Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1933, p. 47

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apîlropriate tenses ofthtRe programn to tlle time it celebrated w;i cleverlIN sûggested by Miss Mariuiorn ein président. whào in. the absence of the program gchairmanP'Dorothy Bicl, nmade the announcemenits. A long table beautifully a)!)it)ittéd with lowarrangement of inassed >Ipring flowers and tree-Iratieched caildlesticks« with. yellow, green and lavendér tapers, was the center of the îood demonstration, which Roy 1\U. Cooley announced in his in1roductory. *talk. Mondays m Ieeting wasî postpôned- f roui the regular Tuesday meeting which wvas called off because of the b lizzard. . Miss Clara Mcowî,the *speaker ans ounced for thé meeting, was. uinable to -be present and asked A. 'C. Riiidskop)f. £reative designer,.g)tell f11Q his work which is done un i a large scale. A -newcorter to tthe nîwtli êo, his home is in the Inidiatn 1h11 estates.. Informially lie spoke of the many phiases liecessary in creating, then in carrying onit development of interiors in large bildinigs. both public and office. Then *iii detail hie provided glinipses into one of the novel penthouse apartmnents in Chicago. That mnucli ,tudy and re- search in history and in period art is * necessary to a créative designer was, miade evident,-in his talk. Nr. Rind. - - ' l A *I'.l.t'ý . 1 - o u.., LVF . _iliam#. .n.c ..t. Un. .... negan, S. J., assistant dean, 0f me Borchu . Bindersicetelu atitis eadtw at Loyola, universit.y, spoke to the Sherna.............Bindersnetecu tite eae tw parents on, the importance of realiz- Mchonioh cBll years5 ago. The decision to contribute ing how impressionable is youth and <edusha .SokSai this money to the fund for the temple ugdspriinover what youth LtteW.d dlonSniopooe for erection ini time for the urgd spevisonAnthein:. Century of Progress exposition, ivas reads and sees during this formative -minHiezr eaowI mdata etngfteofirsf period. .SoIloOn t11e Win'g:ý MXrs. Charles% Broad read a nuniber Of .Song" Mendelssohn th lb. r .W ura ie of~~Mî- wel ritercmostinsdoe o Tà%yl<'r Bnrpresident, and Miss Helen Evans w~ho thfel occastn copstensofo lrn a'Anachnu ..... .. drigave approval of Mr. Kirtland's sug- on the theme: ."W'hat 1I Want to Bel Elohenu8 _ . tark geto.TeleMr.AbtH.U- Whe IGr.w îJ îîcîîwee are - rich was presîdeut' of the: Wilmette velation and the cause of some go ii pr lb In acknowledging the contribution, "The:Drainatic Episode" staged by Mrs. JoseprM. Cuewsyco-chaiSma theBoyandGir Sout, rveaedof. club activities of the Chicago, friends that mucli had been accomplishied- by oi Music, Inc., expresses "our gratitude t he teachers in t his field of- traiiîng. The Junior A Dramnatic class. of :to the members of the Civic Opera Miss Mary. Winner . Hughes, 'Miss The Mallinckrodt will entertain the' Club of WVilmiette for their éplendid Mariati Ortseifen. MIis:.)orothy Bichi. Mothers at,,thir monthly card,,party cooperation." She writes that the club and P Cody. 1 ave biven gener ëotislîy 4o with a: presentation of, the twù-act will receive special. recognition in. ac- tie ndefor ii ieadanemntplay, "Poverty, Preferred." Friday af- cordance with- the Friends :of Music of scout_ work in our, school. The ternoon at 4 o'clock, in. the school plan... which is to place a permanent mothers'. committee assisting these auditorium. The cast is composed of, record ini the Temple of Music of thé leaersis o2urisd o Mr. F DLorraine Huncke, Mfary Kathleen 1 names of contributors. McPhlimMrs.H. . Lesch.MrsHutniacher, Jeanette Schaefer, Eula-ý C. M. 'Kavanaugh. Mrs. Thomas; lie 'eKe, nEd1-\ar% lizath O'Ck. Syl. t1llodi* Ministers to Chambers, Mrs. Ni. Redlin, Mrs.vaKel ndMr'Eiaet Cn- H l PhiipNewan Mr. . B Cnnig-neli. Angela Ludden, accompanied b H l Retreat in WiImefte Phm, Nem NIrs. J.W E.Bern nninrsg- Antoinette Richter and Loretta "I'hese are days that test men's souls. h.aimo, Mrs. G Hfeorge FM. uA. Sturm, will give several vocal solos. MNinisters are constantly givîng of their and Mrs. Warren -lohisy.' Miss Geraldine Alter of Evanston, strength in order to encourage' others. Mrs. Ralph M oulding, Girl Scout a Mallinckrodt senior, ivas announce'd Sàmetimes we, keep giving out until commissioner of Wilznette. conferred the second prize winner in the na- our spiritual life is depleted and we second class honors to the Misses tional -Skit Contest" sponsored by are likely to become so absorbed in Betty McDermiott, Betty Jane Deltz, the Queen's WVork under the direc- the work for others that' we fail to Roseniary McDermott, Caroly Ledig, tion of the Reverend Daniel Lord, take time to reinforce our own spirit- Rita Keipers, V7irginia M'\cGurk, Mfar- S. J. Mis, Alter received a letter of ual life," states B3ishôp Ernest Lynn .~Ž co<ngratulations froni Father Lord Waldnrf of the C'hicago Area of the mvhite, and blue tapers and its low 1)0wl E. D. Uunnngllani dtfiig the social P of red, wvhite, and blIne spriug flowers. hiaîf-hour followýing the entertaiin- At onxe end Mrs. joliii J. Tr.acey. presi- nient. . denit of the St. Francis -Xavier Parent- Tfeacher association poured coffee. I Rex Elton Fair Plays Reserve Officers WiII on Program in City>, ~ Mu Phi Alpha. national' musical j Hold Annual Stag ree fraternity, recently avvarded first. 'l'lie North Shore chapter of the Re- prize for the best composition offered serve Officers' association i \-ll ld( its froni its. memibership to Phillip War-a aninual tag banquet at thîu Bit and ner of. Chicago. The comipositioni is V, C. D. A. -Juniors List Antieipated, Activities 'l'le Junilor Catholic Daughters of Ainerica, Ouilmette 848. held their Febrtiari. meeting at St. josephi's hall Fridav, Februarv 17. Arrangements' were made to en tertain the seniors at- their social Mondav March 6. iverI con.UiJUIU14U,.p £ a sO *iuai*rc treat at the Wilniette Parish Methodist church, Ashi Wednesday, March 1, f rom 1<0 to 4 o'clock. Bishop Waldorf, who is ýa resident of Wilmette, appointed a committee to prepare for this day of meditation and prayer including the district Supein- Phil J. Knorpp, 685 has been in New York of January on a comi trip and vacation, and' a week . or two. iIJIy lJ L O llc. -t. idan road. urday evening of this. week. Miss Geraldine Wiggins. dauighter-0- ce thîe last -o- of .Mr, and .Mrs. Franik F. Kelley, 124 , Nancy Durgin of 627 Forest ave- ci business Mrs. Louis Bouchard, 222 Oxford Laurel avenue, returned Iast week nue spent a recent week-end in Hins- 1return iii road, Keniilwortli. wili entertain bler fromn Grand Rapids, Michi., where she date with her sister, Mîss Laura. Friday bridge. club February 24. had. been visiting for several months. Durgin.

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