I *1 W. Accept Arniour & Co..Coupous TURKEYS, froeh 25 RIB ItOAST of BEEF, B.d Cuts, lb4.... &28C 6dhma d7th ibe, 23 LIEG of LAMB, 22c PORtK LOIN ROAST,14 BEFLUPOT ROAST ,19 Lk . . . . . . . . PORIC TENDERLOIN, lb . . .. .. . -Ridg. Avenue Fr". 35c Expert Repairing ware, opticoil, beeds restrung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE WILMETTE 1061, CANDY, Speil--Satmr&ly & Summj.y 3ILs. frW@C We Serve Cuuniugham's Irce Cream wilntte Pli....: 2f--Ilu tone, will De accomipaleav by Miss Emily Roberts and' assisted by Robert !Brown, popular Young north. shore .Violinist. The conicert is sponsored, ý by the Mýe&isclub of Ithe church. Alniembers of the quartet are experienced siners and popular tlirougbout: the Chicago area. Beulab Casler-Ed- wards is a popular lyric coloratura -artist wbo bas- won wideacclaim for ber fineý vüice,, good stage presenice and cbarining per-; sonality. Ethel Heide Wis- hover is regarded as one of the most gifted of yonnger Anieri- cah contraltos. She bias givei amplte evidence of remarkable interpretive ability. Emily Roberts. the organist, bias risen rapidly in public favor during. the past few years, and the following program wbich sbe lbas directed. is ex- pected to be enthusiastically received by hier Wilmette audience. Mr. Brown was as a boy concertmîeister of the New Trier High scbool orchestra, and bias been soloist with- the Little Svni- plhony orchestra. He is popular as T Walter Teibuer .-1 LEVA IE A.NS, fresi shelléd, pt. GR APEFRUIT, Týxas séedless, 5 for.. NEW POTATOES, à ibs. large, doz. .. . . . . . FRPEBDELIVERY 25C 25C 25c 25c perienced in opera, concert, and the theater. Mir. Tenney, who has been singing in churcb and concert circles . 4..%4 .. since bis bigh school days. won im- mediate recognition in the Broadway musical conîedy world after bis grad- uation f rom the Utiversity of Illinois. The program bas been announced -as foilows: Je a Ah' Mai Pnon Cessate.....Donaudyý T1hé Organ Gridcr..... Schubert Hodgkins Faniily2 The WVlconie Vision.. Strau. 9 Pi, d toa a Dnadv Rnao .Il p i*ti n Phone WiI. 2600-2601 LMr. and Mrs. R. A.. Bullinger, 707 Park drive, Kenilworth, entertaitied their bridge club at dinner Wednes- ýý'day of last week. ]Mr, C( tbem.> leaves in a : wiIl ail rett I to loit ay 1. .1 'l