5J1icen 8l4.E8 lW c '.u luraOwrr terrn and the meimbers for thrce-yçar terms. <ýHenry E.L Cutler as president of the board. Mrs. 'Eunice Henderson and Charles M. Burlingame are the two members -whose terrms expire. An- other vacancy on the board exiets be- cause of the resignation of Ralph A. Durhanm, and someone wiIl be elected to fill his unexpired tertà of one year. .The date for the: election is Satur- daLy April 8, and the Village hall will be the polling place. ..The customn of havig a cominittee from the. parent-teacbeIr associations and the Woman's club select a slate of. candidates has been.,followed for a number of years. Tell Wilmette Schools of BnchaaL.4 IsIa.d Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor of Glencoe, (Joy Scheidenhelm) as a member of the Evanston junior league, is in charge of providing speakers for the Wilmette schools who will tell about the En- chanteci. Island, the junior league* project for children at A Century of Progress excposition. Mrs. Taylor ber- self lias given sèveral talks, the most recent of which was on February 15,.th Tite Rcv. John G.' Hindley, presidént of thse Wifmette Allni- ters> Union andf minister of the First Con gregational churcis, is di- reting tise arrangementsr for tihe United Loyalty, program tt'hich jfive chiurches in the village arc con-. ducting during the lenten season. cbuld flot scem to find the hoop, coni- ing through withý but one basket from the field. One of the: most consistent scorers on the nortb shore, Carl, Thor- senhad to content himself- with but one field goal. Other, Kenilworth stars included, C. Schroeder, W. Wiley and, Tom'Saxton wbo belped keep the Trojans in dis- tress Most >of tihe ga me. The Kenilworth Memorial gym will soon resoqnd with shouts when return games are played with both,,,the Tro- jans and the. Panthers. The Panther game,1 espec ially, is expected to'provide thrilling aeion, since the Panthers felI victimn to the Unknownsin 'a battit that wetit overtiniefilve minutes on Monday night of last week. Stimmaries of thie Trojan ganfie: Uudse.wns 424) ?r«Mn s, < $ B.F 'B F I Thorsen i O 1 Bolby 1i O 2 Saxton 3 0 O Petersen 1 1 1 Bagnell 3 1 1 B. Smith 2 2 1 Milton 1 O0'2 L. Smiith 0O(O i: Leonard 4 1 0 (asterton 2 3O Montonara O 0 O Schroeder 1 0 1 Black 3 O O W>lie* 0 O 1 Total 16 2 6 .6 4 The fun will begin at 10 o'clock and continue until dark. There will be prizes galore. Circus music vil keep things gay and the.re will be popcorn, and candy. A yellow. haired gipsy, Senorita Josita, will tell the future. Among the side, shows wil! be: rolting on a barrel, fishing in a gale, hunting the giraffe, -bean bag throwný-g, golfing, grab bag, etc., Sandwiches: and tea wiIl be seerved "over the sawdust.", And cookies and cakes wvill be on sale. "Bring ail the nickles %-ou caui get," urgesthe committee. , 1&e want You to h ave a good time. Therte is no admission .charge,." The committee is.:coiposed tif fishing, Martha. Brown; -go inig, Jackie Baihatchet; barre!! - ro 'lling,ý Nancy Bercawand Mary Van Sin- den; bean bags, Malry Lou .loyCe and Gladys Phelps; giraffe hutintg, Vir-, ginia S-chakoeLý ra1, bag, Mary jmite Qrr; fortune-telling, Senorita Josita, laie of California; tea room, Elsie jane von der Lippen, jane Kempnich, and Lois Hellstrom; popcorn and candy,. Betty Gebert and Marjorie Pope; bake sale, Marie Gaither. Imogene Kaufmiai, and Shirley. Kiken. Miss Florence Mitchell, captain of the troop, will becftic cashier, as- sited by Lucile Fredici. iiigou ue iNrinwsi mns c '-,i Wilmette,, and Kenilworth schools, be held Monday evening, Mardi 6, ini with Mrs. Gordon Canning of Evanston IN HOSPITAL the Nornsandy Tea roomn in. "No in charge. Assisting Mrs. Taylor in Mrs. Arth ur J. Taylor, 835 Central Man's Land." Nominees to be voted speaking ini Wilmette have bes- Mrs. avenue, who underwent an emergency upon include: president, J. D. Kin- Kingsley Lorig Rice, Miss Helen operation at the Evanston hospital on near, 2241 Chestnut avenue; vice- Chapman, and Mrs. Drennan Slater. February 18, is. showing very little im- president, Stanley Johinson, 1925 Mrs. Anan Raymond, also of Evans- provement. lier strength is not re- Thornwood avenue; secret-ary, Wil- ton, addressed, the Logan-Howard turning quickly, but it is hoped that liam Edmonds, Sr., 1925 Greenwood P. T. A. at the Howard scbool in her condition will soon show improve- avenue, and J. H. Devine, 2026 Ken- February. ment. ilworth avenue; treasurer, E. J. Fal-. ligntuî tea on 1 rwrsuav of tast WeCCk in the Scout roomn at the Winette Baptist church. The prograrn began at 4 o'cloc,, opening with a concert of Scout songs arranged as follows and sung unaccompanied as is customnary ini Scout singing: Hail to the Scouts! FOLK SONGS. The Swiss Chalet (Le Vieux -Chalet) The Keeper (.English) Home on- thie Ranige (American Cow- Yokan ahigo.-------rom tneir former home at 511 Lin- J--- n'u '". ii rs i-l- Z YokadWsigo.den avnu o 18Ahlndaene and, Mrs. W. E. Goettcliee of. Chi- Stolp and avneDgAU~IAIUwot~br Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ç' Scheiden- 0 vne thias, Eleanor heum, 704 Lake avenue, wilI entertain Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Weedon, 110 Robert McNeil Burns, 614 Essex ter Goltra of their Fellowship club this Saturday Fifth street, gave a dinner party Fni- road, Keniiworth, made a business Mrs. Joseph for -dianur. day. trip to Detroit, Mich-., iast week. anston. znette, and Mr. and en Pearson of Ev-