Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1933, p. 48

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vehicle operated. :Village Manager C. M. Osborn ex- plained that thé much larger f ce pro- viled for ini thé new code is designed, to keep out of -Wiimette the cab driver who cornes bere for ashort time Only and oûperates in competition with the taxicab coMpanies or -individual drivers who furnish all-year service. The 'Village board bas taken' the, matter under. advisenient, but no of - fËiiai -action, was taken:,at the meeting Tuesday night. Two public hearings were lield on the revised ýcode last week. Members of the Village board point, out that there is still time for suggestions with réference toý changes ini the proposed .new. code. The judiciary committee of the board, of which Trustee H. ýC. Kinne is chirman, bas charge of the -ode revision work. Holmes-Weese Orchestra Plays for Banqueters Music for the recent Father-Datughter banquet at New Trier Highi was fur- nishied hy the Holmes-W,7ecse orchestra. This dance band, composed cntirely of Nev'Trier students, has aroused favor- able comment for the professional quaI- ity of its work. ,rl- - luqest of 'pictifires, 'h ici, le wili shozV at thlic il ette Suday. Eve- . ung lb lebîay 26. Robérf Slippee, co-leader of theSÇiPPee- Johiisoin expeditioîî ito dle Peýil- vian Ande's, fiew lits l'uj ,,oeopla;it' oph and amMrallyMtoIIfr ~ec1'a#rrs of El Mlisti and (bnafailous Son h incrican volcanocs. Ship- Pcc'-s lecture Z(,Il terminl)ale thie 1()32-33 Sunay ivelin, iclub sea- so)n. March 1 Is Deadlirie for Purchasing Dog Licenses Strict enforcement -of the Village gets was 103 to 9 and for theliîgtt heavyweights, Il to 10. Last Thursday thec Joseph Sears midget and heavyweight,,tcamns, ent' to Evaniston. to play Haven., Both Kenil- worth teams -were defeated,, thé mid- gets los ing I 241 to 9 and the, heavy- weights, 17 to 14., Today. (Thursday ) the Joseph Sears lighltweight ,and ,ight, heavyweight teais .go to Evanston7 to- play Hiaven and on Saturday morning of this week al four -Haven teams will mieet joseph Sears in. Kenilworth. L Legion Au#xiliaryI (W'ihîitte P>ost- No. 46) The regular înonthly board mîeetingý ILegion aucilia.ry, will be held Thursday evening, 1%arch 2, at 8 0'clock in thec home of Mrs. Carl A. Peterson, 1441 Maple avenue. The Cook County council, Amnerican Legion auxiliary, will meet Friday aftèrnoon, March 3, at 1.:30 o'clock at the Flotel LaSalle. a Diet," which will introduce tlie min1- strel show. The cast for the entire performianice,,.%ili be coniposed for the Most part of club members. The affair is being given under the auspices of the philanthropy depart- Ment, and the proceeds wvill go to the twenty-three charities ini which the North End. club is interested. Some of the north shore miembers of the clubl- are. Mrs. William. E.* Hat- terman andi Mrs. Harle.v Ward of Wilmette and XMrs. Charles Hayes of Winnetka. .Mrs. M L. Schmitz- is chairmian of the dramia departmeçnt andlMrs. \XTard is co-chaîian. Library Giets Several. Interesting Volume-SI Several-néw, books 'have .bcen gi'venl to the Wilniiette Public, library re- cently, Miss Aie L. Whi tînack,' librarian, annouinced this weck. ne~vvolmeIntroduction, to fthc Principles of Aýccouting',, by. 11. A. Finney, prof essor of accoutinig at NorthwVestern uniiiversity%. lias 1been prcscnted to the library h MNIr. Fini- ney, n-lo is a resident 0f.) Wilinette. 1The library also lias rece'i\cd a. copy of -The Autobiography of Thomas Lipton" from the Lipton company. Othier books presented 1to thie library recently by anonyniou.ý riends include "The Life of jJudgc Saniiel 'Seabury" by Walter Cliamnber -, -'TI ie Discovery of Europe" bv, Paul Co- lhei-Portheini and -'TIle lIf 1e of Goeth," by Robertson. penheinm, Carleton Ross, and Bob Ward. Bud Thackcry, singer, has quite a fol-. iowing.. Besides being the officiaI New Trier orchestra for the past two yèars, the band hias been ini demand at Deerfield- Shields Higli school and for dances and (ther fuîictions along the north shore. Recent appearances were at the ber o th bar tht ogownrsbeFebruary 26. The following have ap- Miss janet Bens rn, daughter of the given until Mrh opurchase ihe plié 1933 icerises, a'fter which date steps wiîî lid for memberships: Lorraine Ellis,' Luther W. Bensotîs of 212. Woodbine enfrcetheVilagedog2711 Asbury avenue, Evanston; jean avenue, who is a student at Beloit be akn o Tmpe,702 Greenleaf avenue, and college, is taking part ini activities ordinance rigidly. David Melbye, 244 Laurel avenue. there. As a member of tlie Bcloi-t At a recent meeting hield in the home'players, she will play tHie role .of Snow 'White and Dwarfs ofrEdward Ives, 900 Che:tnut ýtreet, "Five', wheîi that grotil presents Next Children's Draina boy or girl wishing to become a better 4. ~ Wneln" ac n 'Siow WVhite and the Seven hessi or checer player is welcome to This dèlightful cildreii',, story by Dwarfs," is the titie of the next playi attend the meetings of the club, accord- Lewis Carroll lias been arrangcd for to bc given in the series of miatineesý ing to Dick Moreau, president, 1507 production by thie players tliemselves Z- -e 1- . - .-tl-.r Walhihut avnue. and, the costum1es iili closelv follow 'il il4, . Miss Lucy Allen of Rockford ivas i the bouse guest last week-end of f Mrs. A. . Bullev, 333 Richmond Mrs. A. F. Kloess, 234 Greenleaf ave- road, returned Friday from the VI nue. ' Miss Allen is a distant relative anston hospital with her infant son, of Mrs. Kioess. Aliaîx Edgar. Bulley, Jr. nesday. bridge Saturday, February 18. -o- . -o-- Mr. and Mrs. Frank McClure, 219 Mrs. R. W. Starrett, r-1 Wood- Broadway, éntertained a small greup of stock avenue, Kenilworth, washost- friends at the Union League club din- ess to-her sewing, club Tuesday, Feb-: ner dance on, Friday. ruary 14.. 4 +

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