Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1933, p. 11

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In commenting on the production this week, Mrs. Marian Cotton, head of the liigh séhool Music department, said it is "brim. full iofunm, satire, humor and beautiful, music." Cast of Record S340 The largest ýcast ever seen i , .an und ertaking, of this kind at Sew T.rier Will present The Gondoliers." "N:ot so longagQ,', Mrs. Cotton said, %we could flot give a light opera such as this iihoui, the ,ssistancée of> aluinni and outsiders. This year the re is so umuch talent at the higli schiool: that manv of the characters will lie played by different actors on the 'sec- ond.*ighit ofý the production." ln fact. practically -the entire cast will be changed for tlie Saturday nlighit per lormance. Althougli this mnakes extra work for the directors, Mrs. Cotton feels tliat it is of mnucli educational value iii that it gives a larger number of peopleC the opportunity to sing and act. Groups In Rehearial AIl members of the glee clubs and the orchestra at the high schiool are liard at work weeks in advance of the presentation of the opera. Cooperating with the music depart- ment in the presentation of *The is pr .1)aring the stage settings. Miss Elizabeth Stanwood, liead of the dramiatics departuient, is meeting the prinicipals in the cast in regard to their acting work, and Miss' Anna M!\ayý Smithi of the physical education department is in charge of the dance rehiearsals. The ast 'l'le cast of '*The- Gondoliers" is as follows : .i)uke of Plazza-Toro (a grandeec- f .S4aii)-Dick Oison and Walter Mer- Fiaett - ethMaelrathand Jean Vlttoria-AIIison Burge and Ruth lions- full. Glulia-Lillian INoYes and Joan Guth- ridge. ý Inez (the kiigs fo.ster inother-Ru1,th Seymnour and Emm-fa Blckham. Flires at, Man Tryiiig to Steal Motorman 's Heater Officer 'Charles Lance of the Wil- 'mette Police department, on duty at the Linden avenue '"'" terminal Sun- day niglit, fired at a man wlîa at-, tem pted tp steal a mnlorman's Ihea-, ter- about 9:25 o'clock. The mn escaped. He fell after Officer Lanceý firýed,-and got up; and, ran aivav. the police report.. No blood -marks wvere found at the.,spot where lie feil. ENTERTAINING COMMITTEE- Mrs. Frank Barrett, 615 Ess;ex r-oad, Kenilworth, wll entertain the committee of Mother.s' and Daugli- ters' banquet of tbe Ke nilworth club attea Tuesdav. Thev will lie work- ing out the table decorations of the banquet which is tQ bce held ri 17. Mr.Clyde Ross, 1321 Chestiiut avenue, entertained lier bridge chlb MOILOIL 22C E ARMAND'S TAILORS AND FLYRRIeRS: BROWN BUILDING ',LOBBY 1159 WILMETTE 'AVENUE PHON& WIL. 18 ART FURNITURE .CO., Uphlstrinr.Repaidiig 9. SCluEEN-40 Yeats, Experlexce W. 1soelveYoiMotb Probl' wltb BSISTAL 338 LINDEN Ph. WiL 4403 M a" mmdEUat a anmd ej.y a gmeeid Bowlingu Ilàà Wlmette Ave. I -I WÀNT SE ONEY? Send your Iaundry tb us 20% Discount On cash anid carry bunles Ec.usyi ad Luundry 3 ELECT1tIC PLACE Phne WfL 2787 PHONE KENILWORTH 3532 J. A. WARD Forter and, Toiler .Speeil for the M4nth of Mareb. lýgiesl sprlflg eoats and suits taliored to order, of Iatest fabries, as Iow as .. EXPERT RADIO 1SERVICE 1131,CENiTRAL AVE. phione WiI. si I ~ Cioa Sue RqFrb MISSTY'S8 1195 Wilantt. Avenue WIL- S43 w 60m5 MAIN ST. Ph...e Wniimm 9 WIWFMT FOOD SHOF Salade for Paries at vey Iow pwleu 1247 MAIN STREET I £!!) DUTCH MILL CAŽJDY I1187 Wiimette Ave. Wilmette 2140 ..Pi»» .WMLU L5 MAIN STREET L,;ý'IelmeeeeA lm»"" -w-

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