OPEN SATURDAY et 7441ELM STREET, WINNETKA rît.the end ef Limi-ou A venue Under the Management o1 FLORENCE.M.. BEACH. an'd ELM:ER L. CGElIL r 0 ChGils witt hav chargedofthécanidl meaking, so you know. if wilt b. of ex cellent quality ànd doticaous flavor 60c a poufl( Coîme in Saturda*fr a rrn . y The Wilmette -Girl Scout Leaders# association will mecet. Tuesday night, February 28, at 7:30 o'clock in: the 'Girl Scout oom ut- of the Miethodist church. . t is -hoped that every cap- tain and lieutenant ini Wilmnette wvili. be present to. enjoy another of thes.e ingpiringg mèetiflgs. TRA.INING,,COGURSE A course in "First 1Ciass XVork", for- leaders and a "ýTroop Commrittee Members Course" have just been ýcompleted. "Members of both.groups have asked for, a course ini tenderfoot. and second class work.. If there is sufficient demand, a general course* will therefore be given -in the near future. Al girls, leaders, counciland comrnittee members who know> of an1Y prospective leaders whio might be in- teres,,O4in l suchI a course are asked to notify the office. TROOP 1 Troop 1 began the study of the - orld Knowledge badge at its meet- ing last week. The country to. be studied ini detail first is England. Lt is expected that it wvill, take several weeks to cover the material required in this badge. Interesting informa- tion regarding folk songs and gamnes iVlur I 7 ÀuA i.A aKi<4L And it's nxany things- they are do- ing, for theyare- as active and as cheery as the merry cardinals which these ,past. feîvwarm ..days lhave brouglbt back to Wilmette trees... Isabel Haskins, scribe.for Troop I., reports as follows: ý"The entire meet- ing Thursday, February. 16, was spent on the W\OrlKniowledge badge-. Re- ports werc given on various coun- tries-thelir. conîposers, artists, .cuS- tomns, etc. The girls present were di- vîdecl into, g rcups, each of - whicl se- lected sore, c ountry on which. to %work fora project. A different.badge is %worked 0o1 and,,studied each week. Thec girls in Troop 1. have been u itC negligent, in the matter of uni.iornis. Let's îýry 10 improve 1our record.- If you have a uniform-wear it! Uni- fornis cati be purchiased at a greatly reduced rait, and intterial and ac- Icessories for inaking themn cati bc ob- itained for. a very reasonable amounti. Further information may be secured froin Capt. Lillie Mac Humphries. or -lient. Nlartlha Pennington. Hold Investiture Ceremony Nlarjoric Wood, scribe for Troop 14. tells of an investiture cerernony at .i\whiçh four neîv scouts received their ; enderloot pins, and became members > of the trooD: "'Ne aIl formed in a k4Ai . IYou LmKuE Then C'mon ang Demon st rati on> d See.'Im Made! AlThis Week Bring If You Into a ing on Hostes badgeTh stse had arranged a commiittee on decor- ations, entertainiment, r-ifreshments and "clean-ýup" and the entire party was in their hauîds. Every gamne played had soniething to do with "hearts' as of course ail real Val- entine parties should. During the leors f the afternoon. a lovelv the four newv scouts 10 be, invested.; After investiture, they pledged al- legiance to the flag, and said the scout promise, officially, f or the *first, timie. Tlhe scouts were welconîed int the troop .%ith a salute, and candies wvere blovn out." Troop Il is the newest troop to,--b welcorned to1the1W ilmette scout ranks. The girls mieet on Wednes.- lig-Sait Pu.-zles-Ffrst Ploor WIEBOLUT'S-EVANSTON Ont Davis Steef Wilmette.I 119O The "Ti nker Bell" pack was nmost Washington; as their guests they enthusiastic over littie "Heart Bas- *will. invite the members of Troop '5, kets" last week. Such fun as, they and invitations have already ýgone had . makI ing them, and how happy -forth to, the laeýky guests. The troop they we 1ré ho takIe th em.home to has also, begue -a, nature .quest'in miother. preparation, for spring., S?2 22< jýý