*Lage this 7J.fursciay and . rrîiay. The story, f roui an original by Ed- uiuudGoulding and Benjainiii Glazer, translatCd 'b the screen hyMain Watkius,. deals. withi the adventures . of Bahe Stewart, card-sharp and confid- ence nMan. WJ& ith te ai<l of l)rothy Mackaill, Grant .-Mitchell and, Paul Ellis, he lures wealthy i1 itopkr gaines and( easily trims theni of their l)auk-rolls. :Buit this lhard, lo.ve-'em- àgid-leave-em gambhler, gets inîselfin- t() trouble whenu he tries tw walk out 9)n Dorotlîy as h lie as walked eut on e iuntless woeîn befere ier. Modem Robinson CruSoe Douglas Fairbaiks *latcst picture, .-Mr. Robinson. Crusoei" cnes te, the Teatro del* Lago o»n Saturday, March 4, and thus local fans will have ýtheir opportunity of seing the advcnturous' star -in 'a modern version of the f amed Defoe cheraeter, 'a ehaater destined- *te take a high place witb the gallery already conîposed of "Robin Hood7 "Don ,Q," "The Threc Muisketeers" and al the ether Fairbanks masterpieces. "Mr. Robiison Crusoee is not a travelogue. not even as near as was -Around the WVorld iu 80 Minutes." It is an original story by Tomi Geraghty, oue based upon the famous classic, but 'it only draws upon certain adventumes in the Defoe story. More- "Hello Everybody," "Cavalcade," tIucky Devils,". "Traiding the Kil- 1er" and "Kid From Spini.". Adts eaindYoung Adulte "They J ust Had 'te Get Married.". "Nagana" "The Kingzs> Vacation" "Second -Hand Wife," "Billioýn Dollar. ScandaI," "Hallelujah. 1'm a Buin," "The Bitter Tlea of Gen- eral Yen,". 'MNaedchen. in Uni-. forin, "Goona Goonia*'and '"To-ý niiglit'Is Ours'." Adulte *Ftisco Jenny," "The Past of Mary Holmes," "Strange Inter- lude, "Vampire, Bat,"' "Child of Mýanhattan," .'enîpleyees' ,En- trance," "Secret cf IMadame Blanche," "She Doue 'Him Wrong," "Death' .Kiss," "The Womnan Accusedl." "No Other Womnan" and -Iaughter ini Hell." WORLD EYES MICKEY Not only in Europe but also along the nortb shore, Mickey 'Mouse bas many admirers who always enjoy sce- iîîg what the little hero is going to do next. He's a worlcl character. hv. Ednîund I.owe. Wynne Gibson, unî ~UII acui iie scoutuuî cluuuiuu, theme will be no, modie this Friday.- The photo-thriller is jammed to the buit. with fiftyý-seyen, varieties of -actîin, and sbould keep its viewers grinning happily for days. Lt is an antiidote, fer the blues, bot weatlier and depres- Mickey Rooney, Paul Hurst, Noel: FranciÉ, jim Thorpe, Finis Barten and Stuart Holmes niake their appea rances ii the Uniî,versal picture with two- gunned Mix and James .Kirkwocd the fomrhero uew turned.-deligbtfuily villaineus-. Doiït miss ."My' Pal. -the King!' It bas a lovely waliop. Our J ames Gleason Is One-Man Show Business Versaile. JamesGleason, fétred in the cast of "The Devil Is Driving, is a one-mnan show business. Net onlyi an actor of renown on stage and scréen, he is a playwrigbt, whese hits, "la Zai Se," "The Fall Guy," "Shannons ,of Broadway," have niade theatrical his- tory, and a screen dialog writer witli the dialog for one of the first s1uccess- fui talkies, -The Broadway Meiody,' to bis credit. He bas operated as a also Fatty Arbuckle C@medy Louis Armstrong à. Bond . .. News Etv.niiig Shows OnIv Tom Patticila Côu.dyý Review ...Nw . reli Set. Math 4-atin.. Only Randolph Scoff-Zne Grey& "WILD HORSE MESA' the if e of tbe famous story-beok char- acter. Net. only dees he equal Cru- soe's accemplisbments; lie also un- catbs many other complications, in- cluding a baud-to-baud fight witb 1a - bead-bunter, battles with cannibals and, even more intriguing than these, ýthe capture of a beautiful maiden, in :oue as tbe girl ini the case, Tbhrougb b is brotber-in-law, fore- man ini a garage, Lowe gets bimnself à job' as "grease uionkey." Tben he. dis- covers tbat the upper fleors of the building serve a variety of purpses- none of thein legitmmate. It's of no censequence te Lowe until EDNA MAY OLIVER in "Penguin Pool Mystery" witt booked for the Teatr it will show on Tue day, Marcb ..and 8,, "MY a cuist