Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1933, p. 46

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Mrs.* Clara E. Nourse, 83,- ls Taken by Death Mrs. Clara E.. Nourse' died Wýed- nesday, Februtarv' 15, at- bler bomne, 1137 Greeni'wood avefrue, al the age of 83 years. Aithough, fher hiealth had beeni failing for the past seven'years4 Mrs. Nourse'was not coiîfined tolber room until two months .prior to ber, death. Bori i i New York-' state of ..'ew Englaîîd. parentagei, Mrs. Nourse camne.to Chicago with lier parents iin 1859 when shewias ten , yeàrs old., She was marnied in, Chicago. and with lier husband. the late John A. Nourse, nxoved to Wilmnette in 1910. 'Mn. Nourse, a Civil war veteran and for- mer, commander of the George H. Trhomtas' pô'st of the G. A. RI. ini Chi- cago, died in 1913. Mrs. Nourse is survived by' three daughters, Hattie L,. Ida Ný. and Clare Nourse, ail of whomi live ini Wilmette. The funeral services, for 'Mrs. Nounse' were held Iast Friday after- noon at ber late residence. 1137 Greenw%%ood 'avenue. Buirial took place at Rosehili cemeterv. avenu-eý atter a vear's iliiness. Sne vvas 48 years old and had been a resident' of WVilmette for the past seven years, moving hiere froni Rog- ers Park. She was bor i in Chicago. Mrs. St. "Clair is survived bv bier husband, 'Williain M. St. Clair, five children, William Jr., Harriet, Rita, Mary Pat and Richard. and lier; mother, Mrs. Mafr\- 1. Schrnitt. Al of the survivors live ini Wilinette with ÂVLA . j. t.5'i~Jaytn %.ai, u . V . V Hecht', Mrs. Edward Harris. Mrs. Bessie Ramser, and Mrs. Elizabeth Coates, all of Chicago. The conmittéee is, being assisted .by several of- the public welfare chair- mien of the Seventh. district, Illinois Federation: of WVomen' Clubs, of which Mrs. H. W. Quaintance is chairinan. The Little Wanderer Day nursery is one of the oldest and the largest day: nurseries in Chcçiago, being founded in 1905.: It is a nion-sec- tari*an institution, giving day--time care ýto the children, of ,working Mo thers.: The aggreg ate number of children cared for annuially: ii the liome -over a period of a quarter' cenitury; has been over 18,000. Underground Feeder Pails; Power Slut Off 1Failure of an underground cable feeder to function at Abbottsford road and Melrose avenue in Kenil- worth caused a ternporary shutoif of' electric power east of' the railroad tracks in'Kenilworth and in Wilmette north of Lake avenue Tuesday morui- ing at about 8 o'clock. Men were sent out immediatelv by ing in an area sérved by one phase of a' thnee-phase feeder that failed were withQut service for a~ longer time, but the trouble was taken care of as rapidly as possible, MnI. 'Mc- Collum explained. The fact tbat the electric wires are underground in the section ivherc the, temporary shut-off of powver oc- èurred made it' difficult to locate the ca use of the br ea kdown. Eiuialic Kober Stade (Mrs. Poi W. Stade) of 8j5 Sixteekith street wiII preseînt ler Piano pupil,, tiis Stday afternoon in a recital to lie Offieyrin the 16ts»ge oaf te WoeW- at'.s Clu4b of iib;wtte at j o'clock. The rn will include 'three rs. Stade: "Ritual Fire Falla; Chopin's "Noc- Lrp," anid "March' Miii- )ert-Tausig. iii be heard on the pro- mu. i r g 5,JS. 8th Grade Pupils at Stolp Giving Plaiy Betty Ruth Friend, daughter of the Milton H. Friends. 806 Linden ave-. nue, last Monday aftennoon enter- tain.ed the cast of "The Willow they gave a. fne portrait of, the lite, and man ners, of the timies., Every fin man, in the audience 'as transported itét1he role of some one of the:muske- teers, and every young lady loved, the heroine and despised the vilailless. While the Scene was being shifted, for the last act, a, Raggedy-Aiiii dance was given be fore the curtain *'by jean and Marjorie Noirman of Chicago. two .of Miss. Foley's, pupils,, Who did tap dancing aàs an encore.: .Three north shore boys were i the .cast.' Alfred Brownportrayed Porthios: Robert :Merriman,, D'Artagnan, and William Jenkins, DeTrevil. le. Constanc e. the heroine,: was played by Victoria Schrager of O ak.'Park. Others inithe caqt were' Harold Moran, Robert- Bleznicki, Florence Derby, Carl Boyer. Cyril janicki, Andrew McM-\eekii., Gae Adams Whitesel, 'Vfrglnia Ma& Heisley, William M,\assover, an~dJerome McNally. *The final performance of the series.. will bé presented early in April. MNrs. Henry Brandt and Mrs. John Taylor Booz are attending performances at the Little Theatre of the Dance in order to select a playthat wiIl suit the tastes of both small and large children. As one young enthusiast declared. «'If the last play is as gooci as these' first two. it will certainly be swell'" i ne riîigncrest sbI4IUUIboys-basket- bail team will play its first ganie ini the tournament at Northbrook today (Thursclay) without the services of Elier Carlson, regular guard, who was operated on for. appendicitis last wèek. The Highcrest team is sclied- uled to meet the Nules school at o'clockç this afternoon. Tuesday of Iast week the Highlcrest Mrn. C. L. Hoxie of Grand Rapids, worthavenue, Kenilwor Micli., is visiting hier sister. Mrs. Kirk, day to return to bis 'stuc Taylor, 515 Cumnor road, KenilwuLrtli, ton aften a five-day vac- for aweek. 'family. Mrs. E, P. Fatch, 611 Washington 338, ýKenil1- avenue. left Tues- -o- 'at Prince- Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 WVýshiington on witb bis avenue, entertained ber Tuesdayr luncheon bridgeclub this week.

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