Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 48

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awfully good tinie and working for the édification of their nimas and papas, uncles and atints,:and sundry neighbors. .On' the agsüniptiôÏi that, it is the latter, it must, be agreed that the' play Was a huge success; the be- tween-the-acts 'parental prais-e for the respective ..performiers leaves nothing miore for Me to Say. Lauds Stage Sets To touch. on a few of the 'really' icomm endable merits ýof the Lake Shore Players, tbey are to, be com- .plimented on their settings which 1 uniderstand were.entir.ely of their own mnaking. Both -the interior and ex- terior scelles 'were extreiiielyr well executed - and represented consàider- able labor. The evening gowns worni by the fenîinine mnembers of' the cast were particularly lovely and lighting arrangements 'Iihd 'been -cevery îvorked out; their stagecraf t achieved its peak in an' off-stage dinner scenc that was Ilighly convincing and show- cd itself t10 Refrainisi* taking the1 îhereby spai let uis dwell ing characti Ni.as the Illmy practice ers onme by one, 1 f..k.... ill fipeli professor- of literature at Loyola uni- versity, gave an inspiring taik to the mothers,-remiinding tbem of their in- fluence and urging theni to use -it ,wisely.in directing the children. Very important, he said, is the .careful supervision of their reading ,which helps develop ini t hemi an appreciation of -good, literature.' The following' is Dr. Young's ow.s description of ýa good book:ý ..A good book tiot only takes us out of our duli surroundings into new realmns of the strange and the remote, but. it opens our eyes 1 b the un- expected beauty and interest of the world around .us; it makes us feel the mystery anïd the astounding pos- sibilities of life; il gives form t'O Our ideals and stienmlates our dreanis, and trains us to be enkindled by the fitnwr and nobler things of life."* Jack Coyne and Mliss Mlary jant Lersch gave entertaining recitations. .The teas planned for the miothers of the pupils of cach grade are proving out.standing successes. HO$TS TO FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Wakeley, 234 Leicester road, Kenilworth, enter- tained another group of their f riends on1 \ashinigtoWis hirthiday at their Lake J3orChu ............. Binder Shema .. ->..... Bluder ~Michomoeh. ...... Traditional-ShLpiro Kedushe.........tock-Shapiro Let the, Wordis....... Idelshn-Shaptro Anithemh: Palestinilan ÈOIk Song. .1 «ElIu Vu-ehII"............Modini Arranged by Mr. George, Shapiro Duet: Thie Lord Io Our L..eader" .... ....... . . Brackett Lucille Long- BeiJain Lansman Va'Abachnu ..................BDinder Largo . . . ...... ............ Periman #Clohenu ..............:.........Stârk MOVING TO WILMETTE Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Merri-1 field.of Evanston have. purchased and are. now remodeling1 theI George Frank Winkler home at- 1014 Elmý- wood avenue.. The date of their oc- cuation is. undecided. The Wînklers have* gone to Florida for the winter. Miss Marion and Miss' Catherine Pearson, 117, Dupee place, were given a surprise party and treasure hunt last Saturday evening by twen- ty-two of their Wilmette and Evans- ton friends. A group of eigit h grade pupils fm.m Wlinette narticipated in. a of wiumette, ior ueliverY t Iw M3 dence. ini eiping, China, one of the finest Chow Chow puppies available.l the United States. Dr. Youig' holds that the Oxford Dictionary, itself is in error when it describes the Chow Chow as a "North China dog.". But, Chows there. are ini China,. of native, stock, ,especially ini South China, around Canton., As is wel! knowýn, thouigh, there aref ew o:. these native dogs who preserve- those distinguishing qualities which mark the perfection'of the pedigireed Einglish and American strains. Dr. Young would have the best of Chow Chows in China,' and there is littie doubt but that the recent acquisi- tion fromn Wauchow Kennels lias no peer in China, where, ini the Iand of long lineage, no Chow Chow has a pedigree 4. compar e with bers. Trhis puppy, whose journey to the Orient ilbe made as conifortable as possible, is one of the mtell-known lit- ter sired by Mu Li Cheng out of Swut Caroline of. Wauchow, bonti Septewn- ber 23, 1932. She cornes f rom the finest breeding strains of champion Chow Chows in the United States. and rep)resents a fine fusion of those strains. On the sire's sie is Ch. Choodnrn Briliantne.grandsire, and through the * menit of Lloyd Union, it %vas saida mn"-... . .--- lie excelled ini his sympathetic rotes tended the Dartmouth winter sports1 *for the reason that hie is himself a party, and the Yale Prom in February. sympatlietiC, ceasy-going, ni aive ap- Mary Louise's escort was Charles pearang young man. If such be the Trime, a senior at Dartmiouth.t case then niy answer to that is that -o- therein lies the secret of good cast- Willianm C. Buethe, 1351 Greenwoodt ing and the entire hlope on which the circle, expects to leave this week for2 c ,ntemnlated success of a pla-v maay Murrietta Springs, Cal., ýto join .Mrs. Edward F. Hamm, 517 Sheridan road, Kenilworth. left Friday to meet his brother in Washitigtotn. D. C. They will take the boat fromn Balti- mort to Savannah. and then motor to Florida on business. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Weese, 141 the pupljN*ys mother, cornes the bloo cifo Kenilworth avenue, accompanied by Ch. Nec Phios, grandsire, who has lie- Mr. an'd Mrs. Herjet.t Harper, and corne so outstanding as a championi at Mr.1 and Mrs. Joe Weese of Evans- recent shiows, having been Besî' of ton, spent the week-end ini Huiitmig- -Breed twenity-two times, and also Best ton, Ind., where they went to assist in Shiow three times. And, froni Swett at the eighty-flrst birthday -of N17% Caroline's mother, Ch.' G(eorgettw, Weese's mother. cornes* the blood of hier grandsire, Ch. Choonam Brilliantine. Mrs. Charles Ware and Mrs. Al- Th-us, thiis four months. old puppy fred McDougal were hostesses at a Who follows in the footsteps-by the Mrs. E. John. Hicks, 241 Melrose her sewing club at luncheon, Thurs- lions as Far Easi avenue, Kenilwortha, will entertain day of last wcek.. Institute of- u the Thursdav club at bridge March 9. -- New York City. 0o Mrs. Frank W. Cherry, 704Ro *eers author of several Mr. and Mrs. Frankc Barrett,- 615 avenue, Kenilworth. elitertained her Manchurian econc Essex road, Kenilworth,, entertaimcd bridge club for luncheon at thc Gtlor- is recognized inte sixteen 1 guests at tea Sunday.I gian hiotel a week ago Tuesdav. Pert in the field. <ýOK onYA> I politics and as an ex- 4. 4'

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