thougb the prive for both luncheon and dinner bas .been -reduced, the same high quality and good home eoigwill ,be off ered. Club members are, donating 'their inost tempting specialties, each. the. thing she makes best. A maried menu bas been prepared, the sort of good dishes one 'finds at homne, anid.a choice of main dis and of desserts i,; to be given-. Offe Wiae Vawaety For Thursday eveningý a turkey dinner is scheduled, with baked ham for those who prefer it, while frF- day there is to be whtefish., or a choice of meat if desired. Since the price lias been lowered, no reduction for children is to be given. They may, however, have a wide choice of fond. Tlables may be :eserved for a definite t imce for famifle or grotps ii ¶rish to be together. M ns. Earl G. Low, who is chiairnian of the club luncheon committee, throughout the year, is in fuil charge of the "Cafe de Mart." The. cater- esses %vhio regularly assist her will liandle the kitchen work and prepare :ll foQds flot donated. Mrs. Ernest H-., Freenian is chairnman of the (lin- ing rooni service and will be glad to taku reservations or to seat fanijlies aiid friends comfortably as, thev ar- wortwhilries ofwindow tô the door and often into buman' hf e even the bank lobby. Warwaate. DolayWo in, the .midit of I sipsilMr. Haleepiis difficulties. tiipsbl'an, The cûrche aièto develop, the 'usual speed ýin 'Co- Thechuche: ar lection, due to the delay occasioned ,te*alngeu o iii handling tax warrants presentëd, in thr ee challn o the payment of taxes, but the publicý ourly Nôd mgnfi is proving very generous in its àa- cently.é Notand e simpilyit in the generous un- tech as adhe appreciates t ostentatious' giving Up to the close of business Monday o f -unparalleled Rv .D lio evening he had collected a% total-of sunis of mnonty to R .D.Alsn$48,678.80, of, wbich Glencoe had. meet physical distress, though this is ad$193.6 inta $176,996.25; remarkably. sustaitied, butz rather in the 1 Kenilworth, $48,581: il te, $154,- building of morale. ini the strengtb that 705.22. From, that part of Evanston cornes through comradeship and in, the in the south- end of New Trier town-' vital contact of ýmaii witlî is:h Maker. ship;: the. townsh.ip outside. of the This last-the Chuirchs,, unique minis.: villageýs, and- that part of Glenview in try is the greatest of all services and, - rertwnbphd en.e one whicli,. n an adeguak se1e is of-!. ceived $24,481.62. fered nowhere else. . ttWISI $*M39iS4 Frindsandneihbos. o iot ai The total real estate taxes on the to attend faithfully the Chtirch of 1or books of New Trier, including the own hoie. ou iil eceve ro taxes against the forfeited property Christ. Hirnself inspiration, courage and: for 1931, is $3.439,789.84. grace sufficient for your daily need- i and flot onlv so, hut by your presence,i Rev. E. B. JeweiI WiII your participation and1 your Ioyalty you Preach Here March 14 ,xill aid Uim in giving these great gifts to others. . The Rev. E. B. Jewell of Red Marci to CUitrcli in March' i Wing. Minit. will preach a -lentexi service wiIi be 'led by. a çomnbined choir of eigbty voices from the Bap- tist and Preshyterian churches, un- der theAirection of Madame Gil- deroy Scott of Evanston. The five coo0.perating churches ex- tend an invitation to the general pub- lic, so, far as' the capacity, of- the, clurcb building will permit. The, c'hief inlteret of the five ministers, under the leadership of. the, Rev. John g. inüdley of the First Congregational church, it is explained, is in shairing the inspiration of. Christian Fellow- ship wth as, many people. of the community as. possible.. Invitations have been ýsent to the various rnen's organizations in par- ticular, setting aside March 'S as Men's Day and urging the attend- ance upon divine worship at the church of one's choi 'e. The mn~wiig service of the cooperating churches is available to visitors, as are those of all other religious bodies in WiI- mette, it is pointed out. Following Sundays have been designated as Women' Dav, Familv, rare even thec 5:30 to 10, -so that the dinner hour CruaeP tiosini St. Augtistine's church are inviting The Wiltiette Sunday Evening wIll be a very happy one. YoungC uae eiin ail res idents of the village to hear club progranis terminated for the. people wiIl find the dancing a Liost!om nes îii. Mr. Jewell wil. conduct lenten season last Stinday, thus permitting delightftl eorlyivening etertaîn-serie tnoon, dailv. f rom March -patrons of the communjty enterprise ment. Entirely informaI, of course. in 'l'le ternis of two nienmbers of thec 13 to17, in thec Grand Opera House,, to join in the uxited sermons. accor~d with the easy hospitality of \Vilmette Library board, J. R. Har- Chicago.__________ the, Mart. per, president of the board. and Dfr. Hubert Carletoni. rector of St. For the cliil.dren inovies wvill be L uther W. Benson, expire tlîis spring. Aiîgustîne's. lia, arranged to bring Kenilworth to Hold ~,wini the basemeîît at 45-minute, Petitions are being circulated on be- several outstandi,îg preachers io the holV tApi8 intervals froni 3:30 to 9:30. and they!haîf of bôtb of these Meni to return churcli for the Stindav services dur - SholV eApi8 ma uour cnv ndpocrua ti t.te ad ing Lent.. Kenilworth's annual school election ansti to Wwauicegana west nortb shore towi the meeting. ais>o ini ile Jimisi wiiattend( ,".Il 'W to pai ls sung by Mrs. Hattie éll known colored, singer. te women bave been urged ate in this serv ice. +ô your 1hem lins ýlth departinen Februarv 26.ý. for the.,week -cend-.