One day last week Sir. Perkins, the general sales manager of the Nystrom Map conipany, asked-us to, corne down and ;visit -the place wbere be works. We took Craiwford avenue to Elstonl avenue and about -tbreeblocks south- east on ElIston we came to the factory. Wben we arrived,, Mr. Perkins showedý us some atlases. These atiases ranged ail the. way f rom aGoode' s scbool atlas to a, German two-voum atlas. The maps in the Germnan atlas had every town and burg imaginable marked on them. Then we, went upstairs to wvhere the workers wvere putting -the rollers on the-wall maps. There is no chance of the. rollers coming off. because, tbey are £oth glued, and tacked ,together. On, this floor *we also watched the making of j ig-sawv puzzles. Some of these puzzles- are* cui into as many as 200 piecés. The part whicb I thougbt was the most iteresting was the place wbere the workers made the zinc plates. from which the maps are litbographed. For one colored map seven zin~c plate must be made. Five of the plates are color plates in red, pink, blue. green and yellow, the other two being the plate with the printing on and the one with the- mountains. There is no- chance of raised $1.65; the second, 70 cents, and1 the third, 95 cents. - Altogether we havei $3.30., the. window will' cost us ol 91 cents. The first candy sale we. had'wàs for aIl the grades but we didn't get up to the sixth, seventb, and eigbtb gradesi 50 w decided to bave another which was for those grades. We finisbedi the sale and, got back in our room;, the ctheerleader of> our room,- 6B, gave. a1 cheer for some of, tbecbildren who couldn*t go.-Marcia--Ànderson, How- ard, 6B. Election, Plays, Salesý f-Feature Room Activity In -6B, M 'iss Thernan's room, we havet elected new, officers. They are: presi-, cretary, . uzanne L.yon. Jacqueline, illis and BilTy Davis are the program ýairnen., \Ve bave just finisbed with series of plays on 'Courtesy" and e beginning sonie on "Good Will." he room bhas been "liard up", in ber asury, so we sold newspapers and at bangers and hiad a candy sale, ich turnied out a success.-Suzanne 'movîng pictures oi nîs cxpvriviîcrs on the bottom of the ocean.- It was very interestîng for adults as well as chu-. dren. Two lectures were given, one at 33 o'clock M 1onday afternoon and one at- 8 o'clock that nigbt, February 20.' Pr. Beebe b-as been lowered. in a bel] six feet in diaineter down to Davey Jones' locker or, in other words, down to the bottom of the ocean. Anothe r experience of Dr. Beebe's is diving in bsapparatus twom;ies into the depth9: of the ocean.-Jay Crowell, Stolp 2D. Sweets Sale Will Raise Cash' for Girls', Letters Tbis, year the school board bas: not eçnough money to buy the letters for the girls' awards, so Mrs. Fanckboner suggested the girls of the sixth, seventb and eighth .grades of Hoardhave, a candy sale at the next P. T. A. meet- ing. We are goingto niake up 10-cent bags of candy each with a different as- sortment of candy. \Ve hope to bave enough moi ey to c "over the price of the letters.-Gertrude Kaplan, How- ard 8B. How Many Studied on The 2C room club held its election of officers, for the new semester Thurs- day, February 16._ Those nominated for 'president were Geraldine, Kernpnicbh, Jean Spainuthi and Roy Schieibel. Roy Scheibel won the' election for -presîident. Those nonin-', ated for secretary. were, .Ashton Tay,-. lor, Doris' Mayhercy: and. Dorothy Starkel. Ashton Taylor w~as elected secretary. Those nominated for, treas- urer were Dorotby. Vogel. Jim'1Lamb and Barbara Tbompsotr.. Dorothy Vogel won the- election for treasurer. * Marion Mottscball was elected vice-president. I hope that the new oficers wiIl fil their positions as welI as the old offi- cers did.-Rov Scheibe, Stolp XC. Parents Attend Valentine Party of Dancing Cluss Last Friday night Miss Alice Stade', ballrooni dancing class held a Valcn- tine party witb our parents as chap- erons. Both the children and parents tried their skill at "tripping the light fantastiC" during the evening and "a grand timie as had hy ail." At 9 o'clock the mothers' committee served refreshments." We owe a vote of thanks to 'Mrs. Stade .who n1a-ed the t,ot rug aULI1U* mI411141>l41I. .have an equally interesting Henderson, Howard 8B. Stolp Assembly Cli Installs New1 Byron C. Stolp Assemhl, stalled new officers on Fe' They were as follows: pre Hess. Irp..eleted; Ivice-n)res )r y ne ic Uii Tne Wilmette peewees,lightweîghts t~Turdvbtwe time.-J3ob and heavies went to Forest Park lasftakothe wbole da o btdy. - , Tbursday and came home winners in ohrw man y o dutag al' three basketball gaines. The peewees harls aigb, o ad A.t ub won 22 to 2. The boys on the peewee _________ team are "Cbuck" Soute, Doug Huck, Oficers Bob Christianson, Jim Steen, Howard Girls in Eighth Grac ly club in- Reinwald, Bob Smitb. jack Randal, bruary 21. Bill Spinney, Howard Moulding and Begin. MakngDi esident, Ed Evan M.\cllraith. - Evan Mdfclraitb, - The first 'semester the eighi ident, Bud StolpIP M girls made blouses and othe - 1 1 ..J e-- 4L- got an- 1wonder J. V. Smiths Donate TheNew Baskçetball Suits TeWilmette ligbtweigbts recently received new basketball uniforms as a de gift from Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Smith. resses These uniformns are a ligbt mro wiha "W" on the front and a nuin- itb grade eral on the back. Mr. and Mrs, Snmith er small also donated the neewees' outfits. while of fun for all necau to be good -to enjoy ftîrth, 'Howard 8A.. ;e you d ,t.-Pa elwhen we wei -to see ber al jones-Jean C~. We were all glad you neyer clean hot ibut we niissed Mrs. bouse is dirty.- cdonald, Howard SA. Howard 6B., nem. A sam- [n social science the lB class of man's garden Stolp is studying tbe beginning of the does flot only American government. It- tells us how hings too. If Hamnilton and his plans started tbe naturally your country on its way. The class is very jorie Winkle, interesting.' We baWve Miss Chase for our teacher.-Jim Bàdger, Stolp 1B. il 4"