Mrs. Charles L. Wachs, vice-chair- inan, and Mrs. WValter Florner, of the art committee, have arranged the -ex- The show, WilI be unusual, flot only because. it is the wvork of. one family, but becatise both Kari A. 'Buehr,' the father, and George, Buehr, the son, are prorninient *in the art world. Kari Buehr, awarded the Municipal Art 1.eague prize for 1933, bas been a con- sistent prize winner over a long period bf yýears, and bas beeni called by, one. critic, *America's grea*test Iandscape painitee.*" The son is assistant to Dudley Crafts watson in bis extension lecture work at the ,Art, institute, and bas ,gained wide popularity in this capacity. 'He is also making a, name foir himself as a creative artist. After viewing the present exhibit of paintings by Dudley -Craif s Watson and George Èfuehr 'at *the Increase Robinson gallery in Chi- cago, Eleanor Jewett, Chiicago art critic, wrote: "Mr. J3uehr paints in a free, vigor- ous, and loose manner that-is most ef- fective. He dwells upon color and einotion, rhythm, and pattern. When he rises to a higbi palette and showers colors like the breaking of an April- 4 rainbow upon his canvas. Draîi ri-l lauç: li qugit atine eLiLance tnLUVe would cost more and the directory wili not be included. These. advance sale tickets may be'secured frýom Mr.. Charles :D. Ewer, 1111 Asbland aveý- nlue. Invite Villa gers to Sew for Erie Chapel Ftidag The néet open sewing day spon-, sored by.the pbilantbhropy department of the -Wilmette Womnan's club wvill be devoted to the Erie Presbyterian chapel. The meeting,.wbich will con:- mence tomorrow miorhing at '10 o'clock,. is. to be pre sided over ')y Mrs: Sam Dennis. . Assisting -her are Mrs. J. B. Bartbolomew, Mrs. Fred Dierks, Mrs. T. J. Ferrenz, Mrs. W. 0. Morris, Mrs. J. D. Wilkin. and Mes. A. C. Yriibbeg. Mr Eal G. Low is luncheon chairman,. Miss Florence Towne, superintend- ent of Erie chapel, will be the lunch-' eon speaker. Garden Club Meets Friday The Wilmette Garden Club will meet on Friday, Marcb 3, at the home of 'Mrs. A. W. Peard lf100 <1r- $I6075 Budget SIîop Dresses- $10-75 TII! SPORTS SHOPý HUSSARD WOODS 976 LINDEN AVENUE ing, and guide lecture work. Chîidren and flowers are. the studies for whicb Kathleen Buebr Granger, the daughter, is best known. Both she and ber brother, as well as the father, are exhibiting paintings in the present Chicago showv at the Art in- stitute. *North shore people will bc inter- ested to know that one~ of Kari Buehr's fine paintings may be seen at New Trier IJigh school. autbority on thie dtvelopni and tbe improvement of -c of these flowers. tL. Ol .iýw varieties Brownson Cirdeq Notes The Brownson circle is inxe again March 6, at the Rogers Womian's club. The Study class QUALITY IN FOOD PERFECTION IN PREPAftATION eengat the home of Mrs. ý Hern,135 Sixteenth street, Mi4 evening, March 6, at 8 o'clock. 0. OF M. HOSI is St, Francis Hotisehole céMartha, will meet for ay Monday afternoon withl Redlin, 512 Fifth street. TEL. WINN. 55 .of next