Deadisne for Isetins ' T <1etay 9 Pwll .. .fr WILMETTULIFEor ail threpapers; Wededa"y 9 P. là. or WINNETICA TALK ,mand TIIuradaym 5 P. M. for OLEPNCOE NUWU. Teiephonem: WlImette 430t. Winnetka 302M. Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake5S8L, L@ST ANS FUND WHiST WATcH LOSI?. WHITE GO LD Eligin..February loi North Shore lonve, Elm to ('burch, and to uororlty quad- ragit?, Evitnstoi. Reward. Wlnnetka * 157 3L43-ltp. Toy BQSToN TERRIOR LOST-Mý-ale. Brindle. White chest, neek and foot. Winnetka lcense 361.. Tel. Winnetka 361. .Reward. 3LTN43-ltC L.OST-PAIR 0F CHIIIDSG.SE ln case. Reward. Ph. Wilmotte 4309. 3LTN43-ltp *BINESS SERVICE wttl empItely overha4ul any. $2VACUUM CLEANER APPLIAÂNCE REPAIR SERIVICE Winnetka 486 16LrN43-4tp JERRY'S JIGS IIigh-grade puzzles for rent and sale. 5e dally under 350 Pleces; loc dm.îRy over. DelIvery. Winnetka 2047. 16L43-ltp WTy.uMr'rl,4191 30 NTU IO CHiLItEN - VIOLIN LeSSONà'S. .2 leé4on4 a week for $i.00 tln your honte. violine rented. Refkeence.,. Wllmeit". .548., Willfiam Braîîîi. 30LT.I43- ltp 34 ANR eXPER. GERMAN LAUDRSS 1T class refs.. wihes -to talco more work Iy piece or pound. Guarantood servr- Ice. Cal! Wlnnetka 3019. 34LTN42.4tp 42 PAINTINS Ato DECOATING Paint. Paper 5 Rms. $34.501 WHIT. JWER. LAJNDRESS wýalits work to do at,homte. 2t' Yearm exper. Bent ief. WiIl cali for anid deliver. Retaàonaàbie. lei. Olencoe 555. 6SLT43-ltp IWOULI IJKE TO, PLACE MY EX- perienced naid- for igenera.l house- work. Very good evook.' Phone Win- netka 1224.. 68L43-ltp 2 GERMAN GIRUS WANT WORK BY day or hour-washlng, ironing, . dean- ing. sewing. ierving, care of chllden. Winetka 1921. , 68LTN43-Itp ÉXPERIENCED WOMAN W A N T S laundry or cleaning b>' tue day. Roferencen. Call iWliîetto 42883terç 6 :30. 68LTIN43-Itp CAPA BLE WHITE WOMAN WISHES part time work, mhother's helper, care ef *chiidren.ý also serving. > Best of rets. Ph. -W ilmette 4203. 68LTX43-ltïp Y1 NC1 WHITK GIRL WANTS tion t4) heip with housework an dtren. No cooking, $5 a weeké. d chli- W"l- WÂNTED AT ONCE:' Experienced white domnestlc beip. Must 'ave working ref. No rogfistor fee. PAUUINE'S 522 Center St. Wlnnetkà 2662-3017, 7ILTN43-lte MAID', GENER4AL HOUSEWORK; 2 aduitsi 3 chIidren. 'Must ho good cooký and. thoroughiy ca.pable. Help with laundry. $8 to start. Ph. Winnetka 3657Î. 17!L43ltp YOLNC, WOMLAIN HANDY WITH needie to learn i sewing, aloodo gen- eral work Ani a ladies' tailor shop. 1122, Central Ave., Wiimette. ,- 71LTN43-Itp WHITE GIIRL FOR GEý-N. BOUSE-- work. -màll Glenview home. Exper. iwitht.>hildren. $5. Phone after 6:30 'lenve 2.71LTN43-Itp WANTED - MAID., WHITE, GENER- al %ho .eor 9 2 a.iIu its o*Mut . zaci tloors wasnea, serub waxed. $8. Rets. Materials furnished. PRICE S L -wNVIIICAR. to learn bus!- least 2 year% jme sales ex- 1IR-L,.25 wants gel de Pl dace. Rats, Roaches,.,e P. J. UEDELHOFEN, EXTE] lng englineer. Ph. Winnetk Northbrook 128. 161 Bicycles Ropaired. Broken fri ed. Soldeiig, machine, me G. SODERBLOM Bicyclel Lînden, Ilubbard Woods. « Cl I 4à PRAVN EXPERT FI j pright or grai giar.; 16 yrs.. Thomias. Park r workl H. C.1 'XP. MAN WISH-ES W7RI mail, can.e d furnace, g: general work of -all kindési for board. or room and tý lish preferrýed. Write. N7 exchangt, d. Eng- Box 40. *T'1.îtn) 73 HELP WT.-ýM4 $7.3 TO $1) !"r , t-perienced PAUL 77 FOR .51 UINE'S Wlnn. 2662-301i 73LTN43-ltc LE-AIJTOS neU in youUK 11Un8U or mentale for succei W tessonis. W. B. W rIcook. Horne. more ti re0 Ms Mary Pair PColored couples with xcellenit local Sreferences. SPaffline's Emýrp. Agencies L522 Conter St. w nnetka 2662-3017 p 0T4-t 82L43-ltn FOR RENT-DESIRABLE ROOMS AT very roasonable prices, board optional. 1716 WalnutA., Wtlmette. Phono Wilmette 463. 82LT42-2te 17