, ln P minor Lih ... ... .. A lber nor . Choj, n of Winnetka. plani Barcarolle, .......Marx, To the Children Rachmanlnoff Slng Again..........rteo S'erenade *.... .. . . .... pet. -marlorie Sherman of Wllmetté, contralto AceCmpanled by Dorothy Popnd of, Wilmette rive Preludes .. ...David Geppert ,My Joys . .......... . cbipln-Liszt Iniproniptu i'F Sharp ..Coî Margaret Geppert of Wilmette.. planist Trio Ini A Minor.....Techalkowsk Tezzo Elîaco Tema, côn Variazioni Variations 1. 2. 3, 4, 5 and6 Wvinlfred Townsend. Cree of Winnetk.t. .-4 }nevieve Horween of Winnetka. icellsti Ernap . Akeiy of, Wii-mette, pianist. SH ORE MERS Mr. :and Mrs. Henry J. Haack. 01 1228 Gregory avenue, Wilmeotte, annotince the engagement 01- their datighter, -Elizabeth, tb Clarence Rotéland, Jr., son, f Mr. and Mrs. L Itlar e i. * 1TULlUlU, 01uJ t-riLUy World's Fair Pro gram for Mount Holgoke Clubî issHac atndd h Wlnet TheC~nuryofProres ~'" ew Trier High school, continuing ber tion will be the theme of the mid- studies at the Evanston Business col-1 w inter meeting of the Chicago Mouint lege. Mr. Rowlanîd attended the Un i-I Holyoke club, Friday. 'Marchi 3, at vrivo hcg n snwatvl. 6:30, at the Art institutç. Miss Helen ersgatyofnChicagrandbuins natiy MfacKenzie, curator of the Children 's e naged iinhe rinsintess inoarmir nition to ofithe gnbistfatherd(former brueu of the lubtitoute and aemu- Manager pf the Chicago White Sox j er ofthe club, t lhrveugh whos e urBr1aillclub) ini his basebal duties. The' int.eythecuwill have dîer fte.-wedding is schieduled to take place in, positionl and willI aso. discuss a nun- erlstionte rThesore fcoulewig ber of the mîodern collections in the r.ieo h ot hr olwn ý institute brief honeymoon.. MisMro tipresident of0 the Chicago :junior~ league, will giveNe Trier Girls Give an illustrated tallk on the Ench.anted Island, the league's project for' chli- Dinner Dance at Drake, drnat the exposition. 1 A group of eleven New Trier High * Mrs. James J. Forstall presiclent '-f s1hoo girls entertained about thirty the club, will introduce th seker.- guests at a formai , dinner dance at Mrs. Karl Vittumn will speak brieflv 1the Drake hotel, Saturday evening. on the graduate council meletIIing'lie party v as given in the Lanterný whiich she recently attended -iii Sout h room, and the tables were decorated Hadley at the college. i a ye llow color scheuîe, and spring: Members may bring guests to the flowers, The hostesses included from meeting. Wilrnette, Roberta (Bobsy) joan Arrangements for the dinner are Scliilbach arca Wly et in thebads f issDooth 1eln 1Hurtt and Dorothy Anderson: fromn' $150 Uv bv fast express i Fi~ *The finest e foods, rushed *.prepared in, an e$pecially, equlipped sea food kitchen, in the mnade our food famous since 1871. style -that bas at the home of Mr 1119 Lake avenue. PHONE? RANDOLPH 150 FOR RESERVATIONS Muasic by Ensemble-JVGN and CRS Rroadcast Etude de Concq Sevilla Ballade lni F M Franices Anderk