Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 32

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withn A kentury of rrogreýss. %wiu t:ie A program devoted to thje home has th(: guest speaker. been chosen for the meeting of the CpanGrywl include ini bis. Womnans Club of Wilmnette. Wednes-.address, architectural description o day,. Mardi 8, . vien it holds two ses- various buildings at thé fair and tel sionls, the. morning in' charge of the,.of some of the prospective exhibitions art departmnent, of, which ýMrs. Ralph. to be' given by sonie oÈ the foreigri Huif is chairman; the afternoon under countries.ý the direction of. the child and. home - I nasm'uch as mirst of the club mcm-r department, ofwhich, Mrs. Ray.S. War- bers %vill undouhtedly act as hostesses' ren is' chairman. Two1 speakers will to onùt of town f riends this summer bce presented, Mrs. :Arden Laphamn, in, who will , be here f or the, fair. it will the morning, and. W. W. Wlhitehouse,-beé,mist avataeosto hear Captain dean of Albion college in Michigani, Gorby. anid know the 'highlights' of the in the afternoon. Tic ýGice club of exposit ion," the auxiliarv announices. the Park Ridge School for Girls will* Reservations for -the dinner niay be give a programn of songs. To this latter made. wîth 'Miss Jane Oven, of 725 session, which coniventes at 2, ail ViI-' Greenwood avenue. mette, ministers and any Wilmnette men, The board meeting will1 be held, Mon- who are at leisure that day, are invitedý day evening. Miarch 6. at the home of by the club. As its guests upon that Mfi,ý Marian Cook. 1017 Greenleaf ave- occasion also, will beh members of the nue. at 7 :30 ç,'clnck. AIl members of' waiting list. the~ hoar<1 are urge~d t', rvserve thi.s Mrs. Arden Laphani is giving a tallk date. on "Hookced Rugs" at 10:.30 ini the m~orning. She is an Evanstonian, and C'atholic Club Juniors to a collector of antiques, particularly of Hear Mgr. E. M'cGuiness' Early Armeriýan hooked rugs, wh ich dhe will use to demi -nstrate hier taik. -ii Thuirsday evening, M-\archi 2, at A drama hour is schcduled at 12, and luncheon will be servcd at 1 as usual. Dr. Whitchouse. an mpinent sociolo- gist, will deliver his address at 2,. is 7:45 o'clocie the J unior axlavof' the Woman's Catholie Club of \Vil- mette will have a meeting. 'Fie speaker of the evening will be the Rt. Rev, Monseigneur Eîigenei. ',Xtc-- ~,.#Irrv4~ Fij~ .jjI* cair- mitL lof the -,,v .uand InwwIis' coin- -iilîcc of the L omisClub of * f' i,wth' t je/int:ds its do vs bus.v zctt/i nuit itudinous prcPara t i .os for for the -1; ii ii ial1 Club Ilart on .hlarcls 1, 16, ami 17, ivi the cliub- hotsc. Thce cn! is open tii the cttirc Piorth .çbo Yî. There is no * adissin !tc. Many namnes announced this we swell, the personnel of sub-commit- tees for t 'he, annuai Woman's Club, *Mart March 15,,160-and U7 For the. Cafe'de Maert-Mrs.> Earl G. Low is chairmnan of the.lunchroomn, %vith M 1rs. Carl J.. Nylund, co-chair- man and «Mrs. Louise -Hopf, treac- ui-rr Mrs. Ernest H . :Freemi'an .is chairinan o the dining room aisisted, by Mesdames, Ray WVarren,. Jamnes Crossley, D., P. Moretoni. H.- W. Grigsby,, G. 1). Davis, C. P. Berg, Einoch.Steen,,H. KI. Curîl, Max Uopf. Decorating - Mrs.l Ralph- Huif. ichairman; M'esdameÇs Charles WVachs. IlWalter Clark,' Gordorii Han nah, WVa17 ter Horner, H.arry Hooker, Harry :ons, Chester LawreeaevOr Mlotion Picture Show-noveie o 1'r -chiidreni, Mrs. A. E. Hall, chàirmian; -Mesdames A. E. Beirnes. Roy Best. W\illiam Hdgeovk, 'Ktigftt Blanch - *ard, Leonard Starkel, James ShieI- don, Fred Parry, H. 0,. Weishaar-, George Redding. Candy-MNrs, R. D. Qilar, cliairman: Mesdames James Barcus. Checstcr Gould, E. J. Burbott, S. Van 'flwagen. 11. T-;' Reiling, G. A. Holland, Ludwig Skog, H. E. Holdoway, A. Suindiof. Fortune Telling-Mirs. J. J. .Dowri- CV. chairman;- ,'Mesdames E. C. Lingie, R. H. Bacon, Paul Renýc',.. Ralph Clark, Juliati Starke, Kennieth SHall, Il. Fischier, Ira Reynolds. Fred normlai nomes and tnat tney can De had. In detail, and scientifically. lie dwells upon aIl those factons that tend to build up or destroy thein. He, recommends the building of a tech- nique to avoid the mistakes of thc pas t and Icad to an enrichrnent of the familv life of the nation. Dr. Whitchouse was cducational di- rector at Camp. Custer during the the héarts of the women asseml there, both for their mariner and VilippineIV slands, Porto içiCo. ami -*Yýý flCI*ftKAIL111 ~lle Ii 4UUUVIrUfl IOl the Canal Zone. the Woman's. clubhouse. Monseigneur MNcGuinnesý, has jI,t 'l'he club chorusi with 'Mrs. Ban- returned from the leper colonyv of ford 'Langil! as music chairman, will Louisiana.. o entertain the club with folk songs The otsesf the evening \%Ill and dances. There will also be a. be the 'Misses Clara Meter. Dorothv reading by 'Miss Marion Conly, a Brooks, Estelle Englchardt. and Ni graduate of St. Mary's college, Nýotre' jKoenig. Dame. The club chorus 'has been coached by 'Miss Margaret 'Midelfort. a graduate of Northwvesterti School Evening Garden Club of Music. Mrs. Harry :Bettinghaus d rector0 e .frances e Glee club and, MV rook is its accom1pan at tmn 2710 of Ifrs. RK awk road. i-. .. A Piiers, r. P. straicni, M.'C.. Boothe. E. R. Matthews, A. H., Sed- don, C. F. Kremer, J. D. C:ox, L. E. 'Matson, C. L. Smith, H. V. Green., WV. M. Doose, W. E. Haigh, Lloyd Yost, W. H. Hayt, B., H. Platt. W G. Fisher. Household-M\rs. E. L. Young. chairman; 'Mesdames A. L. Grinnell. Earle Dunne, R. P. Engel, Walter Magner, Grant (ýhandler,.H. C. Car- roll, Alfred Peard, R. H. Bacon, W.. H. 'Martens, Scott Smith. 'iiI Food-Mrs. A. J. Woodcock, chair- ck, man; Mesdames John Segsworth, E. an, G. Henkel, F. W. Church, H. S. Gage, and Miss Laura Davy,

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