Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 20

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in i roK' op Emainsi The troop boards of review froni the various troops in Wilmette. Ken- ilworýtb, Winuetka1 and Gleneoc, havec reported considerable ;advancement ilÉ the. regular scout ranks of ten- derfoot, second class, first class. Star, ýliifeand Eagle and in, various mencrt badges, it is anniouniced. Congratulatîions1 are bcing ex-tend- ed to every one of- the- boys who re- ceived awards.' Leaders of the North Shore Areacouncçil. are looking for- ivard to the- tinte when these'samne boys mill take -the next higiter step in scouting. Here are, the reports showing the advancenîent madç at recent boards of.,review: Wihn.-tte' Troop 2.tenderfoot-Donald Ber- blinger'; Star-J mi Donabue; miert badges --- Stephen Brooks, patlhfiuîd- ing; Bill Cra,.wford, electricity, auto-. mnobîling; Jhn floîîahue, ,uhtlic liea'l personal hiealth; Robert Fletcher. personal hlealth, publicichatli: How- ard Fogg, art, public healtlî;. Harold Ray, athiet ics, astroiloniv phiysical developient. Icaderscra ft; Donald Toeppen. firenianship. electrieity. Troop 3: second class-Dick- laas; nierit badgs-Ebert Kii(-oop. public * health, civics. Troop 1,1 : second class -Jamtes Rowans, John Brous; first - <1 -T2pk Cov&1pnc: ert bde on; ment * badges-Arthiur Crutteti- deni, personal healttit Arend' Knoop. persoiial health ; Bentjamtin MtacKiin- non, wvoodmorking, nuisic; Bill Salis- bury. woodcarv'ing. swinînîing; Bill1 Smith, reading; Bill11 Stebbins, %wood- working, woodcarving: Donald Stihi-ý matn, woodworking. After several nxonths. of real, ef- fort in the construction 'of its roon , Troop .19 of the Winnetka Contmun- ity House, now bas.one of tbe finest. scoutrôooms in this area.- The réon. approximately twenty-five fetsquare., is entirely. finished with birch -Iogs which were shipped, fron!ilortlieri WVisconasin. Tuesday night, February 21;, the troop called in the parents anid frienùds of the scouts tô' take part.,ii the dedication of this scout. rooni. The prograi ivas entirely arrang-ed and, conducted. by the scouts- thenîselves. witla Sydney Craig and Bud Iver- s,juflîor leaders ini th" troop, tak- ing key positions in the -program. After a scout demionstration before a capacity crowd of parents, rccog- nitIôih *as acôirded those Ïïf<n and leaders who helped make thîe roonu possible-particularly H. .D. Frankel, Jr., scoutmaster; Roland D. Major. chairman of the troop comnîittee- and George Rettie who led the boys in the eonstruction of the rooan. A temporary plaque was hung on the wall in tlhe dedication ceremnines. This plaque1 will later be replaced with a.,tpermianent one bearing the, It is one ofthte a-ve ïroops tat-bave~ inidividual meeting roomis in th e ýVini- netka Coniunitv Ilouse. Thousands .4 waiting "Bu gest Exhibition" -For ilie ir>it iniie six mtillion Boy Scouts. and scout lecaders, present and past, point proudly to the Whilte House. and, beliold as their ltonoùrarv president one who alreadylba s a ln record of. active service as, a scout leader. "Frankin Delano Rooseveli thirty- second President, becamec a scout leader extraordinary mlore, than ten years ago ý. 1Hi s entry into NeW York City scoutiing at that. tiue lerald ed the. solttion'of pressing problenis re- tarding gr owth. Th 'is continued lead- ership lias been the rn-otivatingý factor ini the.expansion of scout enrolîment and- activitv in . Greater ,Ne*v Yorkl witb the resultant.need.for the larg- est scotit-owned camp ini the worlcl." Thle foregoing twvo pragrafflis wr taken fronii the nmaini feature article, ini the Boy' Lfe magazine for MaMi.b Uniler thtlîc~ite, -Franîkfi 1). Roo.3evelt-BoV S'a th lere isý an extremnely interestiig. stor\- oi thc new Presidenit's aggreý;sivc acti\,itN ini the BOY Scofût tuovemient. Anv scout. ainv scout friend or amv citi- min should flot miiss this ,torN-. Games Feature Weeklv- .Meet HeId by Troop Il The greater part of the meeting was spent in plaving gaines. W played "Ind(ian l War," "Steal the FBa- con"~ and "Individtial Ttug-a-War," MNr. Cody. scoutinaster, made a few ailnlountcemlenlt s. Thli meeting closecI witb the scout oath.-Harold Hueh- lier, Troop 11, St. Francis paish,. Wilmett e. of Leader March 6 Tethird session of the Universitv ofScouting for' the, training of lcad- ers will be conducted at the XVauk-_ gail High, school next, Mond ay. March 6. A practical and important. subject is to be, presentcd, bv the f eature speaker of the evefting i i an openinig address to the, entire, group of a pproxinately one hundrcd nmel. The speaker,- Perriy Linit, scout c\- ecutive of .Chicago, will talk on'II Problenis on Troop Maniageiinen t and, how, to Remnedy Theni.," Afterte opening.,session which starts promptly at 7:-30 and -ends at 8:15 o'clock the men will -divide into. live separate courses. The first-aid course which is led by George Scheu- chenplfltng, professionial of the Ameri cati Redl Cross, will studv ami pra - To. Prcseg MuLp Worker Iii the EUements of Scoutmiaster- f ship course, the scout commissiotncr 0of the North Shore Area counicil. Ciil. j . B3. Jackson of Highland Park, wvil l)rescflt first-class map work. Ife ivilliifot otîly present new meails ai nîetlods of teaching this, but %wIli actitally have some test probleins thaIt the leaders cati work out for thci, a topic on wnticn nelixas la nau mi pract ice and 'train ing, namecIN lv1'lie Rcsponisibility of Scout Parents in .Troop rEfficienicy," Mr. Smith lias tlirec IEagle sons and is hin, self'ail Figie Scout. Robert W. Townley, Cubitaster <'f Pack (A. Kenilworth, who is a lead-7 .er. in the Cubhing course, will featuire thiere a period of Cub. gamnes and spe-. cial activities thiat mav b.e used eithicr ~canoeing; John Frankçel. swinî- Troop 20: meit 1badge Troop 22: nard, Cook. wodm-orkisig, Lait- jCusbman. - Ioger jiof~;r doubt in ré of ieaa i., o. IJL eiJ c; a% i - izaaK viron ca.. any Wbeeling on Saturday and March 25 and 26.*. aiav will indaa.

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