Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1933, p. 32

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The. personnel of the' conîtittee and stib-committees forthe Woman's Club Mart.,on Marcb .15, 16, and 17, are announced in part this week., Mrs. Clif ton b. Darling is chairman of the committeewhich includes, Mes- dames Frank Adams, John Barthole- mew. Harvey Bush, Henry Cutier, A.' A. Davison,,J. J. Downey. C. P. Dubbs,- -W. A. Durgin. C. A. Eldridge, Miss, Rehecca- Fitch, Mesdames Ernest. Free- man, A.H. Fuessie, A. L Fu* rJ Clark GÏape*,. A.« V. Gruhfi, A. E. Hall, IR. WV. Hebig, Paul Hoffnîan, Ralph "uf E1.'arl, G. 1.ow, J.- N. Macalister, E.Earl, Mffow, Haves MÀtcI<intiey, David Moreton, R. D. Qilar,- E. E. Orner, F. CG. Stecker, H. O. Von der HiR. A. \Vheelocfk,'A. J. Wood-, cock, F. L, Young, Max, W. Babel.. Stib-Coimmiittees Piiblity-3vf s. F. -G. Steker; Treasurer-Nlrs. David P. Moreton; Tables-Miss Rebecca Fitch; Advisory -Mrs. Hayes,. McKinney, Mrs. Max W. Zabel; Door-Mrs. WV. A. Durgin, Century of, Progress. Miss Rebecca Fitch, chairnian, Mrs. Charles Wýlachs'(, f Mrs. David Moreton:. chairman, fr.s. David Park Dr. Alice 0. 1being, Mrs., B., le Lewis, Mrs. C. P Berg, Mrs. Hayes McKinney. Solicitation-Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, chairinan, Mrs. Hayes McKinney, Mrs. N. P. Colwell, Mrs. R. E. P. Kline, Mrs. J. C. Maninerud, with Mrs. C. P. Berg assisting Mrs. McKinney. Mrs. Albert L. Grinnell aiding Mrs. Colwell, Mrs. H. E. Ringhiolm helping Mrs. Kline, and Mrs. W. A. Durgin assist- inuMevr,- M.2ntirmn ..l cago as the guide. X lustrate his lecture w ticon slides.. .vvaýýson will u- colored sterço p- Lecturer, teache r, fmuseum, director,. conductor: of European journeys, and é diter during bis varied and brilliant, career, M.Wtoneeds no introduc- tion to the Neighbors foir he.bas carried his variouns messages *on art,.and the enjoyme nt of it to, many. of, the leading organizations along -the north shore. Tuesday's, meeting* is uinder, the aus- pices of the art and' literature -départ- ment, of which Mrs. George.W. Vaught is chairman, and will be held at thé Kenilwvorth club. Mrs.. Leon B1. Allen,1 423 Cumnor road, Kenilwortli,,is host-1 e_;Ss. 1 On Tuesday, February 14, hors took part in dual cel( .*s Pî-csidcîzt of the iVo,,.al's 1i'of Wfilpiiette, Mrs. Arthur J. I )Lron ta/ces kren and active inter- cýsI in fli, intensive and varied plaoiy ilt/mat is goi ng on i .» and out of chl, c<ircles tiiese days in con- ncction w~ith the animual Mart ta bc' held threc days ne.rt minth as il bence it for thic. building, fund. .~meeting of the \Vvumette Gar- den club will be hield Friday, \,arcli 3, at thelhomne of Mrs. A. \W. ?eard, 100 Girard avenue, \Vilniette. The assistant hostesses are Mrs. T. E. McElroy, and Mrs. O . A. Sontag. Pauil Battey of Glencoe will bc the speaker of the afternoon. lie will give an illustrated talk on -Peonies and Iris". Mr. Battey is well-knowvn on the north shore. He lias been iii- le Neigli-, ration of. The presu.lent, past présidents,~â rId em-eritus menmbers of the Neighbors sat, at one long table on which was a huge hirthday cake with thirty-eight candles. The combined birthday and Valentine's day motif wvas carried out admirably in the cellophane and candie decorations of the smaller tables in the big assem- bly hall. inembers after the luncheon witha dra- mnat ic reading of one of ber owvn plays. At. the table withi Mrs. C. Howard Bent as president were two past presir- dents, 'Mrs. John Howard Jones and Mrs. Vibe K. Spicer. Birthday greetiugs were also received -f rom two former vresidents. Mrs.. Charles'T.Cha1dier. "Fairs' on Parade," a colorful bit of pageantry.exkpressing the vMd contraste bet *ween the Wortd's Coluinbian exposi- tion. in Chicago in 1893, and A Century of Progress exposition, of .1933, togetheir m-ith a dramatic sketch,' "At the: Sign of the Cleft, Heart": will constitute the programb for the, Woman's Catbolic Club of Wilnîette, friday afternon -of this week,, at 2 o'clock, at the Wom- an's Club auditorium._ The dramatic sketch will be given:by M-1iss Eulalia. Barker and Miss -M ary 1-lut nacher. The- program for tbe "Fairs on Pa- rade," which is given through the -cour- tesy of A Century of ýProgress Interna- tiohal Exposition of Chicago, will be in two episodes Time: 1894. After the World's fair. Place: Living rooni of forty yvears àago. The characters are Auintie, taken liy M rs. Harold Pulsifer, "Mrs. 1893"; I)orothy. by Miss Grace George, -Mi-s 1893"; Lucy , by Miss Dorothy .jones, Tinie: 1932. Before the Expo-sitio-n. Place: Living room of today. Characters: Mrs. H-arold Pulsifer, Hostesses for the occasion are Mrs. Michael Mannebach, Mrs. Edward Mc- Ardle. and Mrs. A. J. Wochiuski. Next Book Progiam at Woman's Club Wednesday l'le uext book Teview morning at the Womnan's Club of Wilmnette iu the irougi tne -cour mion galleries. rof thre, nue, wîth Mi ilug hostess. i(uttr- Ul Rogers rai meet Tuesday wifh ence C. Terry of E, a, 833 Chestnut ave- 1man of the group, re V,. S. Shaw as.assist- finished S'ewing for thi hospital be turned i. uests that ail Cook County ,.t1.is loanc Cliester

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