Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1933, p. 12

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of. Lincol1n's Life One of t-be -most int-resting things at the Century of. Progress expoqsition is t-be Lncoln groilp. t is next t-o Fort- Dearborii and separat-ed' by a f ence. As you corne ni t-be gatethere 1a walk wbich leads t-o the right-.. By the walk there is a small cabin. It bas no floor and. is, made, of ,lo gs. There is, afieplace iVit-hot-t a chiMney. hole in t-be roof allows t-be smoke t-o. escape. This is a replica of the cabin wbere Lincoln was born. Next. cornes t-he cabin 'vhereUlihco1t was. brought- up. It is a great iniprove- * nient on the first- cabin. . It bas a floor and a cbiminey. Then cornes 't-e genl- eral store wherc, Lncoln and anOther boy were pàrt-ners. The inn w'ere Lhicoln was noninat-- rd for president is ast- and it- was not- completed wvhen 1 was there. At- one end is a replica of t-be parlor of Lin- coln's bomne in Washbingt-on. 1 amn sure cveryonie who bias- not- seen t-be Lincoln group will be very interested in 'tlis exhihit.-Ehizabet-h Hoesli, St-olp 2B.. Fourth Grade at Logan> Many E vents Feature Ice Skating GarnivaI Saturday, Febr&uary 11, t-he ice skat- ing carnival was; held at the Village Green.. :rhe races werc 220-yard dasb for girls under 12 years, 220-yard forý boys under. 12, 220-yard for girls 12 years, old, >220-yard for boys 12,, 220- yard for girls 13,. 220-yard. for -boys 1 3, 440-yard for girls 14 aiîdý 15, 440- yard for boys 14'and 15,'unknown. dis- tance race for girls anîd boys 12 and 13 Who bad flotplacediii a previous race, 880-yard dash for,,girls 16 and over,ý one-haif mile for Wilmfette boys 15 ýand over. onîe mile open race- for men and boys (Golden Skates derby),, apb. two-mile open f or men. and boys. -Drothy Davis, HowardSA. Pupils in Howard 6C Guests at 6B Meeting Pu.pils in llomard 6B invited 6C to. joi them in their club meeting because t-bey were goifxg to have guést- speakers. 'Ne went- to 6B3 and tbey hiad t-he busi- ness part of their meceting first. Then t-be program -wa's held. Bob Henderson was t-he first speaker. He talked about court-esy in thbe hall.. The second speak- er was supposed t-o be Mr. Todd but hie cotldt- get there. Then there was a lit-tle re-enact-ing of Ed \Vynn. Bruce Carlson took the part of the -announcer. On February 14, 2C gave a- Lincoln program including stories by Marion Mott-schall, Charles Ripley, Barbara' Ann Thomson and Lorene Buzan. Fa- mous Lincoln sayings were given byr Marjorie Kraft-., and short. dramat-iza- tions - *by John Gleason, ' Richard Shapiro, Fred. Dreibus,' Orson Towle and Jack Norris. ýThe -main part of the prog'ram wvas a drainatizatioli bring- ing out- the mnain. points in Lincoln's if ti. Jim -Lamb tok th e part of Uncle Sami and GeralIdine Kempuiich t-ook t-be part- of Columbia; Oth,'er children.took] the roles. of the dat-es represent-îng oc-i currences in Lincoln's 1'f e. -,Fredý Dreibus. St-olp 2C., "Knave of i-iarts" Iiu dramat-ics we. are working on a play cahled "The Knave of ýHeart-s" 'N are going t-o present- it- Fr.iday. The cliaracters are as fo Lws ady Výiolet-.Janice ,Vanlnwagen, 'Rinig, *Dick- Haas; Chandler, BobSpiegeiiiatn- er:,!Knave, Bob Anderson; Blue Hoes, ,Williamn Hayt; Yellow Hoes, Bob 'Mat- thews; ladies-in-wait-ing, Louise Mer - ning~ Janice Yeoman, Mary ,Anie Crawvford, FËrantces Habeck and J anct. Colvin:; Lady Ursuila.1 Lois Kunze- mian; 'guards, Jh ednand.Richard Ta-ylor ; pages, Virginia Daîstroni, Lo i- is eyer,: Lorene Richards, Arfiine. Lipscb and Lsie Mat-son. Value f ThisArticl ri ly hope t-bat- it turn< >out : VaueofThs ricé ightJnt Colvin, Howard 71.' Depends Upon Weather,--- Copie .,on, everybody., Cet out your iTer Girls in Gymn Ç1ass ice sk 1ates.. AÏ ter the st.orm that took place TuésdaN, February 7, the Howard( Achieve Perfect Record pond lias heen flooded and the races, Mrs. BaIl,- the Stolp gyninasiiumi t-bat- lave lîad t-o be caled off several teacher, bas announiced t-bat there are t-mies. were bield February IL. The! only ten girls in, t-be St-olp sclîool wvho ice looked like glass and« it ivas lot-s have ad a perfect record iii gynimastic of f uin. If-N ou get- cold ice skatingf vork. This inicludes being. preseýnt' at just- go iii the wariiug bouse and get- al gym essons iin uniforn and not bc- warnied .'up. Tl'le'skating is free as ing excused frornt-be class at. any ie long as yoiu have skates, s0 coieoul,'-The followiîîg is a list of t-le t-en girl,: and take' advantage of t-be weather.- -MdlieZeil, Lois Rosen, \,irgii Marjati Goode, Howard 7Bý i Sommners, Alice Pearson, Dorothiy Fa- ____________________1 - 11- 1- 1 ,.... T......a. Di J.-. *big box, drihhed a bole at-the top anud t-be bottom, and put- a pole.through t-be h oles. one at- the top -and t-be ot-ber at t-be bottomn.- A boy or girl will 1 sit- in t-be box and tell - about tlie pict-ures while another person turns arotind t-be pole. t is'lot-s of fu.-Boh)by Dodds, Logan 4thî -grade.- AB .1 Is Unable to Mar 'l'le Bron . Solp sseblyclubui Now Studies Germany bed itsregular' meeting at Il o'clock! Perfection Is Objective Ini social science t-be Stolp sevent-li Tesday niornixîg. February 14. m7ce grades have finishied- t-e st-udy of elected. the following officers: president,!i of Pupils in Stolp 2C France and are h ali-way done with Edwvard I'Ie-ss; vice-presiderît, .130) Th oi f St-olp 2C are strivinlg Germaiîy. Nhile workinîg it-h France Drake; secretary. Philip..Rogers, a.. iarect plll rcodpS '1 we learned rnany thîngs of int-erest-. treasurer, David Geppert. Folowîng w e have tuit achieved t-bis honor lbut France used t-o be rnainly an agricul- t-bat-, Miss Cbasc's roorný 2C, gave a we hope to the t-ird quarter. Inu the tural counitry. In t-be last one hundred Lincolnî prograrn. AIl thbe' members offirs quarter. we bad t-wenty-thrce years, it bias changed frorn a land of the room' took part. -jean Spanut-h, lsefraeagsant-omue. farms t-o a count-ry of' industrialishi. St-olp 2C. ,, __ lîe sefoquater e ae tw iiet WRITE OF ROBIN HOOD Miss Davis told t-be story of Robin CAGE TEAMS CLAS. Hood and we were supposed t-o Nvrit-e The fifth-grade basket-ball t-e; one of t-be chapters in our own rooms. play Friday afternoon. The I t-o d how Robin Hood got- the golden are: 5B-1, Billy Dodds; 5B-2,ý arr'ow and bow lie payed tricks t-o get Berringer; SB-3, Robert- Cede it.-Dick Cochran, Howard,'SA.-. Frederick' Witt, Howard MB, Il ams wil captains erberg.- A i candy and not (log sale was gîven__________ in order t-o raise money for letters by t-le girls of t-be eight-h grade at St-olp. TEACHEft 15 ILL. The sale' was given at- 10:20 o'clock, Mrs. Jones, t-be teacher of 8A. is Wednesday morîîiîg, February 15. It- ill. Mr. Todd said it- was t-hôugbt- t-at- was enjoyed by everyone becaus ofit-be she had t-be flu. The 8A pupils hope good candy and bot'dogs.- Dorothiyt-bat- she will be weIl and back t-o sebool St-arkel, St-olp 2C; Soon.-Dorothy Eisher, Howard 8A.

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