put wiieru an admtnxuuecn arg .publlsnea, wiiz beý charged .at regular advet9 n rte. Grade Séparation Wma Save Life I Let'sHaste» the DayI Mariy automobile accidents. may be cbarged to. the cairelessness or, inability of the, drivers. A driver mniay be dazzled or otberwise confused -by 7t'afi the ýglare of the Sun or of Reguilatdion bright :beadlights,.' Me inay be suddenly stricken by somie physical ailmnent. On the o0ther band he may bc careless. He may, pay no beed to 'warn ing. si gnais. M e may be, cxceeding the safe speed lihit. But no miatter wb%,at the cause of these accidents mnay bc, the fact stili renhains that the properly con stituted authorities niust miake and enforcé traffic laws. And 'tain tbough it sornetirnes seerns that cer- tiofthese laws are to sone degree un- reasonable,. the public niustassume that the laws are mnade and enforced for the "The m onth wbich includes botb the in- auguration of. a 'resident and the coming of spring is here., On. March. 4 Franklin Rooseveit wil bé înducted into ,--March office.. On 'March.21 spring Will. make ber formai entry. .Both events are being' looked forward to with greatexpectatio0n&- On, thé' whole, March isa rather. sig- nificant month. The earth, once more up- right. on ber polar axis, assumes a balanceý wbicb may be construed as beneficial for al be r inhabitants-.,Balance is a good condition for, both mind and body. ý The ideal emotional state is normially equia- nitnity. So wben the earth cornes to that. station in hler orlit wher~e she suie this balance we bave reason to'feel more at ease, Iess tipsy, less like the traditional March bare. In March also cones St. Patrick's Day., Any person wvho bas driveia the 'snake out' of a country deserves to bé sainted as was Patrick. Blessed is the man' who confers benefits upon bis 'country. * AI Smnith, wlio, ini the event you hukveri0t been keeping astride of current 'events (what with tax worries. and ail), is a candidate for president-, bas foresworn the Brown D!erby for the conventioinal', blackheadgear, says "radioD" instead of "iraddi.o" and, we-understand, positively abhors singing or hearkeraing to "East Side, West S.ie." He's even cbanged his middle nane in, or*er to conmime the general public tbat he's turned over a new leaf since'the debâcle of--192&--' Yes sir, and yes rna'ar, AI's running for tresident -of the Village of Glencoe-and his middle initial's "B,' wbich, ttanslated, ,speils ."business" and not the rnonkey varicty, either. One boon ask we'of the funsters, pUnsters, wise- crackers or what bave, you. Let's lo«t keep Up this "'Woodin"- nickel gag for the next four years. "Den",, goxd idea,. think we. A New York, hatter' bas supplîed rnany presidents with their inaugural day silk toppers, 'tis said. Th'e rumor that lie also designed Postmaster Generai. Brown's chapeau which failed to fit tbat worthy's. official car, remains unconfinned. OF OUR What is pérhaps sornewb-at of an inno-. vation in this field is the putting of cer- tain traffic ordinance on trial for a speci- ied period. For example, if the regula- tion requiring tbat parked cars be lighted after dark is 'suspended in Iess congested neigbborboods, perhaps the resuits a fter a two rnonths trial will justify a mod ifica- tion 'of thé régulation. TEhis seems to us special province as .debating 'conducted characters mumbie and mumbie. That's subcon- under definite' parlianientary rules. u ,scious thouglit . .. streami of consciousness . .. or what-have-you. "Them thar" new plays and noveis sharpens vague distinctions, induces 'ca-e-- have so many dots and dashes that oid Morse rnay fui and thorougb investigations, brings up soon reappear to revise bis code. new and important problems, and is con- duicive to development of good citiz!enship. Anyhow, there's no bet ter,,way of expressnk the- How fine wouild be :if everv, north' word, "jitters," than by clicking the' old telegraph key. In Morse's day the folks had f ritters, but civilization 'hadn't yet advanced far enougli to give ust how %vould you feel if you received highway. TI re of these checks? Cojld you stand tbe the entire bi lock ?' tion to the And the rates for the collection of gar- concerned. iadvantage of al Spring 'cieaning Urne is a good time to find a job or two for sone unernployed, neiglibor. -MIQUE~. 1). 11-7.