Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 28

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iorms of the miiddle west,and various amateurý. theatrical and , musical gro ups of Chicago and the north shore. The production, which iili have a cast and choruis of 45. voices, is spon- sored by the First -Metbodist Epis- copal church of Evanston andi will be presented on the evenings of, those twO days ini the bhail of the new corn- munlity bhouse at Hininan avenu e andi Cburch street. Starring* in -the -operetta WiI be Raymund. Koch, Charles' Lutton, Eugene Dressler, Helen Hetidges, Ma.rgaret -Genit, Henry Dyer, Laura IButts, Florence Bryntesen, andi How- ard -Ackles. These singers are all anenîers of the church choir, which is presenting the .eetp.a with assistance iroaa the church nigbt orchestra group. Le- Roy Wetzel, organist of tbe. church, director of music at Carl Schurz ligh school, and a mnember of the faculty of the music department at Rosary college, wiIl, as director of music for tbe church, be director of "The Mi- kado.' Mr. Koch, who bas sung witb the Cbicago civic andi American operas, andi at the North Shore M%,usic Festi- quartet by Beethoven iand one oy Debussy, followed by twvo encore, and these were "Caiuzonietta" Ihv Mendelssohn and "Nocturne" hy Borodine. 'The >excellent 'barmioniyof the combined ensemble coupled with an accurate tone full of vigour and confidence made the programr a joy to -hear. The artistswho Compose the quartet are,. themse.lves, Young ,men of great, ability and talent. Tbev are Miscba Miscbakoff, firstý vioinist; Samuel Thaviu, second violiist;, Daniel Saideinburg, celllo, and Milton Preves, viola. During intermission Percy B. JEck- hart of- Kenilworth announced that the past season has been one of tbe most successful ones thielortbh Shore. Chanyber Music association bas ever had, and ini the . face of present con- ditions that is an unusual circuni- .stance.. The association wilI have its an- nual meeting and election of oficers somnetimne in March. The present president is Mrs. Percy Eckhart, and the other omfcers are Walter Marks, treasurer; andi Mrs. A. B. Spach, secretary. The folloving north shore people are members -of the commit- tee: Mrs. Philemion B. -Koisaat and LIL5.ýJ7i xwu Uiteis, ciiu r('celiIujpla y- ed z'ith thte Chicago Symphon 'yi acmd jset thle house on ifs feet, checrvmq Pnadl'y. appears in Orclaestra hall .1îo)tddi j, ght, Jiach 6. if uil1 be Chicaýq<',s 11>st opI'ortunuity tb lwar tbis votillil eni ls aWal f ront a s.v.mplîonv orchestra. ed in almost every large city in the world land bas appeared frequently with ievery symphonày orchestra of iportance, so that bis ot hr appearance. is being anxiously await- ed. Hle was 6orn in Rostov-on-Donii 188. I the autumn of 1903, be en- tered the Imperial conservatory ,In. St. Petersburg where he studieti in the class of Prof. Leopoldi Auer. Zimbalist graduateti from the con- servatory, the, winner of the golti medal and. the Rubenstein scholar- sbip of 12,000 rubles. On November 7, 1907, be made bis Berlin debut play- ing the Brahms. Concerto. His rep- utation was -at once established-.Two months later be matie bis first andi triumpbant London appearance f romt wbich bie went on a tour of the music His American debut was made on October 27, 1911, witb the Boston. Symnphony orchestra. On this occa- sion Zimbalist played tbe Glazounow Concerto in A minor for the first time in Amierica. He was immiediate- ly haileti as an artist of great neit. Zixnbalist bas also achieved dis- tinction as a composer. Aside front *Mr, Dressler is. a meniber of the' Winnetka; Mrs. W.. B. Mar faculty of -the music departnment at and Mrs. Albert Olson of (I NortbwNestern university. He bas Mrs. Elizabeth Heath.. Miss1 * sung in the North Shore Music Carver, and Mrs. George festival on three occasions andi taken Highland Park, and j Mrs. part in many musical productions and Harkniess of Lake Forest. concerts. Botb Miss Hetiges and_________ Mrs. Gent have been members of the church quartet for several years andi Chicago Singers on have sung in concert in many cities Program With Ensc and for various groups in the middtle %vest.~ The last of the concerts th LHorowitz andi Piatigorsky, andi be- gan bis career over again in Berlin. He first came to the {Unitedi States in 1929 and at once became an ont- standing star in the musical firma- ment. Last season be was bearti at the symphony concerts, but did not give a recital. piano in G Minor which he played in Carnegie hall, New York, a few- seasons ago. Mrs. Bessie Grant at the Winneýka State Bjatk is ini charge of ticket>. The programn that Zimbalist wil give on March 8 bas ail the appearanices of being an interesting one. It is., an- Ininced Ini fuîla-, follows: Chacone . ..;.......*...... .Vitali 14. (a) "Whel i(b) "Etud( -. The(C ITrhe George [ J. S t uEn ', *.p. a t ýste"I......... .Freér Singers and Ensemble, Players. 9, at 3:X ýa Ott. untier the n ferent solc fbe open -fri h weeic rnere wi De d ts. Tbe musicales m~ to the public. mi in Mus evening, mill at .Ch 8. 4~L

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