l»hoiý(e Winnetka 21-46. 82LTN43-Lp RO<)M FOR ýRENT 1NEARTRNP Rcêasoiabe. phone Winnetka 3238. 82L43-ltp 2 E('L5,EI'R(b)S-$iNGLE OR guitt-,. Sear ail transp. Rleasonable rent. -Ph. Wilnîette 1940. 82LTS'43-Itc 91A REAL ESTATE SSERVICI That New Servicle for SE'EKERS -a.id OWNERS of North Shore, Properties WVhether you wi>i iIo ltlit ('r Buy Voiu .jukkly find WUtytIu waflt ie ,eNey PhIoto-']<,ur o fHoe T juni' NewPlni rsults *1 poRuEITAATET FINfflT APARTME.NT HOMES 1426;,Chicago- Avenue 0-7--9 ROMS -3-4 BATHS Fireproot 8 styý. elev. bldg. Convrenielit ail trans., schools, churîchesa, abopa. botels , theaters, University and the lakte. Liv. rms. 30x18 with flrePlat0s. Fine batha. Priv. gar. with day and nlght service.. Tennis court. Garage. gas and. eiec. refrig . included. See Mg.on 'preni. or phone Gre. 9412 or, Uni. 5582..1jN1-t W<ilmrtte'S MOST. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING THE LINDEN- CREST MARKED REDUCTIONS ON 2, 3, 4. 5 RlM. APTS. SEE US ABOUT RATES NOW. RROLL & SMITH. AGENTS 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 500 92LTN41-4tp REFR RE~ i' NsTrru. IELS1WHERE, loi Polit RENT-NOUBM E. near school"- rms. 2 battis, oilIht., firepflace, poreti, garage,, for $75. month. Hubbard WoodW-Close in-7 ilge. rins.,. 2 batbs, oh tiht., porches,, for $90 moÔntb.* 7 rmm"., central Wininetka, 2Ë battis, H. W. Sht., garage, fiee lot, for $60 monith. Kenilwortb:-Almoà4t new.Frencti brick, 6 fine roomc. 2 colored tile battis, lav. lot, oil . t., bk. n., -A-I range. and elec. box imcÎ., 2-car. beat0d garage, $125 montb. MANY OTHER HOMES HILL & STrONE, Tel Wlnn. 1544 .or 340 NORTH 0F EVANSTON' Kenlworth--8 rrnis, àbathe, oi t tl$25 Winetka-6 rins., 2 batti, Colonial $195 Wininetka-.Modern Englii brick on large lot, 6 bedrms., 3 battis. -.$200 Highland Park_- Englisti stucco.-with ,mn Ae.a.. good n'ices le rentals$~. STULTS RE. St. BAIRD &,WARNJER 550,Park Ave., KeniL Kenitworth 478,5 1071 Skokie Ridge Dr. Glencoe 1564 and, Central 15 94CITY WIDE SERVICE'ý WHITE SUI»N-dE COLONIAL. WITII charming sunny roonis, tastefufly decorated. 2 batlis, garage, largo yard with trees, near transportation and sehools.' $100 to deslirable tenant . Other bouseig furnhahed and, unfurnished., .Wlnnetka, Glenooe, and Konilwortb. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746' Elm st.Winnetka 122-4721 97LTN43-ltc 6n mi ngih cottage, .............. $55 6rm. om boise, 2 batis ....... -$75 7 nm. bouse, 4 bedrms., 3 battis, 2 porches, oh bheat, gar...... Éngligb brick, 5 bedrins, 2 battis,s o11 heat . .. . . . .. . . .... $125 SMITH & COS 725 Elin Street Winnetka 350 OTLTN43-lte 11UBBA1RD WOODS -ENGLISH MSE. on ýwooded 72-ft. lot. Most modern. Lge. liv. rm., t3cr. pcb., 5 bedr*ns., 3 batbk, toilet, lavatory 011 tit. $125. Real Estate Service, Inc. 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 97LTN43-Itc 5 rmn. stucco, füirnace Rit., 1-car garage, For -bioiit ale. R~PL<AN R., B. \HITAKER CO. 841 ELM% ST. PHOflE 8260 WINNETKA Originators of «'The Witaker Plan" 725 Elm St. Winne 2 ROOIM F'URNISHED AND nihed apartment.s. 503 Choitl netka 690. 4 RM. KITCHENET' TE APT., rMs Fiiaire. HuMPhreýy * riei -r rmmt., - lius.., 1aU. . ip I 1k. Forest--4 mis., 4 bedi'ln, 3 ha.. $200I ( Geneva-9. rmns., 5 bedrnis., 3 bs. $125 I_ V J. L. FLOYD CO. c 384 Center St. Wlnnetka 3603 j 1 97LTN43-1tc HOUSES FO]k RENT, FUB2NISHED Ot and unfurnIshed. Ail ses, at modernm prices.F Fred'k B. Thomas &' Co. i "4300. .Ask for AdTaker O ieproeptect for oil beat,,att Ilo heat, i.1500._M