Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 47

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wvilbvaried including forums, for tl'ie discussion of conlmunity prob- leis, nnemploymnent relief luncheons1 (ledicated to the, study of' the status of the unemployed white collar girl, meetint.gs te arouise interest in public education, propsperity campaigns to ,tîmiulate, community buying, and, inany similar -projects. Poaàder Commuaunty Prolemns The Wilmette Business and Pro- fes sional Woman's club will eéndeavor t .o meet, with other icivic. organiza- tiens to discuss 'the common prob- lems in Our 'own, village. "What, is wrong witb the American coni- mfunity?", bas been suggested as the topic to consider'.and many iterestý- -ing phases will be discussed whiclî mmight make Wilmette a better or- ganized community, The prograin is ini line with a "ten year" objective adopted by the na- tional organization two years ago wvhich pledges the federation to an intensive study of econoinic prolleins and their social imiplicationsw-ýIth -thie viewv to the achievement of a higlier mecasure of social justice than at present prevails. While the study. extends into -state and national fields. the clubs are making comniunîty problemns their chief concern. igncrest, 34 ro o. ,..roatian scnooi of Des Plaines won the boys' tourna- ment, defeating. Nortbbrook -in, thel finals. The Nortbbirook girls won the girls'.tournamfent, whipping, Morton Grove in the final gaine., L. Raymus Mturphy, principal- of the Highcrest school, s aid, this ýweek that as soon as the weather permits the Highcrest pupils will begini play-, ing baseball. (Wilimette Unit 46) Last, month Wihnette Unit No.. 46 of the American Legion Auxiliary- conducted an essay contest, as. an Amiasn prjet The subject was "The American Flag, Symbol of Anierica's Greatness ai n bemI of Her Destiny" and any eighth grade pupil ini any school in Wilmette could enter the contest. The judges, Mrs. O. G. Daily, president, and Mrs. D. C. L4each, Americanism chairnian of the, unit, and Mrs. C. B. Cochran, Anieri-, canisin chair-nan of Cool, Cotinty council of the Auxiliary. take pleasure compieted. Meinbers ofrthe ciubin- terested in helping with the mnaking of these cotton garments, which. w.hen completed - are given ont. through, the Associated Charities. in the city, may take their workc homeç. thecara etnphasizes.. Appointed Ckairman Another, Important announcement conceriiing the ciub'is actiity iwas the, dilsciosting of the appointinent of Mrm. Charles A.,.Broad to continue as pro- gram chairman for another year. The% appointment made by the board of di- rectors was ratliid by the membershlp iamt Friday during.the meeting. Mrs. Thomasq Mintz, ways and neans4 chiairman, called attention to the benefit dessert bridge and fashion' show on St. Patrick', day, of which detaiied: notice appears elsew here In this Issue, as does. the account of the next fine artsde partnient programn made by 'Mrs. Russe1It Flooid,, hairnian. who also called at-I ,revisions rffices to places; i. c. the first three for con- testants wbo finish a complete puzzle, fittéd. together- propçrly. There watt be a contest :for. single entrance and'on- other for contestants, who want to work in pairs. The contestanits worlcing atone will have à 200-piece puzzlie to puot to- gether and partners will have a X64.' piece puzzle. A éontest for- chîldren, is also bei4g. planned in *connectiofi with the adult. tournament but it will be held in the afternoon' of the sanie day and at the. saine place. The children wilI ha-#e a 100-piece puzz le to solve bef ore the winner can he determined. Furtber: information- may be liad and previous registration mnade with.Dud-, lev C. Stone'. recreation assistant in chiarge of the contest. Shawnee Players to Give Mystery Drama On Friday and. Saturday eveanings of this week Shawnee Country club menmbers and gruests will sec a pro- mr.; mi.Alen of coinum5u. oJfio, jurist ; %hich w .larjorie Sh-uler of New York City. American atitlii>r and ticwspaper ivinaii, and (l men t of Aun F.Leidendeker.. hiead of the Science and Industry departiiient of Hie Los Anigeles Public library, who WILI are respectively public relations, M iss pubiicity and program chairmnan of NcKay's the National Federation of Business nue, is le and Professional Womnen's clubs.* tiiiore tc The national federation le the largest Jean W( national organization of husines-s wcin-,and Ho%,, ive prizes f roni. the n Auxiliary. Depart-: L ATTEND WEDDING Betty McKay, the Robert G., sdaughter, 823 Chestnut ave-' eaving next Tuesdav for Bal- o attend the1 marriage of Miss twiliing cf- the - néed a Woman's c luib îng. lus now for Its membere and of the __________ neéd It fisl just now in the lives of thOsme who belong to it. MOTOR, TO PAIIWOPE "6Fairs on Parade0 Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 526 The program was delightful. in two Washington avenue, and her son. brief and effeçtive scenes contrast wit.S Sanford, left by motor last Sunday given between the Colurnblan expos i- ortesuh Teysntw as ti<on of 1843 and A Century of Pro g-Ifrtesuh hysettod [reýs. With the long skirted leg-0-mlut- ini Columbus, Ohio, before going on <> t aul. Mrs. Hayes M.\c.Kinniey, 10, ýolis nuýe avenue, entertained the ýgh- mittee on membership, con deni, five past presidents of the Woman's club.. at lunchecin nette nt the M ýndav. 1 tlqtér Loi'4 Ilrs. G. spent last ter, Mrs. aveinte. nk T nale, of honor Amer]

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