mr. C';îul Zeists and Mîr. Ezra 'i'ayi Mrs. Fuller & Wmîi. Picka 746 Elnui St. Wiinetka 122-3 _____~ -é____ 7LTN 42 'FOR ýRlENI ri brick bungalow, 6ý >-rs-. (Ad 5ri. Ige. brk. bunigalow>, h. Nv.. lt. S rmn. s4tucco, .5 bcdrînms., fine lot 9 m.6bedrii.i, h. w. heat 7 mi. -tucco,, 2 l)chs., nr,. "U2' rm: f r.e 3 bab.h. '. heat. Oùhers $100 and up Eddingtojn & Allen. 1nc 7idî rin 4.lh.W 9 71,TIN42- WNNETPi MAii ri-d rick cottglihiius, î : îîn. m'îd*-mn huiusv, ;Mdth la rgei lhî.u , 4 it-ruîs .. tiat-.,bu paty Ij<Icl(-s Reihet tt lgarden brik 1wt -erîîs, Ex(h R' eatacIi 12 il I* 1 l i W iI tut- t k a :k !471TN 4 2 2is. 3 athset toltad lubarè.l'- o., bedrkts 1k bl Wintry.rck Awinedreis. 1ba Ri eatat ivc.I 663 Vernon Ave. I<A:\I Glellcoe 305 17LTX42-ltp $165 'HOUSERJN LS r $50 DUP A LIST MADE TO SUIT S youi, need. Oui' broker.s will take -ou to inspecet thes;e, homes. BAIRD& WÀR-NER, 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive. Briargate, 1855, Giencot, 1554. -. .97LTX42-ltc 5>X mi. stucco, furnace hit., 1-car garage, dt i33 Prairie Avenue., 6 rm. stu(ei, Tt and 2dsn' ~lh 5- water bekit, oul buriwr, i -ear garage. r-7rni. brick, wterj. heat, 1 crgaae 3.14 Ï7th St., Wilmeëtt4' 573-134À. s9o 97L'rN42-4tui 10DERIN HUUSE-6 LARGE ItOOMS, $12 l 2-) aths, s1iow'erý, hot waterlhe.kt, fux'îî. <'r u nfurn., Elec.rergrto,-c gïa r. 1220 I"'orest AXve., WVlinvtte-, 111. ISQ .97LT1N42-l 1t~~ ROMHOUSE, SL-1 PORCH. H.-IV. hecat. $75 month. <'an he see-n <y bed- *appointnent. 1940 Ash St., Wi. 19310 Liv.____________ 97L42-Iloî lr'-s 7 Jtu V DI'LEX, îlOT I'WATýJER W. tock, ne-wl v dtfucýi-zted. v*,veilent local ioii. c.el- nearirnssîtltiii. chools. Phi. V- mette .3562. 97,TX4-tl 99 ' WANTED YO RENT-HOtJSES !-11,. WANTED) TO RFXIT 1e1,Suniday sixty peopile camne 0ils fori Shouses tn rent. W'e have manyv eus.- >el- tomers for Wlnette, eilwn hW - for furnished. bouses froni MIay to October, or longer; one fa-ily ai, $150 desires central Wlnnetka. Manyv other clients for modern bouses funished And unfurnished from Ken- Ilworth to Giencoe. Mrs. Fifler & \V'n. Pickard 76EmSt., Winnetka Winnetka 3722, lOLTN42-ltc 111l PO S lE-OU0 ANI) I )ESCRIPýTIONS 0F MANY Fine Homlesand Properties Mailed Free Upon Request, 'BAIRD & WARMNER 134 South LaSalle, Central 18551 t;or-'~il Colonial, Clencoe, east side. Grounds over .200. feet deep, me- quires $1,*500 cash only, total price $10,000. 7 rooms, :, ba-ths, Wiflnetka bopuset, %ith large grounds for $14,000. troonis. Reniiworth bouse, sun porch, oil beat, 1-car garage, east --id(- loea- tin,i, ide lot, $13,000. -Many Other *Buys" PtEPRESENTA-ýTIVES M-ns. <'ami Zeiss and Mr. zra Taylor 75-foot lot, good residential nelghbor- hood, east of railroad, flot over $5,000. 38'J. L;F OYD CO. 38,Center St. Winnetka 3603 115LTNe42-îte WISC04NSIN SUMMER HOM1E Cement-block construction, 7 rboome lu- cluding, 45-ft. living roomn, large lire- place. On .8- beautiful acres, 'heavily, wooded bluff 10Q feet above Lake ,Michigan;- fréeeof mosquitoes. 800 feet of «-aùdybeach. Exiquisite and varied scenie effeects. 'Exceptional location M akes it delightfully cool in. summer. Ail the restful charrn of seclusion and primitive nature. Running water, plunibing, electric light, ail the con- veniences of. a modern home, coin-, lletely- furnlshed. Price reasonable. 25miles froin Milwaukee. A. B. PHILLIPS' 451 *Hli Road, Winnetka, 111. ern 7 or Shore. 'M Illlnoie. cýottagep witli bath, attai liot Nwater beat, on beauti of an estate twon-miles fri a nionth. R. M. JOHNSTJO-N 6 rniis......$65, $75, $i80,$ 7 ris.s. $75, $80, $0 10 8 uýrs, 2 'balis ....... 1$90, $100, $110, s1] WVILMETTE REALT) .î13 F(ourtb St. Alhed gtrage9. 9.30 Sparljsh Ct. unif guoundls ,fi dtqpý,t» $:1.5 WTl>.lTO RENT-MOPI East Wilniettè. 3> or: 4 S&Co. floor la.vatory, about$7 Wîl met te 4.14 Wilmette 2615. 97L4,2-1tc RESPONSIBLE FAMILY S5. $ 10 0, $25 rooninmodern hou-se fo 110,~, 135 Evanston or north. E CailiGre. 2700. f ii,$15,$10 MODERN 3 BEDROOMH 'y C0. sebool and transp. by m& Wlimtte 192 pie-. $500 per month. 0 ÎF for 1 recreation mi, 2-car gar. attached. 3554. Choicest neigbborbood. Fine -wooded 'lot. $1M00u or trade for smaller' bouse. 131 FOR , HENSN REALTY .CO. li bau 6ti0 Ceuter St. Wtinnetka 254 ý,4-iflcIi coul I11 LTN42-ltp) seli or eý, -ni.. bouse, 2 batb.s, gar. Reduced t suitable foi $12,500. Rentai $85. Wnek Cbarming. 9 rmi. .rlk (Colonial. Re - FOR SALE- dueed to 330,000. 1'iînîa .. . 1Burner aft n iotor. W esepa'rate. for boi àoard motor. Phoi GBNI3RAL, MISCELLANEOUS CALL WILMIETTE 4300uuAsk for Ad-Taker ":YOUR OFFERINGS ARE SOLD WHEN PROSPECTS ARE TOLD"