Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 12

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MorniJig wursp - .-... Muslc--Su'iday, March th. prelude-Vision . .... Rhienberer Anthui-OSavior o! the-World. Goas Solo-The Volce luü the Wlidemnles$ .....................ct Mrs. W. J.. Beiiuer Offertor>-Tlie Lord is My Sliepiel'd . ......... . ......... .Loscliat The Junior-Choir IPostlude-MarCheIi Loeninelle'........... ......... ...........LeMaigre The Womian's soclety *wl meet at the churcli thix afternoon> (Thursday) at, 2 o1clock. Thé. toplc, ,"Chinlese National Llfe," wlll be presented by Mrs. Fraink Hayspon. W'e willl also have a display of the handwork made by our Kinder- garten eilîdren -in Porto Rico, also sev- eral musical lnstrumènte.ý An invitation lue etended ýto ail the woment to: be wltli us. The Senior Luther league wvll meet toniglit at 8 o'clock. Mi%. Frank Dor - band wlll present the topic. Col-ne and enjoy this meeting wltli us. World. Day o!f rayer, Friday, March 3. Service will be held at the First Congregational churcli at 2 p. rn. 'It le hoped thatt ail of our .womnen will at- tend. Junior Choir rehiearsal Friday after, * iooti at 4 o'clock. Senior choir rehearsal Friday evening at 7:15 o'clock, Lent at 8-o'cloc. This year tne pastor wlll préaçhi a sgQrles of sermons on "Thée Axna.mng Assertions of Jesus Christ Concernlng Hirnself." Union Lenten service Sunday evenlng at 8 o'clock at the Baptlst churcli. the Rev. David R.. Kabele preachiing. We wlll Jolîn with the Congregatioi- ai. Baptist, Episcopa1, and Engllsh Lutheran churches ln a Union evenlng service at 7.:30 Sunds.y evealng at the l3aptst churÉcl. The officlal boards o! these participatlng churches are spon- soring the -service. . T'1he- Rev. David Kabele of the English Lutheranchrci will pre.acli*the sermon. It . s expected that a larÈge union choir will1 assist in the mù'sIc. Everyone, là cordlaly in- vl ted'to join us., The, Session o!, th e hurcl i wll neet Mnnday ev'enlng at the. home of th(' piastor, 721 Nlnth street, at.8 o'clock. Spoke No. 4 o! the Woman's society will meet'Tuesday, Mardi 7, wlth Mr$. H. Henderson, 2710' Blackliawk road. Spoke No. .3 wlll give a. social and entertalnment on Tuesday evening. March 7. at the home o! Mrs. Robert Swaim, 701 Laurel avenue, at .8,o'clock. A program of a playiet. and musical nunibere'by inenberm of the spoke and others'wll11 b. given.. Liglit refresh- ments will be s-erved. The proceeds wil be given, tothe bu10 ilin1g ftind nt the church. Oui- mldweek service wi l b o leld Wednes-dav eî'ening at 9. o'clock at thie Wonian's club. During the Lenten sea- son wve wili interrulpt the serie.s of studies on the Psalinîs and take the Cstis asna-lie .Groups About the Cros" s aspeclal series. On Wediies- day evenlng we %vil] study tlie group o! The 'Sanhedrin. We invite You to join us in these studies. TheCh azoPresbvherh,1 i oietvxwill The Pastor's Instruction eiass for those wlio wish to prepare for chuirc'l mermbershlp, to ie î'eceived Eeister Sunday. will begin on Suniday at 1. :30 at the Woman's club. Metbodist Church ]Rev. Oscar Thomas Oison, D. D.. minister Group I--The Use of the Bible ln the Modern Horne and Scliool." Leader: Professor Frankl M. McKlbbefl of North- western University., Mardi 2-*Pro.blêni Passages of the Bible." Mardi 9-"The Bible and tlie Va riou s Ages."1 Group II.-*'-Cntenîporaryý Liteî'atui'C and Its Meaning for. Todfty." 1 11 1M£%ardi 2 '- 'A New, Deal" by Stuart Chase. Revlewed by, Dr. M. fi. Bick- Mardi 9-"Tlle Cavalcade" ýby Noei croup 111 - "Thiiinklng It Through With, Young People." Leader.: ,1ev. ftandaîl B. Hamarick. March 2--Have You a Life Purpose? March 9-*"Are. You Keeping *hys- ieally Fit?" Group 1V-"Recent Social-Treends." March 2-"Chuldhood and Youtli. Dr. Nelle F. Moore, of the -University of Chicago, formerly of!'the Wilniettle Public School Systefi.- Mardi 9-,Professor Hilton ,IraJonesi. An, Indian program wllbe premented bY Prinicess Tsanina and ('hie! Ever- green Trxee -ln the As.,emnbly hall this Saturday night, Mac c 4. The programi l'a spoisored by fthe'QueenEshr Standard Bearers. Tickets may be se- cured fronm any member of the organtizae tion or at the door. TJhe DePauw universîty choir will be the guests of tbis ehurcli on Monday evenlng, March 13. A splendid prograni bas beefl arranged. Alil members ani friends of the. church are urged tb in- v'ite their' neighbors and frieiids to at- tend this unusual prograni. The "Day of Prayer" will be observedi by Wilmette wome inii the Congrega- tional churcli tomorrow, Fridav, a t o',ciock.. prograin iWII De . eî<i at.1:30. The Wonian's Foreign Missionary so- ciety will lie held Thursday, March 9, at 10:30 to do hospital sewing. The prograni will be Iield at 2 o'clock. Devo- tions: Mrs. T. H. West. Hostes-ses - Mesdames 1-. Kerwln, J. A. Prescott, and W. C. Reinhoid. First Con gregationat John G. Hindley, minister The regular week-tiay activlties for boys and girls are sclieduled as fol- iows: Tuesday-4 p. m.-Camp Pire Girlis. Girl Scouts Tuesday-7 :30 p. n. Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts Thursday-4 p. ni.-Junior choir rehear- sal Thursday-7 :3 p. m.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts Frldayý-3 :15 p. in.-Brown'ie.s Friday-7 :30 p. m.-Senior. Camp Fire' Satuirday-9 :30 a. m.-('ub Pack Nî). 63 The' Senior choii' will eea, Thurs- day evening at: " :15. St. Augustine's ,$utriday, March. 5, *111' be the first Sunday ln,,Lent and the first. Sunday in the month. There will be HolY Com-rr munion at 8 a.,m., C7hurcli sehools and Bible classes at 9:45 a. in. and Holy Commiunion with sermon at Il a. m. Sunday. being the first Siinday ln, the nionth, there will be Corporate "-i ii on services Tfor both the o3 'ind Girls'1 Communion leagues. During Lent there will be an eve- ning service every Wednesday at 8 o'lc.On mnost Wednesday üvenings t1here will be special preachers. The special preachel' Wedkiesday, March S. wilI be the Rev. Floyd E., Berdard, rector of AU Saints, Ravens- wood. On the following week the serv- ice will be transferred to Tuesday eve- nlng, Mardi 14, at 8 o'ciock, and the preacher wll . bc the Rev. Earie B. C'ommîunion on e a. m., and on Good Friday) at Friday a, . The wrnîen o! the Asa;,oeiated Guilds will attend Holy Communion each Fri- day during Lent (except G(ood FridaY) at 10:30 a. m., after whlch they will ad-j 'jouru (o the 'club biouse at 11 :15 for the work of the Gulld, with lunicheon at non. A United Lenten campiaign NVill be we are mef Thie. musical prograni for tic morfl- The Churdh Nîglit program is held liglous Sem ing worship wlll be as follows: Prelude, each Thursday. beglnnlpg wlth a dlnner tiaulty." W~ "Chanson Triste," Tsclialkowsky.: Au- at 6:30 #'elock. Thie dinner tonîglit, around the them, "Be Still, Be Still," Scott, bY the Mardi 2, willl be served by the Fifttiforum on gi choir, Solo, "In My Father's HouseA-re. division and the oeex~t week by the uer Is $ein Many léanslons," MacDermild, sung by Slxth division. These meetings a ré commlittee, hile and end wlth anu:Openï att religions questions. Dmn-b 1 at 6:30 bY a vounuteer id. retervations should bel speaker. Alil wmen are urged te 0re Churcli News on Page 15) A.

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