President'.Dubbs MWires Prom California Thanking Conven- tion for E ndorseme nt The ",Harinony" -iiovetuxenýt "got Munder way"' this wtek dutrilg ýsceý- sions M.luîch were attetidekl 1)1 h three candidates nominated .by -the Harrnony party forl'he 'Village board of trustees, and the candidate. nomn- 'matedI for the ýpost oi police i'agi.s-, convention endorsed C. P. D)ubbs for president of the NVi:llage and Harry' Miller for Village ýtre:îs- tirer. A'special bession of the coiicentioln Wà,ield. Tucsday in the' Comîniiuiiyl hae been conducted ovel.-a period of Years speaks volumes' for the abilty et, this citizen ln administering the af- faire of Willmette. -Those who have known Mr. ZIPPricih lna.a personal way teiýtit idt hie uprightness andi courage., police Maussrat eaFrl A. Pettibone 17'49 - Washington avenue Thfe manner: in. which the office of Police miagistrate has been conducted by Mr. Pettibone iis the best reason whY' ho should be. re-elected, 11He bas meted1 Justice in an absolutely Impartial mani- ner. Exeelngly dlfficult to find ls the- person whoaccuses Earl A. Pettibone of beîng unfair.- At ailt tnes lie ia-s upheld 'the fuiihment of oui- ordinances.j 1-lis record spealcs for itsef.-1 lThe plat forin of the HarmoîîV con- eninwas published in the Febru- ary 23 . issue of WirMiErnLin. iffouse ofthte Wiltmette k'aris.ix Meth- odist church With David R. Hall as Food Ç lJetcd, ehairman, -when comniit tes ere ap- pointed to .conduct th~e election cai- in Barrel Plan hatiin F. 0. libelitig tcèle- Helps the Ne"'%Tedy graphied C. P).. lulbs as follows: 1 Seven hundred and seventy-si x ar- 1 . . Dubbs, 1t ides of food were coilected froni the *1'aini Springs, Caiifor'iia. Clianmber of Commerce food barrels «'The Wiliinette H1arniony (k)lventioflin ilmViette during the montb of takes pleasure in advISing you of the jaur.the Bado oa hrt action taken at their meeting In voting ~auay unanhinous endorstinent- of your candi- report,. <acy for- re-election as lPresident, of our Collections froin the barrels are Village board. - "F f) ~ ~ made twice , aiveek. on Tihuesdvs nd Taxpayers Given to Mard&. 15 W. W. Kester, editor of "B usiness .to 'Psy WithioutAdded As- Conditions 'Service',"o will beé.the sesoment for Delinqquey speaker at the regular monthly lunch- eon meeéting of the Wilmeétte Ch ar At the instance of County Collector ber. of Commerce Monday, Mrch 6. oehB 'Dnýg,, epnly at We' iigrm. i- subject date for ptiying taxes has wilI be "What's Ahead in Business?'" be. xeddfrm Mrhit Mr. k-ester will',answer this' ques- March 15, according to Sanborn Hale, tion froin the viewpoin1t of a liractical collecter for New Trie r township. % inan in business affairs. He. is a meni- Mr. Hale further announices that ber of the business research and con- lie'has be .en advised th-t lhe will have sultation staff of the LaSalle EXten- the books here for the collection of Sion University, where bie is, constantly taxes until March 31, or two weeks in touch. with practi .cal business prob-afe lenisfaceci by al parts tepnaydteflsu. of the country. He is.recognized as He 'Y ft Mach15 an authority. on. current business HelS. attention to the fact, how- trends and as ail intereti suad ever, that on real estate- taxes which, forceful speaker. are paid after March 15, there will 6e added a penalty of one percent., Following Iis a4dress 1\1r. Keter Mr.'Halte lsô pofits out tha t'on will answer questions froin business taxes that are not paid to ýthe local men in the audience who may care collector the county treasurer will re-. * to enter into the discussion. quire ail tax anticipation warrants .Chamber of Commerce officiaIs are presented to hini to be authenticated expecting a large attendance at the at the point of issue. meeting next Monday. "Tell your It shouîd be dlearly understood, he business associates, neighbors and said, that the county treasurer will friends that Mr. Kester's talk will be accept warrants only in the exact a frank and outspoken message with- proportion that the fund for which out unwarranted' optimisin or un- tlîey are issued bears to the ,oa justified Pessimism," said B. T. Clark, tax of that totir .-nd(orseîent of! mv candidacy for .Presi- 'unn c.tistrstruletthe dea.nd -:neeelthank eaci )fyo three busine'ss sections of the Village. Announce Lent Mission 4 your mfdnean ed1,dztTeod dropped in thernibY bouse- 'C P D Il. holders is distribute1 among neey t St. Francis Church Pa.iiesof te VllaebY teBad As an appropriate beginning for The Steering commnittee isstued thlefmLiolthaeiiles. heLetthsae ,aBosioagve following statement coiicerning the o oa hrte.teLne esn iso ie ca.ndidates which were nomninated byv The board reports that it now lias by the Redemiptorist fathers will the cors entioti on its active list the naines of eighty- open at Saint Francis -Xavier church The Wilmiette H-arîuom- -'Coîveîî- ni'ne families. "WNe are making a Sunday, March 5. The services, tnetdrefo:strenuous effort to make our Board which will aepcevryeeng take -eplaceee for-e-InIr ~>1cIIIvem t to pay as the second ini- stalîment is payable without addi- tional penalty up to july 1. TIhe tax cellector requests the in- dulgence of al'taxpayers. as fie is faced with a stupendous task in hand- hing the large volume of butsiness made necessary hv the issuance of tax warrants by the various taxing perates hie own teaming I LeineeS ln, Chicýao. The Èer ln whlch hiesins a EI8JU LAlW 5 .. ..... » JhunioirLife .........14 MusicePge..... ...28 .New Trier News .. .... .22-23 Recreation .........16 Society Page ý...30-31 Most of ail, Nve need rnen's clothing! -Mrs. Henry Ciltier, chairman Note: xconomy* Shop ta conducte.d by the Wornan'e club of Wilinette. Proceede go to cbarity. ot the townshiip h Dr. Ayrcs underste situation,- in detail." Mr.2 andtri wEy