contracts have been let for the con- struction. of the addition. to the Goodyear. airship dock- at Pal-Wau-, kee airport to provide fac ilities for a second blimp that wvill be based there during the Century of Progress ex- position. Last summer the Goodyear blimp, Puritan, Was stationedat Pal-Wau- kee. ,A. dock was built at the. air- port Iast spring to barbor the sbip. According to plans, a 160-foot addi- tion is to be buit on, the west end: of this dock. At present the Puritan is at Miami, Fia. --The Puritan and the Reliance, another of thefleet of Goodyear non- rigid blimps which is also at 'Miami,1 wîll leave there in April for >Akron,1 Ohio, where they will be overbauled.i About May 1 the two ships will ar- riv mn ÇChicago to remain all surn- mer. The two airships arc 140 feet long and 35 feet in dianieter, contain 112,- 000 cubic feet of heliuin gas and are1 powered by two radial air cooled1 Warner niotors of 110 borsepoweri each. Acromarine 15 upnolstereci in gray moh air. Thne exterior is done in black with silver trimmings. An electrié self-starter, radio and other accoutremt1ents are part o the ship)'sequipm ent. Sch roeder in Washington. to. Attend Air- Meeting Maj. R. W. Schroeder of Sky Har- bocr airport,,who is secretary of the Chicago, Air Race corporation, left last Thursday night for Washington, D. C., to attend a meeting of the con- test committéee of the National Aero- naintics association. He was ac-. companied by Capt. Max Corpenning, president of1 the air race corporation, Which plans to, stage two big air meets in Chicago this year. overhauied and refini 'aukee airport. Mr. Ish, of the leading sportsini svicinity, bas been kee at Pal-Waukee ever si twas built a few yeý res at 70 Cedar street, so lias a home at Lake PaAM eaEiktthusVlS. a.Z nlQ H 02 ACKatSMITHVIEMUS Jack Spratt ca of faine,. JACK SPRATT IIAMS amrv.d Wednesday, cially for tliis great sale. An offer unex.elled in QUALITY :A ýcai. b.d of select Baby Pork Hans, 8 te, 10 Ibo. aver.go, i tenider, witii that genuine hickory r. Hamas weighing 1à t. 20 lb. eamaote it tal and tender one*. 2 Hama itiyin ii~IuD, w.itU, AIauquarea i a -- -- -1. Curtiss field. The lieutenant' flew here in a P-12 pursuit plane. He left Curtiss field Flies Here From Freeport tesnedy in Waco Plane Last Week Flies to St. Louis and C. F. Wallace arriveei at Curtiss G t ae e osrtr airport f rom Freeport, Ill, early last Paul Wagner of Curtiss airport week with bis, son. They left. the sanie day (Tuesday). Mr. Wallace i nmade a trip to St. Louis last Satur- connected with the Raleigh Medicine day, taking, one plane down and a Ir-- iny fr 1-ik ;i new. ani-sa p n LEO O LAMB Average g to 9SIbo. 1b0 Potato Sausage, Freshd madbe 2 Ibm.4 cJorqler.. 2 Prime S'irloin Steak. SIJust right- 's à d and Balboa, and will motor tl California, returning April 15. lb. -iormer,ý IIJohnI ISuits. .qi.