Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 18

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way across the front page. LCounter- ,feiters Conveted t" sbouted the bead- n. "Young. boys sentenced to prison for counfterfeiting baif> dollar coins." A haif page -w as covered, witb the arguments of the ceunty attorney, wbo talked at length up6n the. social and moral' effects of the crime, flot oniy On tbe, crimninais, but the public as. well. "Tb shake the public 'faith in the rnonecy of the land," be, stated, "is te ýundermîne the foundations and >secumity, of, Our govermient and our homes.". Rever- end. Parker Bmown: chose the- theme for bhis sermon text thefooig Sunday, and the teachers in the scboois were asked to draw a moral froin it, for the goodý of the childmen. The incident made a deep impres- sion on Dlan Newton, who liad sat through an entire session of the trial on a Saturday morning. whien. eof course, there was no sehool. Sain Sharp, proprietor of the hardware store, where Dan worked during spare boums, was giad to let humi off, just to-get the newvs first hand. Dan has studied the expression on. the face of the youngest counterfeiter, a lad of twenty-one years, when dhe verdict i-'as rendered. HIe afterwards told Mtr. Sharp lie void never forget the Hie sat on the curi> wonderine lg i1t;---- word, said uTfieres enougli there toe Children,. what wouid you do if pay for the bail gaine, Dan!1 Have a t o yon, were D~an? That's the query good turne, but don't forget to br:ng He thought of going to the ticket whicb ends. eacb episode of the home the things 1 want." 1 %indowv and Iaying tbe coin* dowti,'Deeds of :Dan" stories published It was a year since Dan had seen a very carefuliy, for after ,ali was every weekr in WilME-TU* LinE by. bail game at Dalton. He was very only a sinali amounit, and nia3'be the Mr. us.Dntdly u edti uhitrse nteWsrbrôok icket-taker.would pass it on as lie .Het.Dhtdly u edti teain. He had foliowed the ..records liad receivýedit. 1He vould lhear loud }wriea's "De e of D a piode. Ten of the past seasons and tue comments cheers.ý froin, the bail pari- and lhe Iwiea etrtlln bt o o rdo; and you, too, may .%win the ohe of tbe sports dto -fthe "Blade," raie ta h tan ee runllning dolliar trade certificate. who had promised. a ,good gamne. ont o the field. He jumped.up to'run Just a word dtbout thé m.ules:111 .At any ôther turne a fifteen mile te the, garne but: paused, as if rooted addition to the address, each letter trip for Dan in the one hiorse wagon.,to. the *spot. His ind wanderedback shotild give the name and age of, the would b ave, peeved hlm for, a- week, to the, courtroi scetiie,, where lie hl rigfrtépie etr but tlechanice to see a -bailgam sa* afresh thie pa-iinful Iook in thecidtrigfrhe ri.Ltes all. game must reach WILMNETTE *LIVÉ by the s.ent a tbriil to bis -heart and a song Young ýcounterfeiter'seyes, that hadJ fi rst Tuesday followingAthe "Deeds. of te his lips, that seemed'to make the made ,a deep impression, on hlm. Ia"str.Letr bout the story old bay -mare trot faster and. reachAgain bie heard 'the cheering. :Hel in this issue must ýreacb . MEITTE Dalton-a littie sooner than usual.: was maddened by a frantic desire to(. o H1e lest ýno ture getting lunch, de- see. the gaine, on.. which lie a og .lEo rbfr usaMrh7 livering the package ýof hardware to ago set bas heart, and for whiclh hle Drtl'Yra' rz-in the tlo:express agent, and rouinding -up aceefîycxe " " 1021 Central avenlue. the articles mentioned. in Mr. Shiarp',.îtý d hl lod vatsai ilmnette, 111. list. Dan discovered after inaking hisj l.Frar2,19. last purchase for<Mr. Sharp, tbere f-Uiildifeoi, . at wouId youdo if you I ear Mr. Hiurst : was only fifty cents in change f rom ;cre Dan? 1 woulId have calIed the sheriff and the________________ h or is had hlm go over and see If 1 had sub- tbe en ollrs-ustenouh fr bs -I.stantlly locked the buf1ding, Also tickt t th gaie. 1e ad hougt P's j, hen I caI.led hlmi, 1 would have- old ofke teutingme. petsad tcandy t P fl&iongers trepare hlm n nt to tell Mr. Sharp. ofbyngsm eausad adEven If the phone was outsidt- 11v but bie quickly put the idea out of h is o ain lT uny' inohr or ol aebe . . nquitheas 1 dr, I w ure hae been ld mind. Squeezing the haif dollar in Chicago suburbanites expect to 'give 1 ie as Ich more. I arn sure she wu the palm of bis hand, lie muttered, the rest of the country a real battiehebe ý,îOn a f Ch mre leanse Mha te himself, "I wouldn't give. up the in ail divisions of the coming nation- roieo thantoreCarlo Drouni Pe ,re-h chiance of seeing that gaule for a ai pinlg-pong clhamipioinship te be 'held lessness,. Even if '.%r. Sharp did find aut whole carload of candy 1' in the grand baliroom of the Palmer lie would have mo're faith lnu uwo thati The bail park was about teui blocks oîeMrh1,Had1.if I ha carelesslY let his ,to ,he frein the business section. Happy -ý _,,',1 - . t. .tî.w "é 'fih ms i -te.tlP B ut like soa nlany other tlîings, %vhich ture blots froin nmenorv. the trial- was soon forgotten. and 'Miiddle- ton mturned again to its normal ways of tholight and action. One nîeriniiîi tii an came to worli barp reading a spe rr frein a farmer, lton, a college te ie carlY. fail, vhcn c, hie fotitd. M\r. ecial delivery let- 1 hle lived ear 'wnl about fifteeti Dan soon found' himself clheering for tLU'L4IKe U4t.IMeLIIveteUVCLCU rdUK up. WVestbrook and marching in the ïMore than a thousand special seats siiake-like procession which liad are being installed at the Paumer formed on the way to the field.. Hlouse to take care of the crowd. During a moment of sudden (le- Especial care is being given se that light. lie piringed bis hand into lus every se.at wii have a full view of the trouser pocket and pulle(l out th, piaying amena. fifty-cent piece, to be sure it was stili Coleman Clark of Giencoe, the theme. H1e beld it tightiy, and then ;wpesent national champion, will be caressingly, for the knew then what, on hand to cefend bis titie but such P. i.-tf h î.novessary tg) tell ynui* :tge, 1 arn 12. Garrett Students Apply Barter-Exehange Idea Garrett Biblical Institute students are finding. that. the ancient practice o f barter and exchange bas nîuch to cýommènd itsel-f- to thein today as being ne of the wavs in whiuch thev rcin ;1. thumb. i nere was a nlaW in the road. rn loud whioopee; like a eagle's wing-tbe sarne kind of flaw f rom a 1while making for as described by the Middieton Blade,. He spen ed something about in warning people against the coun- his dau, tell bis mother and terfeiters wbo were convicted several mani at, strip te -New York~. ngton's birthidav with Mrs. lith, who is a frestIi-I road. >y coliege. bridge, Walter Launder. 230 Oxfo-rdl Kenilwortli. entemtaitied liher club at tea Wednesday the aoor ..supning hg

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