group of Spanish songs. The- festivity will tom mence 'witha- bridge luncheon. on February 24, at 12-30 o'clock, with a ýgay street fair with shop exhibits providing divertisse- ment. Hostesses. for the day are. Mrs. Ray Clark, Mrs. J. P. Haynes, Mrfs.,, Frank Fulton, and Mrs. George Stewart. The fiesta resumes again witb a tea dance for juniors on 'Saturday after- noon and continues ýon into the night. From 3 until'6, the youingçr set of the Vista del Lago and their friends miay dance and have tea. Mrs. R M. Nason is chairman, assisted..bY Lucille - Cutier Hall. A carnival dinner at 7 on Saturday night wyill be f ollowed.byganies, bridge, informai dancing, and interesting ex- bibits, in addition to Mrs. Martins dâ,nefrrg. Clarita Martin bas studied with the- fatnous Castillo Otero in Seville and is noted às a .Spanish dancer not only ini this country but in Spaini. She bas danced for many charitable affairs both in Spai and i the United States. In Seville a few seasons ago, site danced before the Infante Don Carlos, Italian Duke of Spoletto, and the Duke of Aiha.. Hosts and hostesses for the carni val Give Musicale and Tea for Legion Auxiliar -\I.r-. Orville G. Daily, president the auxiiary of Wilniette Post4 Amnerican Legion, Mrs. Sidney Ww den, first vice-president, and Mr Carl Peterson, second vice-presidei gave a formaI tea last Friday afte 'ilis ilifin if1ô! l ct1i4eMis Mary Mack of 1Wilp)utte becanic the bride of WilliaiHart Alger, Jr. of Highland Park in a cere- inontv perforuwed at the honte of the~ *brides parents, Mr. and ilrs. Charles R. Mlack, 707' Ce ntral ave- mue, thte Rev. Louis IV. Sher-iin of thIî'Presbyteria» chiirch, IIigq1- land Park, officiating. *antm wedding. breakfast toliowiïng .were att :jcd byv only the iiinmediate--fami- lies. ry "hc marriage service \va, read l)c- of ore the fireplace in the living roomi of, mhich was decorated vith wh~1ite stock, 46, fresias, and white sweet peas. Thé rs fireplace was banked uwith painis, ferns, rst, and smtilax as weIl as a large fiower --i piece of stock. sweet peas, and f resias. d'art possessed, by, irs. Denmis. Among the features of the program. will be the modeling. of the shawls by Miss Loretta ý% hitc of 'Kenilworth, re- cent representative of Northwestern in the Big, Tep, Beauty contest, and 'other' university girls.s. Mildred Dennis. Anderson wil mtodel the -white lace vding shawl, while Mrs. -Ralph Den- iius accomipanies with a, wedding. iaàréçh on the piano.. lu addition to titis, Miss- Elizabeth Sterbenz,, accompanied by Miss Jean MNcCoyv, will sing. appr-opriate« songs for the periods. represented by Mrs. Den- tus, collection', including Hindiu, Frenclh, Italian, and Scotch. N. S. Smith Alumnae Have Program Tuesday The Evanston-North Shore Smith club wilI hold its next regular fneet- ing on1 Tuesday, February 28, at 2:30 o clock in the afternoon at the home o-,f Miss Elizabeth Babcock, 566 Ash street, Winnietka. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Williami M. McMillan and Mfiss L. Elizabeth Wales. l'lie program will include the dis- cussion of "Soute Problems Met ini Training Children" by Dr. Margaret \V. Gerard onf the TJniversitv offChi- Reservations arc to be made by Mfonday, February 27, ivith Miss Babcock. Mrs. R. W. Wood of HJighi- land Park is corresponding. secretary "f the Evanston- North Shore Smith club and' Mrs. John R. Montgomery, oJ r.. of.Eanistoni is tregsurer. The evening will begin with dinner and will include a variety floor show during the dancing to f ollow. A buffet supper wili be served 'at niid-. night., Hank ,.Lishin's ,Columbia, Broadcasting orchestra, and among the. entertainers will be Sarah Ann McCabe, singer; the Adair twins and Evelyn Hoffmnan,' RKO star, in dancing acts, and Bob Lotz, miagician. A large party of, guests and mem-, bers will' include. Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Orcutt of Glenicoe, Mr.' and Mr. arry W. Mohs, Mr.,and Mrs., William McGibbon,ý Mr. and Mrs.. A. V. Haussander of Wilmette, and Mr. and.. %ts. Fred J. Stebbins of Kenill- worth. Miss Eleanor Grisamore of. Wilmette ill entertain a -party of friends. Dr. anid Mrs. Frederic C. Willis of Kenilworth, Mr. and -Mrs. F. W. Croîl, Jr., of Kenilworth,,and MIr. and Mrs. J. WV. Garretson of Winnet-ka .wil4 aiso attend the anit-- vcrsary celebration. Dana Hall Luncheori in Honor of Dorothy Waldo -Miss Dorothy Waldo, acting prin- cipal of the Dana Hall school in Wel- lesley, Mass., will be in Chicago to at- tend a lmxeheotr-given in her honor for ail Dana Hall alumnae at the W'omi- atn's Athletic club. of Chicago on- e. Delta Gamma Musicale T'le Evan ston -North Shore altimi- nae of Delta Gammna are. giving a musicale and tea at the Delta Gat- ma bouse in Evanston Satiirdlayý, February 25, at 2:30 o'clock. All Deta 'Gamnmas anmd their mnlthers are will be held for the beneit ot the wisfl to meet MïSS uorotny vv ldo, act- British Old People's home. The ing principal 'of tbe Dana Hall scbool chapter cordially invites Al who are ini Wellesley, Mass., and to learil more interested. abouxt the school. at tule Aragon., iser, 1004 Sheridlan road, ght guests at a formai last Friday before the University Charity bal B«a e Friendlg Hostess 'Mrs. Charles Horn, 418 Fifteenth street, will entertain the Babies Friendly society ai her home Thurs- day, March,2, for an ail-day meeting'.