent . the muisic at thes4e ser- vi:ces. Tri-Shippers Handie Iiglit Opera'Businiess Trhe Trl-Ship Boys' club of New Tier High school is handling al the business 'arrangem~ents for the pre- sentation of "The Gondoliers," CGil- bert and Sullivan opera, by the higli school music department on Fridav and Saturday nights, April 21 and 22. Robert White is general chairnîaîî. Roger Barrett is handling the Oubli- peiter suis aywnee . u.s py,,,. V uilce vour measure and niake our own alteratîons, if necessary, f rce of charge. BO~4l5~ The lTime 1131 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. WU. 1944 tht. Hif, iing. TI ARMAND'S TAILORS AND FURgiERS. BROWN BUILDING .LOBBY 1159 WILMETTB AVENUE PHONEWiL.18 A RÉAL PLACE tê bring >our £~Loundry. Flne, eretil work nt loowest prlee. Let us ronvilne you by ,lving as a trial bundie. anld you will b. pleused lai every respect. CE 1 1 3532 .. A. WAAIIJ Furrier and Taior Speciai for tiMe ntitoft March. Ladies' sprlng eats andi nuits taIlored to order, of Intest tabries, as 10w as,>-- $0 3E Doliç0oizePlate Lunch 5ç at Enjoy a game of, bowling ]BROWN DLDG. li u lmette Ave. THE PUBLIC IS COItDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHIJRCH SERVICES AND VISJT THE READING BOOMi OS' Phn:WILMTr 10 ART FUI JTURE CO. DywE~I fJ>#Iieiu - e>irug6 di0 811.9 -9. sciKOENq-40 Years' EËxperiîee. EXPERT RADIO SERVFICE we Solve Your >Ioth piroblem wlth Hu.o~APPDa&Uc. ILESSTAL1131- CENTRAL AVE. Su8 LINDEN Ph. Wil. M Phn. WiL Si G..d Sh.. Lep ii h aisapi 1195 Wiln*t. Avenu. Phoe *WuMum 9 WILMEFOD SIlO? Opena 9 A. M. f0 10 P. M. Weekdays and Sundays Legion 1 - 1

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