Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 38

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E VERY tluoughtfül. and. consider- ate manskould proyide his> femiIy with a portrait of himself, as le is today. How. long since yoôu were*.photographed? Make An Appoîntment Toda'y MATHEWFRANCIS STUDIO 2ND FLOOR WILMET1TETHEATRE SLO.O *ii Cn IM I nVK ý 1 U A5WMu. M 2£* d TeTinker Bell pack hiad two visi- tors at its lagt meeting-Mrs. Schiroe- der and Miss Humphries; with much, Week: intect. thecy watched .the Tweenies Rosemary McDermott, néwvýy se- woek on -,their lend-a-hand books- lected. scribe for Troop 23,, says : sonietîiing tiiat every Brownie nust "Troop. 23 held its meetigýng iii he have., The Biownies are nîaking St. Francis Girl Scout rooli, with a!- scrap)bo oks, for 'the Children's hos- mos fui atenane pesct. Vepital, and they went t o work wt were so pleased to receive .our sec-, scissors and paste to add new brighit ond-class badges 'last, week that %ve pictures to the pages. At the powý - exrssed our thanks to Mrs. Fischer, wow which follow ed, M1rs. Pruss -ing wh elped nake it possible, bv writ-redatoynd e he rone ing etrto her. Planswere ade. belp ber by, substituting. words. front for a candy sale to take place before slips of paper, whenevé r shie pàaused. ,ent. We also.discussed other 'badges 1t was lots, of'fun and some oi the that wve wishi to work on-hostess. Brownlies think mfaybe they W111 t>e- ,journalism and music, Somie.0f ius gin writing stories for'thenselvs- are already working on first aid a and y rte,<hey1re-ritiga -eS-. swimming and ýhaving loads of fun." papeir of. Brownie doings,. and, The Jane Ethel . Newman is the -scribe Bro%,ntie News Sheet wil apà ar for from Troop 24: "Troop 24's mneetigtefis u a h e rni begani by going outside and plaving gathering. soine gaines, such as 'rounds,' 'part-_____ ners, ' numlbers' and others. We then weîit inside' and thie four pa.. Boys, Girls I'resent trol leaders gave a sketch on first aid. One who had been hurt would Table au for Parents call somne scout to come to lier aid, At the last meeting of the St. Frani- Néxt, in patrol corners, we discussed cis Xavier P. T. A., which wvas our nature sheets 'and planned a father's night and open bouse, the ga-ner on whatever subject each pa- Boy and Girl Scout troops of the trol had taken. When we liad fin- parish were asked to furnish the pro- isbhed the fiag ceremony, Miss Ort- gram. There are three troops of seifen told us of events that occur in girls-Troops 23, 24 and. l1-and one March; then she passed a jar con- of boys-Troop Il. tgining beans and toothpicks, and The prograin consist.ed of a tableau Unaer this o root we handie hundreds of thouo sanda of fina*icial transac- tions for the people who.: have no other place to go. Under this roof they bor. *1 Mfarjorie Wood, scribe,. speaks for Troop 4: "As the girls àrrived at our last meeting, they began working on difterent -badges. Wlien ail had ar- rived, Mrs. Denoyer sent us scamp- ering to our patrol corners to col- lect dues and prepare for inspection. Then we ail came to the center. of the room where we received ribbons' the scouts took part-the rciting of the Girl Scout promise, the Boy Scout oath, and the pledge of allegi- ance to the fiag, foliowed by "Taps," played by the bugler. Jin Rowan. Mrs. Ralph Moulding,. Girl Scout commissioner «for Wilmette, present- ed accompanving exolanations of the i roop 12,- according to te scribe wvere given a slip of paper to write a ICherry Sue Orr, "had a verv interest- question pertaining to nature. We ing, meeting last Thursday. Each pa- are to have the paper ready for 'Our trolI went outside and gathered ire- ncxt meeting. Don't forgt,1cous !

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