424 Linden Ave. Wili 97L MIODERN 15 RM. I3UNGALO sunporeh ln Winnetka. F'urni 2-7ca r garage. Possession3 For tinformation calli'A. J. 4132 N. LeClaire Ave., Chics dare 7455. 97V let. sener, Kil- 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, 1712 BROA.D- vlew Ave., Highland Park.. Hot water heat, 2-car garage. $60 imonth. Ph. -dr. Schaefer, Wilmette,90. 97L.TN42-ý2tp FOR RENT-BUNGALOW WITH GAR. and garden. 480 Provîdent Avenue in Winnetka. $40., Ph. Wllmette 888-Y-2.. 9TbTN43-ltp 7 ROOM DUPLEX, HOT WATER HT., newly decorated,. excellent. locatlin, near trýanspor'tation, schools. Ph. WIl- mette .3562; 97LTN43-ltp WïIÎTÎT1-e R-S-2-CAR GARAGE. H. W. lit. Near schoolà and transp. $75 Phone Winnetka. 3686. 97LTN434ltp, *.WANTRO 10ro ENT-Houe" *A "-OR ACTION LIST YOUR HOME WITJI US F0OR rent or sale. BAIRD & WARNER, 550 Park Ave., Kenilworth, Kenil- worthj 4785, 1071 Skokie Ridge Prive,, *Glencoe 1554. and Central 1855. "CITY WIDE SERVICE-7 NINE OFFICES LAUNDRY B EN C H; ALSO ONEB wilh winger attacheL. Baby's bras., crlb,'spring, and hair mattrem. Ore- tonne-covered window 'seat cushion. Winnetka 730. 129LT43-itp I3EALJTJFUL PAINTED 7-PIECE BED- room set. lncludtng very good box spring ,and mattress. $90. Cali WII- mette 834, 129LTN43-ltp 181 OR *AL9--MIUCELLANKOUU HARDWOOD FOR FIREPLACE; 2 FT. length. DelIvered. $10 per cord. $6 per hlai ord. Wlnnetka 2108. 133 WD. TOSUY-M1CEL AUOUS Baby Buggy Wanted MNUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION AND reasonable. Winnetka 502-M. WAN!T TO BUY - SECOND-IIAND portable phonograpli. Must be in good condition. W*nnetka 32M8 Mrs. Carl Alfred Peterson, Maple avenue, entertainied Mrs. ville Daily, Mns.. Herbert Smith, M%,rs. George Kellogg at luncheon bridge at her home ont Friday. 0o- Miss Donotlhy Pettinger, daugl ()f Mr. and MNs. G. W. Pettiný 1424 Wilnîette aveniue. entertaî 141 Or- *and and pr- uptny aitue nour mentioiled. The first stop on the trip will bie the broadcasting studio where those taking the trip will be allowed to audience oneo the prOgrams as well as enjoy a* conducted tour through the plant. The nmon, hour wiîI .be. s pent at the, Field Museumh. Each child must, bring bis own lunch whicb will be eaten in picnic style in the lunch rooms',provided by the museum management for that. purpose. The last stop will«be the Wrigley 'Tower., The -trip will be well chaperoned by the, staff: members, of- the PlaY- ground and Recreatioti board. A small charge- is being mnade to cover. bus fare, 1which constitutes ,the ent ire cost of the trip. Parenîts are also in- vited to take the trip. Further informatiopnia>' lieihad by ýcmmunicating %vith inenîhers of- the recreation staff or by plhoning the Playgrounid atid Recreatioti of- fice, 914 Central avenue.. Mrs. Anna Boal WVicks oi 1Mout \Vernon, Va., arrived Sunday f rom P California trip for a week's iisit m-itl i ler sister, Mrs. S. Douglas Flood. 133 Kenilworth avenue, Keiiîlworth. __o_ witn glances from a nypnotic eye, a powerfuli voice, dramatization of an- ecdote and. episode, and many a,,witty aside. The human body m anufactures and throws, into the, blood -stream sorne tWenty-two of, theý most -powerful drugs knoww te science, namnely in- sulin,, adrenalin, and thyroid," said Dr. Jones in proving the. premise of his theory, "that life is a ch emical réaction .and is always chemically controlled,, These secretions of ductless glands which powerfully react u*pon the human, body may be. controlled '" claimed Dr. Jones,.. not only by science. but by the subjective brain, that part of the braiti which operates during sleep and wbich is related to the instincts and strongest emotions as oppos.e *bt.e wilor the intelect, "Thus the Fountain of Youth lies within ils,"~ said the speaker, Suggest to Sleeper Put a person to sleep by reading aloud, and then impinge upon bis sub- jective braiti, by speaking aloud, what you wisli hlm to do during bis wak- iing heurs. A skillful operator has the life of the sleeper in his hands, aird can nmold a child and somietimes an adult at will by this method, ac- furum. and unfurfi.,V Park. GRACELE Glengables Vlnn. to H-ighlando GRANT Glencoe 84 1 9414T43-ltlp HAVE CLIENTS FOR FtIRNISHEI) and unfurnished houses f roni ElVanS- ton to Highland Park, froîn $51) to $200 a month. ANN NIOREL.ANI) 661 Vernon Ave. <ilencoe 305 guests at a dancing. and bntco pary, .Friday evening. 0o Karl LD. King, who lias been Mi busi- ness nii New XYonk for some time, re- tunned Iast MNoniday- to his home at 914 (,neenwmoodi avenue. He hiopes that bis retuirnti c W\ilmette w blVe permnanent.I Mr. and Mrs. H. G. B. Nixon of mr. and Mrs. ArthurYonhr oi Hibjbard road and Mr. and NIrs. \V. F. Sweazea of 723 Rize~rs ave- mie. Kenilworth. are leaving Fiida': tc) notor in Florida. EFarI Poronito, son of MNr. and Mrs. ll. E. Poronto, 17 Canterbury court.' retuirred t.o bis borne yesterdav after conipfleting hiq course at Willianis college. DinTflk buttérmïlk and sleep on thie grotind to cure anemia, weère but twc of the nîany common. sense and ainusing health hints. dropped by Dr. Jones ini his scientific attack upon litiniati ilîs. Patriotic Qbs.trvance ,A saluite to the tîginçgleàd .by patriotic arles N. c denart.. tromi a three weeks' illness of the flul. NIr. and Mrs. John Boyis --o- Chestnut avenue, and theli Mr. and MNrs. Herbent Nichg)ll.4. ters, Mrs. Hollis Gleason2 '001 Lake avenue. entertained at dis,- RoY Rennacker, will return lier Satundav of last week, froni a %West Indies cruise. transp. Wir 340 Lnden 6 raa., ga achoolsa a mvLI . sday .1