were seen ini inea u.Jce i gL ante~r va -- ----- c *i iibYc pictures and the fact that mother l0v2 tinued very long? What effectd i aitlits phases is being featu.redI as a' cbaritY, 'for any length of timeih iavorable, subject.: on . the- morale of a. mani, a manti The Better Film group is aIsu empha- bas. worked and is, willing to w sizing tbat managers of local theaters' to keep bis family In the, necessi are eager to'receive criticismn of thear of life?. This charity, white it bokings so that they can better judge "ecess ary rigbt now, and 'helps the taste of their movie audiences. physical side of the situation, te "The managers are here to provide to destroy confidence and ability thie very. best entertainment that the i.n.reality leaves harm bebind.1 niarket affords," states the Better Film The work in which Mr. Bickf g~rouip, "and if tbe public lîkes and pat- is interested is relief work, "mal ribiiizes the best-then that will bc given jobs for, thes.e people; helping tl t.) themi. Cooperation is ail the mani- to bhelp themselves; doing work I agiers ask.", for lack of tax money, wvould.I \Va'lmettes Better Film group> is also gone undone." As in the case of >tresing that movies 'are taking their Old Peoples' Home, the buildings1 placc With, the fine arts and that- edu- had no attention for seven years..' cator s are beginning to. realize they County board was out of fundis.1 tîu.t help the children aud the youth relief work put unemployed men t) formn 'a _good taste in the oie s there and wasbed and painted thiev dIo in art. music and literaturé. cleafted theheibl-11e1I1iftRthe Ir William Lewin of the Cenitral I-igh putting the home in a livable cor ~col Newark, N. J., says. "The tion, and relieving the County bo ph*toplay is the most complex and the of that necessity for two or th !eaIt standi(ardized of ail media ()fex_ years to come. T'his was repeatee 1pre..siq >. It is the combination of the Cook County bospital and .pIaiitgomime, the dance. paintitîg. etch- Lincoln Park board properties. mrg, photograpby, conversation, po)etry Pictutres were sbown of anot atnd thec dratr.a.' division of bis %vork, that of fitt ________________the physically unifit into other - w~ ucupations. of teaching the blindc does have Who work ities it -is the meds and bhain; tking them that, have fthe had The and .Bob Burlinigame, soli of the Charles M. Burlingames, 812 Greeîî- leaf avenue, will, be, host -to a f ew friends> thîs afternoon at Shawnee Country club at a splash party fnl-2 lowed.by' dinner. The-party"is be-, ing given in celebration of bis tentlî birthday. Cuilluos Noow I C.map.uy FEUE 111k Ip I ami D.IIv.vy SU*S 725 Mala SL W1~.Bb I WI-ATI ANOTHER' CANDY SHOP? Yeso, but only the. SEST of candy woulcl dore to maàke ifs debut i i$oc Some old favorites yba'l lIike-Datters coe& Creamts - Aimond Brittie- Pecan Legs / '14ý TW»m 744 EIm St., Winnetka Winn.tka !579 the curb 4t 'liard strect and Shter- 'dan road. The Wilrnetue olice r- ceived a report on the accident about 12:30) o'clock, and Ebert was rilslied- to the Evanston hospital in the pc- lice ambulance. There it was found that his giose and jaw were broken ami that several of biis teeth had h)ýcet knocked out. their place in the sciieme of tnîngs. Before this , talk Mr. Replogle, principal of the StoIp school, had ad- dressed the meeting :on the relation- sllip of the P. T. A4,. and the school. Donald Berblinger sang several nuin- bers, accompanied by bis mnother, AND. -SAVE, 3% TO ý4% TaxWaat phone 37 maý Phono 6081 3775