Slacks The most beautiful selection v 8/6 with the Slyde - FIly front, sixes 14 to 20, pair $3.OO BOYS' SLACKS of AU Wo,_ sites 14 to 20, pair ...... • 10 SWEAT SHIRTS, heevy weight, gray or white., sies 32. 44, $................. .00 SWEAT SOX, heavy weight, part vet,. white, 3 pils . BOYS' SHIRTS - Tom Sawyer make, i colors, spebiaI . . MEN'S PARIS SUSPENDERS in the new style webbing, pair •$1 .0 Men's :1 I H W 5-- R Dept. store- te Ave., I I ýýl 1 - 1 AW,- r,_