Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 4

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tnony plan,. which, she said, ivas started approximnately a year ago by Civic-niinded residents. "The plan is simple in conceptioni,"I Mrs. .,Freeniiain ,stated. '1t begins- by having -two persons called. Tbese two select a third person-ai d thus the cal! comnîiiittee is formed . This conimittee conta cts ,the- village c 1îýc organizations ýand calIs ,on1 each of them .to furnish two memnbers for, the Creativecommiittee. "The Cail- committee then incets with. the Creative commnittee for dis- cussion., The. Cal! cominittee retires, and1 the Creative cominittee selects zuembers of the Harmony convention. Then the Creative, comnittee retires., "Thé. Harmony convention is con - stituted of fi fty-two persons, four having been chosçen ,f roin ,eacli of. thirteen precincts in the village.*' Spend No Mauey Ii concluding bier outdine, Mrs. Freenian broîgbittuhe situîation tup to tions were to be suggested to the. \Vlmette Perpetual Harmiony con- vention that nighit (Fridav) ; that tie convention iras to ponder the noniun- ations tbe following M~onday (Feb- ruary 13), and that nio olutlaiy of Dients for the iebruary caucus, air- rangements for petitions on candi- .dates, vacancies,. and finances (at present there isa, balanice:of $60.1in. the caucus treasuiry and the operating expenses of the caucus tbis yearwll be approximately $30). The sub-comrnittee on candidates gets together and canvasses 'the situ- ation, making a list of first cboicesý and, tben putting two or tbree other names on the list of alternates. --The' chairman- calîs the Cauciis comfmittee of. twenty-fisve together a second time. At 'tbis'seconid meetingj tbe chairman bears:tbe report On the» candidates. Before the annual caucus,"tta be hedtbis, year on TbursdWy, Febru- ary 23) the chiairmnan of* the commiiit- tee of tweiity-fi%-e selects a commnit- te of te4i. 'Élie,-e ten, nite of whoin cati be mienibers of the comnîiiittee of, twenty-five. are to select twenit- five' naines 'of persons to act as the coni- nuittee oftnvf ini the succeed_ ing year (1934).'l'lie coinirittee of tein presents its sicections -for the 1934 Caucus conîîniittee to thèe an- iiilcauicus Thursdav. Vebruarv 1f 231). l Provides Continuityie The \\'innietka Village Cauicuis lanlý George C. Blakesl'ee, staff photo g- rapher of the Verkes. Observatorx of.-Iïé Uiîeéfsity of Chicaqjo zw71 give ait illustra ted lecture bef arc thse Wilrnette SuFiday Ez,,'ning( club.. His sub ject z'iIl be "La etc,'w Pro., tihe Stars." Mr. Blakeslee',s lecture is de>cribedi as "up-to-date, accurate, but not tech- nical, and given witb a ivealth ùof anecdote and tbe ease of a ready speak- er." The lecture is ilhistraîted vi.tb the finest lantérn slides of the observa- *gowns and light wraps. Quickly the revue passed eager eyed -guests seated at tables filling. the large auditorium of tbe Woman's club. Even into :the bal- cony the, representative gathering' ot niembers of the younger set and of the older f ound their Way to -view the fash- ion show. Theoccasion was the annual pbilantbropy bridge tea, and style 're- vue sponsored by the junior aukiliary of the Woman's Club .of . Wilmctt.e. The generosity of those who donated tà the event bas made it possible, the auxiliary lias announced, to give1 practical-ly the entire**proceeds. derived, from the ýsale. of tickets.to local charities, FI@wers Lend Color Huge baskets. of spring fiowers and ferns melted their fragrance-and color into the background of the boudoir artistic and appealingly femînine ini its Spring flowers stood on the windlow ledges. L.arge red hearts marked each table with its number, annouinced the I jrogram_.the donators, and the cou r- tesiesi extended. Valentine tallies an([. fragrant sac-hets given as prizes added to'ýthe note of cbarm:. Coffee, and deli- ci ous little Valentinie cakes and candies further suiggested the season of the year. Welcomes ICuesta Mis, Mary Mach-, president of the l ion of the plan. ied Judge Charles M. re starting lus exposi- nniietka Village Cauculs . Thîe Vinetka -Village caucuis bai its beginniing more than tweintýyvyars ago," Judge Thionisoni remisce(l. I lle purpose wvas to take thie*:oc ot\ illag.. otfficiaIs out of politicS.. fl1'at Catncus plan was rathier plan. The WVilmnette Perpettual Har scope and the latest. our sun 'and, Preceçling the fashion show and aft'èr 111o11VconVention tîiis year proposes b thef.amilv . at dsublpotsears tthe gaine of bridge Miss Mack aii- 'to ininate a candidate for Village .1 tene lae . .dubestr nuced the speaker wbo gave a short p1resident. o)ne for Village treastirer. and speeding sins. thousands of talk on "M,ake-up" illustrated with a three for Village truste es:. onee for Po- srcutr eua u a-demiorstration. When the revue Nvas lice inagisrate, and tw o for nienibers câ~li cloids . .. the center ot the cnided 'Miss 'Mack also introduced to (if the Lîbrary board. liniverse. the assemblage the co-chairmen of the ___________________________ i affair. 'Miss Dorothy Hall and Mrs. Annonce erm n Th11hGcorge Hannah. Jr. Music supplemnented A nuc Sem nT enie huparade of, indels. atN.t a Iler1ilted4s. ** - . . .1a ýL'ýc M ti -1U *i Crest, the building is pretty Weil Thie Caucus comrnittee adopts a fille<l. and largelv by old tinie resi- *Thirty platformn. l'ie candidates chosen by dents, of the north shore, a number trôops IN the caucus agree to carry out the of familles having rented t'beir homes Girl Sc( platfornm. and nioved into apiartnients. The last Satu The annual cau cus, open to ail .tiie building also appears to be popular had ref i residients of W\'innetka.i is to mieet wvith newlyweds. scbool.. clq c a .sila&tj i. Aftcr the tide the ments at th- Joseph orti 'gave a vaientine party iast Saturcîaride for twenty-four young people. Hçer -i rl s guests were miostly scbool friends ars 'from the eighth grade of- Byron stolp. t i

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