and father in wilmette and every man and wonian who areý really interested * in children, should arrange .(regard- less of preirious. engagements) ,to at- tend the'meetinth iis Thursday eve- ning. of "'Group IV". in the Wilmùette Parish Methodist church to hear Dr. * Nele E.. Moore of the University of Chicago discuss "Childhood and *Youth," -a chapter in the monumental report oit "Recent Social Trends," reçéntly issued by President Hoo- ver's. Research commission into the habits and cuÉtoms of thie United. States. Dr. Moore was forinerly Super- visor of, Elemientary Instruction in the Wilniette schools. She.has js returned f roui Furope. where she. madle a sttudv at first hiand of schools? and child life in France, Holland, S$ixzerland and Italy. The niteriaI which she gathered on tlîat trip, to- gether with that whlch slie will oh- tain next year ini the British Isies, Scandinavian counitries and Germnany. will be used in a contribution which she is making to a work on "'The Studv of Social Science in Amnerican $chools," which will interpret for American mothers and children the life and. interests of children in Europe. Ilear . Noted Speakers and Discovcey," and Dr. Mulienbach, who, will speak, on the chapter: ."La- bor Groups in theSocial Structure." Preceding. the miéeting of the "Five Interest Croupi" a.' cafeteria supper will be serve4 ini the Assembly hall at 6:30 o'clock, to be followfd àt 7:30 by a one-act religious Play, "A Tale Set. for Him-self.". Varions Croup 7Moeetings The various, <4groups" wjll -meet ai 8 O'clock. 'Prof. ýFrank M. McKibbeiî of Northèwestern university will ad- dress Group, 1 on: "Probleni -Pas- sages-of the Bible." .Dr. Martin H. Bickham,' bçfore Group II, will review Stuart Chase's latest book. entitletd "A New Deal," The Rev. Randaîl B. Hamrick wil address the y9ung people in Group 111 on fhltheine: ý'Have You a Lifi,- Group V, the Chorus, choir., ill liold an interesting retiearsal. I Unusual Knitted Dresses SPECIAL THURSDAY, MARCH 21 *Whipped Cre. DtttettYs ...... es SPECIAL FRIDAY, MARCH 3 *mot Cross Ruasi......doz. 300 * Lady Fimgers ............dz15* * PIUDPk-iU Pie, largeSC cd 3 SPECIAL SATURDAY, MARCH 4 APPLE or CHERRY PIE- large aime ......... «. sacli BIG SIX COFFEE CAKE- LAYER CAKES- Won<ierfuI assortment.... ............. .......ec3 , SALTKD NUTS CASHEWS-whole nus-lb ................... 5sc PECANS-fresh craçlied Jumilps-Ib ........... ,............ ALMONDS.-Six Crown Marconns-lb...................... MIX ED--equaI parts .aci-lb. ............SS Kenilworth Man Gets New Job at Merchandise Mart W. Marshall Branch, 704 Roger avenue, Kenilworth. has bcen ap- pointed assistant general manager of the Merchandise Mart. Ile succceds T. J. Reed, who. recently -,as Pro- moted to the nosition of gener ai ,nanazepr. Forthe pnst vear Mn..1 -and> MON!Y on ÂGm JunOiors' and Girls' WeaBr