SPRINc FOOT WEAR -Grays and Beiges Vie:Wi th Black Or Sponsored Blue. Th.r.'s areal "dressed-up" 'note about womnWsSpring foot- Wear, you'I ind ..wth pt.nty of p.rforated i4ms and efFec- tve contrasting pipings. In ad-, d~ition to our compr.h.nsve se- I.ct ion at $650 y.u'II b. pI.ased with our groups at $4 and -45.50, as weII. :ISimplex Fl1exies, Priced According ta Size They need no introduction wo North Shore mothers . f.lichse shoes which keep young focst young. In our new Sho. Salon a re styles for chilciren of al âges ...sensible, durable, comforta- Sports, -Polo and Chic Dress Models Sizes For- anid Women "P/I J~Jf1~& "100 On DvisSIrel OW!LUT 25C PURCHASES EARN DIVIDENDU FOR YOUI, 1 On Davis Street NOWI LET' 50