Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 16

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SPECIALS FOR TI jSTEAKSF IROUND.. lic SIRLOIN. .14c1 -IPOItTERHOUSE f CENTER CUT SLICES, IL 19o Loin or RUlb Veal Chopa lb. 19. Pot Roast lb. ,1% Lem Deef Stew Legs oRl Verni JRS.o, FR1. & SAT. Per lb.14 PowkLoiu...lb. 101 Pork Loin Rorut, No 'bornes, no wasse. Cet young tender beef, 1 bor The annual tournainent embraces four distinct tournaments, one for senior boys, onre for senior girls, one for junior boys, and one for junior girls.. Each of the four groups coin- Z -petes only with céntestants of that classification and does. not mieet con- testants f rom otber groups. 'The se- niior 'groups includeé boys 'and, girls of the sixth, -seventh, and eighth grades,, and the Junior groups boys and'girls bel ,in. the third, fourth, ,anti fifth grades. -120 The boys' seni or tournament bas - the strongest competition promised for this year heretofore met, witb inl a' local tournarnent.. with four. ex-' champions: initbe. race and the 1932 chamipion :eritered . to defendi bis 'et crown. The ex-chiampions are Haroldi 'Borre, junior Champion of 1927, AI- froua bert Anderson, 1930 Junior chain- pion, Eric Samuelso>t. 1931 junior champion, Norman Evans, 1932 junior 'championi anid Franik Byclita, defenti- Î~ ing champion. However, it is a mat- ter of. record that no senior chanm- - pion has succeedeti in holding the title two years in succession andi eacb new title bas gorie to a "dark hiorse" ini the race as sbown by the Recrea- Z tion Board records. Both the senior andi junior girls champion of last year will be entered in the 1933 contest wben Doris Jean tered in thé senior tournamelit this year andt ook the senior champion- ship from Gordon Wells, 1508 Forest avenue, last Friday evening 'at the Howard school attic where the Rec-, reation board's îseicond!annual ping' pong tournamhent was helti. It took the new champion four gamnes-to defeat the, runner-up, and three of the four games were Won byv a1 slight two-point ýlead.. >VeIls took the fir'st'Of the «final sériesof gaitees- 19 to 21 but was, unable to overcome the narrow margin between hiîn «, bis comnpetitor in the thr.ee followiig. gaines, .the'sco res of which were 21- 16, 21-19, andi 21-19, in favor of the .champioôn, In the meantime, Harry L. Stone. 1234 Ashland avenue, who, with Ralph. Whitsett, won -the ,doubles -,tourna- nient last year.'*as annexing his sec- onidoubles chicanlpionship with bis ~partner, Alfred Herens,.. 135 *t6th street, one of the runners-up in the doubles chàmpionship match las t year. They defeated R. J. Nichols, 816 Forest avenue, andi 'Bud" Klinge,. 827 l6th street, 21-15. 21-17. 16-21, 1.9- 21. 21-17. Walter Lempke, 1701 Forest ave- nue, Nvon the consolation tournamnent 1hl for the singles' players who wvere elirninated ini the qualifying rotînd. Carrots Sweet, bu. IApoles WasIIipgtouL thIe public. 1 here is no admission fee. contestants must. niake previons; reg- i;strmný-Ivior to the time of.thie meet. Registration for the girls' tour- nanients Mray be mnatie %itb Miss Joe ,Skidmore, recreation assistant ini charge, andi boys may register m-ith Gilen W. Gatbercoal. recreation assist- ant ini charge of the boys' tour- nient, a great niafly of whorn fhave Lyained state-wvide recognition for theïr piaving. The tournarnent %vas rîî,î undter the direction of Recreation ~.s.itatGlen W. Gathercoal. H-offmann Florists I-bld Enviable Place Hoffmann Florists' athletic teanîs have the distinction of enterinig the Friklay and Saturdsy at ..................... per loaf A&d&-b Hot Cross Ruas Cbucked full of raisins sud nuts. la 8eason nov.. oiA more tLildi q.wVIIy boxers Wno nold wnrcn tfey share with their con- weekly meetings at the Howardgym- querors. Anti since botb the Metho- Il. ,ýsum, Other local boxers, Who are dist and Hoffmann teams must meet not as yet affiliateti witb the class the Baptists before the endi of the andi Who wisb to beconie members season, the otitconie is unpredictal le. maY get further information from, In thé N.\ortli Shore men's league. Dudley C. Stone, recreation assistant. Ioffm.tann Mortst -is third. f-

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