Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 30

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ters of Lnlcago, wmucn oeïng on the north side, are easily accessib le by car,. and yet neot too:often visited. The new building of. the Chicago. Historical so- ciety stands at theè entrance of Lincoîn park and houses an increased store o memorials both local and national in, character. At this time of year wben *ho! idays commemiorate ,our, two great- est presidents, thie Lincoln reliçs are approached asa. shnine. .iehyes and' tragledies of the civil war perioid be- corne very vivid before the niementoes of that past, and pioneer days actual * experiences. be fore reai groups and f urnishings of the. log cabin and cov- ered wagon. Luncheon wili be enjoyed at, the wornan's guiid of St. Stepiîen's Fpis- copal church at Diverse' anad Albany. Perhaps you know it as the Little Chuwch at the End of the 1d and. realize that its head, the Rev. Irving St ' John Tucker, is a genuine patroni * of local art and culture.. So kind bias fie been to struggling artists that the %-ails are covered, with offerings froin the heart of genius in.paintings, poetry * and sculpture. .Mrs. R. D. Qilar is chairmian of the tour conamittee and Mrs. George Bass- ler is co-chairman. Reservations paay l)V niade now. Mothers and Daughters . at Bridge Tea Benefit The girls of the senior Sunday schooi class of St. Augustine's church entertained their nuothers' at a ben- efit. bridge tea last Saturdav after.- noon in the Panish bouse. After the ganue of . bridge, guests were served Hostesses, for the banquet will be Mrs. ElImer jewell Dick of Wînnetka, and Mrs. Joseph Halsted, Mrs.. W. S. Christopher, 'and. Mis s Helen Collins ail of Evanston. Mrs. G. Ro ss Stewartl of Wiimette is t6 be toastmistress, and those apipear- ing on'the program wili include Mtrs. EFdwin H. Mitteibusher (Martha. Meek- er) of Evanston, who will give, several readings; "Penélope" of the Chicago' Daïly News, and Miss Jane 'Coptlirne of Winnetka.. There is also toubeW f ashion show with members f roi~ both chapters acting as models. Five Kenilorth Guilds WilI Meet, Next Monday Th e five guilds of the Church of the Holy Comforter in Kenilwortb, will meet Monday, March 6, at the ~folowing homTe: The Bighop Stewrt guild 'wifli Mrs. Harold F. Tideanan, 138 Abingdon road, Kenilworth; The Bishop Anderson guiki with Mrs! WVil- liam A. Moulton, 235 Raleigh road, Kenilworth; The Iishop McLaren guild, with Mrs. P. H. Carruth, 489 Willow road, Winnetka; Bishop Whitehouse guild with Mrs. Albert E. Riddle, 127 Bertling lane, Winnetka;, Bisliop Chase guild with Mrs. Jesse D. Trump, 415 Cumnor road- Kenil- Diaum who .were marnîed iFebruary Il. On Wednesday of this weelc Miss Hall was hostess at Shawnee Country club at a bridge luncheon for Mrs. James T. McFate, twelve of whose friends were Miss Hali's guests. Mr. and. Mrs. McFate, who have been living in thc Linden Crest, are ieaving Wilmette to reside in Detroit. Mrs. Thomas Miuta, of 30 Cres- censt place, chairmaki of the zkays and means department of thse Woni- ..4 0.sl& Club o ilikiette- i making extesivùe plans for a large St.. Patrkck's day party on March 17, ai 1:30 o'clock, ait Ise Georpqian hotel, 422 Davis street, )2hanstom. As the club derives .the builk of ili ,evenue froni the ways and means de< )artnient, every effort is being. madé ýo make this party the outstaiidinf ývent of the vear and it is hoped thai MNr. andM tague, .Micli golden weddi day. Marclb niiece, NMrs. Fifth street. the Garden Clublof Illinois and. neld on the Navy Pier froin Marchi 31. to April 9. are urged by the Wilmette Gardeni club to bu%- their ticket. .in advance iroins Mrs. Johin F. Weedoa. By doing this the purchaser is help- ing both hiniseif and the club, be- cause, until the show opens and the tickets are offered at a price lower than, they will be at, the doo.r. The W.Imette Gardeni clui) again lists% the exhibits it wilI have in - the Seventh Annual Flower show. it will show an inidoor window box, a. spe- cial o caýsion lunicheon table. ani a s-haldow picture'of fruit. 7 Sevenity - three garden clbs throughout, the state of Illinois have swung into fuit spee<i in preparit g Ifor the show. This flower show is one of the ont- ,4tanding exhibitions of its kind ini the United $tates and visitors coule froi aill over the mniddl«e West to sec niew importations in the flower world andto btin nftw ideaýs for W i planting of home grounids. The railroads entering Chiago are *tffering special rates during- Flower. Show week from aIl nearby states can t the l)asis of. the regular one-way te- are plus 25 cents for the rounld trip, T heseû tickets are to be on sale for ail train., on Fridays and Saturday, atadfroua points within 200 miles of a Chicago on Sundays,. witli filial, rc- Aie tur.n huait of -Tuesday-at iinidiiiglit ?rie uo Wiaen' vanious tYpeS of garden design. dding in V.ilmette The Allied groups. florists and Jrs, 1. E. Davis of Moi- growvers in the Chicago area. ivill i., mill' celebrate tlir stage a more extensive exibiit than ia.1 àtiniversary on Tuc,,- ever 1before. The Pot Plant Growers 7, at the homne of thc:ir a!-sociation lias 'planted ani is 110W%- Marta Bod Lin, 2 4 orcing 250,000 bulbs which are to b MAtha oug d Lir.,an 14 sed in the exhibit they are to i nake Ving out of townl at the attheFoe hw ,thev are originiaIiy Ci- The Illiniois, State Agrictilturai de. nIldnre -nmllcy nlpartmient ,%ill have an exhihit con- ýt Tuesday tertained hotel. ary 26. 1L 4tý ernoon ior thée ethodist church. iVIUI n r re oi OaKe oresI, anaAir Vs . IUIP&UUGeorge A. Plamondon of Wheaton. teitz, 514 Nlaple r, MIrs. W. O. S. Paul A. Nichlol Dinner Bridge' bats a charitv dessert ibles last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Barton, 257 h division of thýe Kenilworth avenue, entertained at. a smfall dinner bridge las-t Saturday.

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