Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1933, p. 41

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*Unger. Harry 1). (ideonse, associate pro-'. fessor of eýonîonicsi University of whcg.~ill speak at 1:45 on -Cati We Have Peace W\ithout- Sanc- 'The solution of' the problem of disarmaiflent" says NIr. Gideonse, (juoting Salvador de Madariaga, -can-, -not i)C foiind l wthin thé. problem it.- self but ottside of it. In fact, the ..problemn of (isarmarnent is ixot the probleni of (isarmanient, it realv is t, âprbleinif the organization of lhe prorh onînt i I orld (..Y rt PProtocolsý PU Seizate Calendar Th1e WrdCourt Protocols are item num111ber Onte On the .executive calendar of the Senate. Voted out orthe Furtigil Relations cxrîitt Ma\ 12 last, they wr reported to the >cnaic b\ scintors >Tilîunas Va, ainid Siîneon Fess on june 1. Their * SCvCfteenf page report reviews ili ac- tivities of the senàte and thre Foreign Relations commnxttee pertaining to the court, includes a discussion of the accepted jurisdictioti of the court, and f avorably recommends the ratifica- tion ofr thç thrce protocols with the attachlied larifying resolutions, but >tates lits pecif[c op)positioni to the _Moses .re>urv-atl(i. 'Tis reservation. Another (ef the 1110t involved qiues- tions conditioning possible action o)nthe court durifig this' sess1'ion is %vhethei- or not tht-- Senate Will go into -executive session ini order t4'otosider.the exec-- utive :calendar. 'On Decenibter Il the republicans aisked, that the ekecutive calendar be.takeri Up priniarily for the consideration of- the* presidential ap- pnintmnents. This request was refuised by the senate by a vote of' 44-37. In explanation of thig refusai spoKnsored by thé denît>er-at>s, Sénator Robinson, dm ocraticý leader., referred to a ximiilar refusai to approve deniocralic lame duek, aippolarmnents by thé republican senators in 1921. While no mention of the World Court was made during this proceeding It was generally knowni that. had theý exectiive calendaýr leen taken up, the pùotoco1)I (item .ntit ner one on it) would ha ve required .ont'action.i if only to be teinporarily W~< over. Refuslng to go.into an executivte sest-ion the Senate, cari consider exeeutive itemsý unly by urianimous consent. This they obtained i order tg) aecept thxe appoinît- d11nt (J uf Setary Chapiin, tand thiu th4Éy would have to 'obtain in order tg) takî- up the World Court protocuIs wvithout going into. an executive sessigin. This unanimojus consent obvlous1y ci)Ul not be obtained. Of course It would be pos- sible to vote at another tinié tg) go lut"e executive session, but thfi, %ould then miake it possible for the Pi-esidlent*.s ap- pointmierts to be consldered, wvhich the I)eocrtsare anxlous to avoid. At the first demnocratlc caucus ouf the session. eight measures were adop-)Ited for support during the short sesFion. Last obf thre eight ivas the. Worldj Court rumuWam.15 ARAND'$ TAILORS AND FURRIERS BROWN, BUILD ING LO1BUT 1159 WILMETTE AVENUR PHONIE WI.L. 18 I. i- Now fliy'r. Caliing ii E' PANTRY, tIi.Browu Buffiing. I.. ART. FURNITURE CO. we soIve Tour moth Problen wItb i338 LIINDEN- P h. Wil.403 &conumy Raid L auulry Ecomy Fiiiieh 10 lbs. $1.45 Shirt. Fiaished, Sce apli dg Radio shop EXPERT RADIO SERVICE 1 131 CENTRAL AVE. Phtone Wil. 81 SHAWNEETAIWORS FURRIERS RELINING AND ALTERA- TIONS DONE EY EXPERTS 3 'ELECTRIC PLACE 521 Phonme WiI. 2707 PH I ries. Iii the concluding reinrark, of the report is found the iollo\\ inig p>Il Brasser-t, 547 Rosivuiuad.,(1 statemient, '"Whether tihe question be Kenilworth. retuirned 'SunidaV 1f.,011 viewed selfishly or altruistically ouf u iaso oîna hr r n goverriment Qughit to give to tlic e ierwna astoi opratioe Hg i court thenmo ral support that w utild dnow et.*njoigthe: outodooois. iollow f- rom thie association uinmain- I(\'t . lt-ido taining it. iXVlliam M. Kinnev, 126 Ah)iingdo( n Not long after the opening of Con- g-ress' Decemnber 5, 1932, a drive AVas avenue. retuirwed to Kenlvorth i- tînideraken biv sônue of die fricinds o! dav from Xasingtoir and PijtUs ;- the court asking thre seiiate for ac- burghi. Pa.. whiereire visited his par- thaLtne recenL. etA~~i1iti.n ..........i tional debts wôuld haVe'. on the ac- ceptance of the protocols. Theri. there ig the pertinent question PHONE KENILWORTH 3532 J. A. WARD Ladies' Farrier and Taîlor For tho Month of Feb. dies' Sprlng Suits or Ceat lIored te 4o .der . ..... $ 5 0 Willnette Wllmette29 os 1 Phone Hxosie Made 1247 Phone- WILMÊTýitB -V- M, fIll r-ý "É lýlain

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